SDS-2.2, Scalable Data Science

Archived YouTube video of this live unedited lab-lecture:

Archived YouTube video of this live unedited lab-lecture

Power Forecasting

Student Project

by Gustav Björdal, Mahmoud Shepero and Dennis van der Meer

Directory structure on databricks

To setup notebook with consistent file paths, create a folder in the scalable-data-science directory called streaming-forecast and place all notebooks under scalable-data-science/streaming-forecast/.

To run a notebook called NotebookA placed in our folder from another notebook, use the following command: %run scalable-data-science/streaming-forecast/NotebookA


The data used in this project comes from JSON files with the following structure:

  "ID": "A1157_AS3",
  "timeStamp": "2017-05-18T09:59:58.3940000",
  "DataList": {
    "WXT530": {
      "DN": "182.0",
      "DM": "182.0",
      "DX": "182.0",
      "SN": "4.7",
      "SM": "4.7",
      "SX": "4.7",
      "GT3U": "15.7",
      "GT41": "2.0",
      "GM41": "80.5",
      "GP41": "1010.3",
      "RC": "52.27",
      "RD": "0.0",
      "RI": "0.0",
      "HC": "0.0",
      "HD": "0.0",
      "HI": "0.0",
      "RP": "0.0",
      "HP": "0.0"
    "IO": {
      "AI1": "1904",
      "AI2": "2491",
      "AI3": "15000",
      "AI4": "15000",
      "AI5": "15000",
      "AI6": "15000",
      "AI7": "15000",
      "AI8": "15000",
      "GT41_MV": "1904",
      "GT42_MV": "2490",
      "GT43_MV": "15000",
      "GT44_MV": "15000",
      "GT45_MV": "15000",
      "GT46_MV": "15000",
      "GT47_MV": "15000",
      "GT48_MV": "15000"
    "ClusterControl": {
      "V1_IT": "TRUE",
      "V1_P": "7.639001",
      "V1_P1": "2537.0",
      "V1_P2": "2547.0",
      "V1_P3": "2555.0",
      "V1_U1_L1_N": "23289.0",
      "V1_U2_L2_N": "23304.0",
      "V1_U3_L3_N": "23341.0",
      "V1_U1_L1_L2": "131070.0",
      "V1_U2_L2_L3": "131070.0",
      "V1_U3_L3_L1": "131070.0",
      "V1_I1": "10898.0",
      "V1_I2": "10935.0",
      "V1_I3": "10946.0",
      "V1_Yield_Wh": "39266.0",
      "V1_Yield_kWh": "33658.0",
      "V1_Yield_MWh": "33.0",
      "V1_YieldDay_Wh": "15810.0",
      "V1_YieldDay_kWh": "15.0",
      "V1_PV": "131070.0",
      "V1_HZ": "4994.0",
      "V2_IT": "TRUE",
      "V2_P": "7.665001",
      "V2_P1": "2543.0",
      "V2_P2": "2551.0",
      "V2_P3": "2571.0",
      "V2_U1_L1_N": "23304.0",
      "V2_U2_L2_N": "23346.0",
      "V2_U3_L3_N": "23366.0",
      "V2_U1_L1_L2": "131070.0",
      "V2_U2_L2_L3": "131070.0",
      "V2_U3_L3_L1": "131070.0",
      "V2_I1": "10917.0",
      "V2_I2": "10931.0",
      "V2_I3": "11001.0",
      "V2_Yield_Wh": "18065.0",
      "V2_Yield_kWh": "34096.0",
      "V2_Yield_MWh": "34.0",
      "V2_YieldDay_Wh": "15770.0",
      "V2_YieldDay_kWh": "15.0",
      "V2_PV": "131070.0",
      "V2_HZ": "4994.0",
      "V3_IT": "TRUE",
      "V3_P": "1.756",
      "V3_P1": "587.0",
      "V3_P2": "585.0",
      "V3_P3": "584.0",
      "V3_U1_L1_N": "23268.0",
      "V3_U2_L2_N": "23265.0",
      "V3_U3_L3_N": "23311.0",
      "V3_U1_L1_L2": "131070.0",
      "V3_U2_L2_L3": "131070.0",
      "V3_U3_L3_L1": "131070.0",
      "V3_I1": "2525.0",
      "V3_I2": "2518.0",
      "V3_I3": "2509.0",
      "V3_Yield_Wh": "57140.0",
      "V3_Yield_kWh": "7659.0",
      "V3_Yield_MWh": "7.0",
      "V3_YieldDay_Wh": "3680.0",
      "V3_YieldDay_kWh": "3.0",
      "V3_PV": "131070.0",
      "V3_HZ": "4994.0"
    "MX41": {
      "I1": "24.75",
      "I2": "24.73637",
      "I3": "24.94774",
      "U1_U2": "405.5996",
      "U2_U3": "403.0921",
      "U3_U1": "402.1868",
      "U1_N": "#NaN",
      "U2_N": "#NaN",
      "U3_N": "#NaN",
      "P1": "#NaN",
      "P2": "#NaN",
      "P3": "#NaN",
      "P": "17.25",
      "PVAR": "0.4296875",
      "PVA": "17.25",
      "PFA": "0.9960938",
      "HZ": "49.75",
      "WHAI": "9.289301",
      "WHAE": "381.856",
      "VARHI": "224.013",
      "VARHE": "10462.336",
      "WHPAI": "381.2576",
      "WHPAE": "163.013",
      "WHAEI1": "163.013",
      "WHAEI2": "164.009",
      "WHAEI3": "164.044",
      "WHRA": "0.0",
      "WHRB": "0.0",
      "WHRC": "0.0",
      "WHRD": "0.0"
    "Alarm": {
      "BATT_L": "FALSE",
      "PLC_WD": "FALSE",
      "MX41_LC": "FALSE",
      "GW3U_LC": "FALSE",
      "CCtrl_LC": "FALSE",
      "CCtrl_V1_L": "FALSE",
      "CCtrl_V1_LM": "FALSE",
      "CCtrl_V2_L": "FALSE",
      "CCtrl_V2_LM": "FALSE",
      "CCtrl_V3_L": "FALSE",
      "CCtrl_V3_LM": "FALSE",
      "BATT_L_ACK": "FALSE",
      "MX41_LC_FL": "0",
      "GW3U_LC_FL": "0",
      "CCtrl_LC_FL": "0",
      "CCtrl_V1_L_FL": "0",
      "CCtrl_V2_L_FL": "0",
      "CCtrl_V3_L_FL": "0"
  "EventProcessedUtcTime": "2017-05-18T08:00:01.4401635Z",
  "PartitionId": 1,
  "EventEnqueuedUtcTime": "2017-05-18T08:00:02.2980000Z",
  "IoTHub": {
    "MessageId": null,
    "CorrelationId": null,
    "ConnectionDeviceId": "MqttBridge",
    "ConnectionDeviceGenerationId": "636287305803981633",
    "EnqueuedTime": "2017-05-18T08:00:02.6060000Z"

