SDS-2.2, Scalable Data Science

Archived YouTube video of this live unedited lab-lecture:

Archived YouTube video of this live unedited lab-lecture Archived YouTube video of this live unedited lab-lecture Archived YouTube video of this live unedited lab-lecture Archived YouTube video of this live unedited lab-lecture

Topic Modeling of Movie Dialogs with Latent Dirichlet Allocation

Let us cluster the conversations from different movies!

This notebook will provide a brief algorithm summary, links for further reading, and an example of how to use LDA for Topic Modeling.

not tested in Spark 2.2 yet (see 034 notebook for syntactic issues, if any)

Algorithm Summary

Readings for LDA

Also read the methodological and more formal papers cited in the above links if you want to know more.

Let's get a bird's eye view of LDA from next.

  • See pictures (hopefully you read the paper last night!)
  • Algorithm of the generative model (this is unsupervised clustering)
  • For a careful introduction to the topic see Section 27.3 and 27.4 (pages 950-970) pf Murphy's Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective, MIT Press, 2012.
  • We will be quite application focussed or applied here!

Probabilistic Topic Modeling Example

This is an outline of our Topic Modeling workflow. Feel free to jump to any subtopic to find out more.

  • Step 0. Dataset Review
  • Step 1. Downloading and Loading Data into DBFS
    • (Step 1. only needs to be done once per shard - see details at the end of the notebook for Step 1.)
  • Step 2. Loading the Data and Data Cleaning
  • Step 3. Text Tokenization
  • Step 4. Remove Stopwords
  • Step 5. Vector of Token Counts
  • Step 6. Create LDA model with Online Variational Bayes
  • Step 7. Review Topics
  • Step 8. Model Tuning - Refilter Stopwords
  • Step 9. Create LDA model with Expectation Maximization
  • Step 10. Visualize Results

Step 0. Dataset Review

In this example, we will use the Cornell Movie Dialogs Corpus.

Here is the README.txt:

Cornell Movie-Dialogs Corpus

Distributed together with:

"Chameleons in imagined conversations: A new approach to understanding coordination of linguistic style in dialogs" Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil and Lillian Lee Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics, ACL 2011.

(this paper is included in this zip file)

NOTE: If you have results to report on these corpora, please send email to [email protected] or [email protected] so we can add you to our list of people using this data. Thanks!

Contents of this README:

    A) Brief description
    B) Files description
    C) Details on the collection procedure
    D) Contact

A) Brief description:

This corpus contains a metadata-rich collection of fictional conversations extracted from raw movie scripts:

  • 220,579 conversational exchanges between 10,292 pairs of movie characters
  • involves 9,035 characters from 617 movies
  • in total 304,713 utterances
  • movie metadata included:
    • genres
    • release year
    • IMDB rating
    • number of IMDB votes
    • IMDB rating
  • character metadata included:
    • gender (for 3,774 characters)
    • position on movie credits (3,321 characters)

B) Files description:

In all files the field separator is " +++$+++ "

  • movietitlesmetadata.txt

    • contains information about each movie title
    • fields:
    • movieID,
    • movie title,
    • movie year,
    • IMDB rating,
    • no. IMDB votes,
    • genres in the format ['genre1','genre2',...,'genreN']
  • moviecharactersmetadata.txt

    • contains information about each movie character
    • fields:
    • characterID
    • character name
    • movieID
    • movie title
    • gender ("?" for unlabeled cases)
    • position in credits ("?" for unlabeled cases)
  • movie_lines.txt

    • contains the actual text of each utterance
    • fields:
    • lineID
    • characterID (who uttered this phrase)
    • movieID
    • character name
    • text of the utterance
  • movie*conversations.txt

    • the structure of the conversations
    • fields
    • characterID of the first character involved in the conversation
    • characterID of the second character involved in the conversation
    • movieID of the movie in which the conversation occurred
    • list of the utterances that make the conversation, in chronological order: ['lineID1','lineID2',...,'lineIDN'] has to be matched with movie*lines.txt to reconstruct the actual content
  • rawscripturls.txt

    • the urls from which the raw sources were retrieved

C) Details on the collection procedure:

We started from raw publicly available movie scripts (sources acknowledged in rawscripturls.txt). In order to collect the metadata necessary for this study and to distinguish between two script versions of the same movie, we automatically matched each script with an entry in movie database provided by IMDB (The Internet Movie Database; data interfaces available at Some amount of manual correction was also involved. When more than one movie with the same title was found in IMBD, the match was made with the most popular title (the one that received most IMDB votes)

After discarding all movies that could not be matched or that had less than 5 IMDB votes, we were left with 617 unique titles with metadata including genre, release year, IMDB rating and no. of IMDB votes and cast distribution. We then identified the pairs of characters that interact and separated their conversations automatically using simple data processing heuristics. After discarding all pairs that exchanged less than 5 conversational exchanges there were 10,292 left, exchanging 220,579 conversational exchanges (304,713 utterances). After automatically matching the names of the 9,035 involved characters to the list of cast distribution, we used the gender of each interpreting actor to infer the fictional gender of a subset of 3,321 movie characters (we raised the number of gendered 3,774 characters through manual annotation). Similarly, we collected the end credit position of a subset of 3,321 characters as a proxy for their status.