From this we only need a few fields, so heres how to clean up the data.

How to clean up the data

The cleanup is performed by the JSON tool (\#INSTALL-PROJECT-BUGS) for node.js (

Clean a single file

After installing node.js and JSON use the following command to clean up a datafile:

cat <filename> | json -ga -e 'delete this.IoTHub;
delete this.PartitionId;
delete this.EventEnqueuedUtcTime;
delete this.EventProcessedUtcTime;
delete this.DataList.ClusterControl;
delete this.DataList.IO;
delete this.DataList.Alarm;
this.tmp = this.DataList.MX41.P;
delete this.DataList.MX41;
this.DataList.MX41 = {};
this.DataList.MX41.P = this.tmp;
delete this.tmp;
delete this.DataList.WXT530.DM;
delete this.DataList.WXT530.DX;
delete this.DataList.WXT530.SM;
delete this.DataList.WXT530.SX;
delete this.DataList.WXT530.GT41;
delete this.DataList.WXT530.HC;
delete this.DataList.WXT530.HD;
delete this.DataList.WXT530.HI;
delete this.DataList.WXT530.RP;
delete this.DataList.WXT530.HP;
delete this.ID' -0

Cleaning multiple files is different folders

Assuming we have the following filestructure:

└─── folder1
│   │   file011.txt
│   │   file012.txt
│   │   ...
└─── folder2
|   │   file021.txt
|   │   file022.txt

Use the following command while in the datafiles directory to clean generate one clean output file with all the data: bash cat */*.json | json -ga -e 'delete this.IoTHub; delete this.PartitionId; delete this.EventEnqueuedUtcTime; delete this.EventProcessedUtcTime; delete this.DataList.ClusterControl; delete this.DataList.IO; delete this.DataList.Alarm; this.tmp = this.DataList.MX41.P; delete this.DataList.MX41; this.DataList.MX41 = {}; this.DataList.MX41.P = this.tmp; delete this.tmp; delete this.DataList.WXT530.DM; delete this.DataList.WXT530.DX; delete this.DataList.WXT530.SM; delete this.DataList.WXT530.SX; delete this.DataList.WXT530.GT41; delete this.DataList.WXT530.HC; delete this.DataList.WXT530.HD; delete this.DataList.WXT530.HI; delete this.DataList.WXT530.RP; delete this.DataList.WXT530.HP; delete this.ID' -0 > clean_data.json