D) Contact:

Please email any questions to: [email protected] (Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil)

Step 2. Loading the Data and Data Cleaning

We have already used the wget command to download the file, and put it in our distributed file system (this process takes about 1 minute). To repeat these steps or to download data from another source follow the steps at the bottom of this worksheet on Step 1. Downloading and Loading Data into DBFS.

Let's make sure these files are in dbfs now:

// this is where the data resides in dbfs (see below to download it first, if you go to a new shard!)
path name size
dbfs:/datasets/sds/nlp/cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus/README.txt README.txt 4181.0
dbfs:/datasets/sds/nlp/cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus/movie_characters_metadata.txt movie_characters_metadata.txt 705695.0
dbfs:/datasets/sds/nlp/cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus/movie_conversations.txt movie_conversations.txt 6760930.0
dbfs:/datasets/sds/nlp/cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus/movie_lines.txt movie_lines.txt 3.4641919e7
dbfs:/datasets/sds/nlp/cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus/movie_titles_metadata.txt movie_titles_metadata.txt 67289.0
dbfs:/datasets/sds/nlp/cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus/raw_script_urls.txt raw_script_urls.txt 56177.0

Conversations Data

// Load text file, leave out file paths, convert all strings to lowercase
val conversationsRaw = sc.textFile("dbfs:/datasets/sds/nlp/cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus/movie_conversations.txt").zipWithIndex()
conversationsRaw: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, Long)] = ZippedWithIndexRDD[50] at zipWithIndex at <console>:33

Review first 5 lines to get a sense for the data format. // the first five Strings in the RDD
(u999 +++$+++ u1006 +++$+++ m65 +++$+++ ['L227588', 'L227589', 'L227590', 'L227591', 'L227592', 'L227593', 'L227594', 'L227595', 'L227596'],8954)
(u998 +++$+++ u1005 +++$+++ m65 +++$+++ ['L228159', 'L228160'],8952)
(u998 +++$+++ u1005 +++$+++ m65 +++$+++ ['L228157', 'L228158'],8951)
(u998 +++$+++ u1005 +++$+++ m65 +++$+++ ['L228130', 'L228131'],8950)
(u998 +++$+++ u1005 +++$+++ m65 +++$+++ ['L228127', 'L228128', 'L228129'],8949)
conversationsRaw.count // there are over 83,000 conversations in total
res0: Long = 83097
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}

val regexConversation = """\s*(\w+)\s+(\+{3}\$\+{3})\s*(\w+)\s+(\2)\s*(\w+)\s+(\2)\s*(\[.*\]\s*$)""".r

case class conversationLine(a: String, b: String, c: String, d: String)

val conversationsRaw = sc.textFile("dbfs:/datasets/sds/nlp/cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus/movie_conversations.txt")
  .map(x => 
            val id:Long = x._2
            val line = x._1
            val pLine = regexConversation.findFirstMatchIn(line)
                               .map(m => conversationLine(,,, 
                                  match {
                                    case Some(l) => Success(l)
                                    case None => Failure(new Exception(s"Non matching input: $line"))
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
regexConversation: scala.util.matching.Regex = \s*(\w+)\s+(\+{3}\$\+{3})\s*(\w+)\s+(\2)\s*(\w+)\s+(\2)\s*(\[.*\]\s*$)
defined class conversationLine
conversationsRaw: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Long, Product with Serializable with scala.util.Try[conversationLine])] = MapPartitionsRDD[57] at map at <console>:40
conversationsRaw.filter(x => x._2.isSuccess).count()
res1: Long = 83097
conversationsRaw.filter(x => x._2.isFailure).count()
res66: Long = 0

The conversation number and line numbers of each conversation are in one line in conversationsRaw.

conversationsRaw.filter(x => x._2.isSuccess).take(5).foreach(println)
(0,Success(conversationLine(u0,u2,m0,['L194', 'L195', 'L196', 'L197'])))
(1,Success(conversationLine(u0,u2,m0,['L198', 'L199'])))
(2,Success(conversationLine(u0,u2,m0,['L200', 'L201', 'L202', 'L203'])))
(3,Success(conversationLine(u0,u2,m0,['L204', 'L205', 'L206'])))
(4,Success(conversationLine(u0,u2,m0,['L207', 'L208'])))

Let's create conversations that have just the coversation id and line-number with order information.

val conversations 
    = conversationsRaw
      .filter(x => x._2.isSuccess)
      .flatMap { 
        case (id,Success(l))  
                  => { val conv = l.d.replace("[","").replace("]","").replace("'","").replace(" ","")
                       val convLinesIndexed = conv.split(",").zipWithIndex
              cLI => (id, cLI._2, cLI._1))
conversations: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [conversationID: bigint, intraConversationID: int, lineID: string]
|             0|                  0|  L194|
|             0|                  1|  L195|
|             0|                  2|  L196|
|             0|                  3|  L197|
|             1|                  0|  L198|
|             1|                  1|  L199|
|             2|                  0|  L200|
|             2|                  1|  L201|
|             2|                  2|  L202|
|             2|                  3|  L203|
|             3|                  0|  L204|
|             3|                  1|  L205|
|             3|                  2|  L206|
|             4|                  0|  L207|
|             4|                  1|  L208|
only showing top 15 rows

Movie Titles

val moviesMetaDataRaw = sc.textFile("dbfs:/datasets/sds/nlp/cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus/movie_titles_metadata.txt")
m99 +++$+++ indiana jones and the temple of doom +++$+++ 1984 +++$+++ 7.50 +++$+++ 112054 +++$+++ ['action', 'adventure']
m98 +++$+++ indiana jones and the last crusade +++$+++ 1989 +++$+++ 8.30 +++$+++ 174947 +++$+++ ['action', 'adventure', 'thriller', 'action', 'adventure', 'fantasy']
m97 +++$+++ independence day +++$+++ 1996 +++$+++ 6.60 +++$+++ 151698 +++$+++ ['action', 'adventure', 'sci-fi', 'thriller']
m96 +++$+++ invaders from mars +++$+++ 1953 +++$+++ 6.40 +++$+++ 2115 +++$+++ ['horror', 'sci-fi']
m95 +++$+++ i am legend +++$+++ 2007 +++$+++ 7.10 +++$+++ 156084 +++$+++ ['drama', 'sci-fi', 'thriller']
moviesMetaDataRaw: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = dbfs:/datasets/sds/nlp/cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus/movie_titles_metadata.txt MapPartitionsRDD[73] at textFile at <console>:33
moviesMetaDataRaw.count() // number of movies
res4: Long = 617
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}

/*  - contains information about each movie title
  - fields:
          - movieID,
          - movie title,
          - movie year,
          - IMDB rating,
          - no. IMDB votes,
          - genres in the format ['genre1','genre2',...,'genreN']
val regexMovieMetaData = """\s*(\w+)\s+(\+{3}\$\+{3})\s*(.+)\s+(\2)\s+(.+)\s+(\2)\s+(.+)\s+(\2)\s+(.+)\s+(\2)\s+(\[.*\]\s*$)""".r

case class lineInMovieMetaData(movieID: String, movieTitle: String, movieYear: String, IMDBRating: String, NumIMDBVotes: String, genres: String)

val moviesMetaDataRaw = sc.textFile("dbfs:/datasets/sds/nlp/cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus/movie_titles_metadata.txt")
  .map(line => 
            val pLine = regexMovieMetaData.findFirstMatchIn(line)
                               .map(m => lineInMovieMetaData(,,,,, 
                                  match {
                                    case Some(l) => Success(l)
                                    case None => Failure(new Exception(s"Non matching input: $line"))
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
regexMovieMetaData: scala.util.matching.Regex = \s*(\w+)\s+(\+{3}\$\+{3})\s*(.+)\s+(\2)\s+(.+)\s+(\2)\s+(.+)\s+(\2)\s+(.+)\s+(\2)\s+(\[.*\]\s*$)
defined class lineInMovieMetaData
moviesMetaDataRaw: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Product with Serializable with scala.util.Try[lineInMovieMetaData]] = MapPartitionsRDD[79] at map at <console>:49
res5: Long = 617
moviesMetaDataRaw.filter(x => x.isSuccess).count()
res6: Long = 617
moviesMetaDataRaw.filter(x => x.isSuccess).take(10).foreach(println)
Success(lineInMovieMetaData(m0,10 things i hate about you,1999,6.90,62847,['comedy', 'romance']))
Success(lineInMovieMetaData(m1,1492: conquest of paradise,1992,6.20,10421,['adventure', 'biography', 'drama', 'history']))
Success(lineInMovieMetaData(m2,15 minutes,2001,6.10,25854,['action', 'crime', 'drama', 'thriller']))
Success(lineInMovieMetaData(m3,2001: a space odyssey,1968,8.40,163227,['adventure', 'mystery', 'sci-fi']))
Success(lineInMovieMetaData(m4,48 hrs.,1982,6.90,22289,['action', 'comedy', 'crime', 'drama', 'thriller']))
Success(lineInMovieMetaData(m5,the fifth element,1997,7.50,133756,['action', 'adventure', 'romance', 'sci-fi', 'thriller']))
Success(lineInMovieMetaData(m6,8mm,1999,6.30,48212,['crime', 'mystery', 'thriller']))
Success(lineInMovieMetaData(m7,a nightmare on elm street 4: the dream master,1988,5.20,13590,['fantasy', 'horror', 'thriller']))
Success(lineInMovieMetaData(m8,a nightmare on elm street: the dream child,1989,4.70,11092,['fantasy', 'horror', 'thriller']))
Success(lineInMovieMetaData(m9,the atomic submarine,1959,4.90,513,['sci-fi', 'thriller']))
//moviesMetaDataRaw.filter(x => x.isFailure).take(10).foreach(println) // to regex refine for casting
val moviesMetaData 
    = moviesMetaDataRaw
      .filter(x => x.isSuccess)
      .map { case Success(l) => l }
moviesMetaData: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [movieID: string, movieTitle: string, movieYear: string],false)
|movieID|movieTitle                                   |movieYear|
|m0     |10 things i hate about you                   |1999     |
|m1     |1492: conquest of paradise                   |1992     |
|m2     |15 minutes                                   |2001     |
|m3     |2001: a space odyssey                        |1968     |
|m4     |48 hrs.                                      |1982     |
|m5     |the fifth element                            |1997     |
|m6     |8mm                                          |1999     |
|m7     |a nightmare on elm street 4: the dream master|1988     |
|m8     |a nightmare on elm street: the dream child   |1989     |
|m9     |the atomic submarine                         |1959     |
only showing top 10 rows

Lines Data

val linesRaw = sc.textFile("dbfs:/datasets/sds/nlp/cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus/movie_lines.txt")
linesRaw: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = dbfs:/datasets/sds/nlp/cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus/movie_lines.txt MapPartitionsRDD[94] at textFile at <console>:35
linesRaw.count() // number of lines making up the conversations
res9: Long = 304713

Review first 5 lines to get a sense for the data format.
L99999 +++$+++ u4166 +++$+++ m278 +++$+++ DULANEY +++$+++ You didn't know about it before that?
L99998 +++$+++ u4168 +++$+++ m278 +++$+++ JOANNE +++$+++ To show you this.  It's a letter from that lawyer, Koehler.  He wrote it to me the day after I saw him.  He's the one who told me I could get the money if Miss Lawson went to jail.
L99997 +++$+++ u4166 +++$+++ m278 +++$+++ DULANEY +++$+++ Why'd you come here?
L99996 +++$+++ u4168 +++$+++ m278 +++$+++ JOANNE +++$+++ I'm gonna go to jail.  I know they're gonna make it look like I did it. They gotta put it on someone.
L99995 +++$+++ u4168 +++$+++ m278 +++$+++ JOANNE +++$+++ What do you think I've got?  A gun? Maybe I'm gonna kill you too.  Maybe I'll blow your head off right now.

To see 5 random lines in the lines.txt evaluate the following cell.

linesRaw.takeSample(false, 5).foreach(println)
L144853 +++$+++ u4635 +++$+++ m306 +++$+++ QUINN +++$+++ M.J., I'm going to have to borrow Ruben.  The alien-smuggling thing in Chinatown is going down tomorrow night and Jack's kid got hit by a car.  I gotta give Ruben to Nikko.
L597838 +++$+++ u8315 +++$+++ m565 +++$+++ AULON +++$+++ Yes, my lord.
L107915 +++$+++ u613 +++$+++ m39 +++$+++ BOURNE +++$+++ -- it's always bad and it's never anything but bits and pieces anyway!  You ever think that maybe it's just making it worse? You don't wonder that?
L65662 +++$+++ u3864 +++$+++ m256 +++$+++ AUDREY +++$+++ ...Who is this?
L124159 +++$+++ u4395 +++$+++ m291 +++$+++ MALE VOICE +++$+++ She's yours.  What are we waiting on?
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}

/*  field in line.txt are:
          - lineID
          - characterID (who uttered this phrase)
          - movieID
          - character name
          - text of the utterance
val regexLine = """\s*(\w+)\s+(\+{3}\$\+{3})\s*(\w+)\s+(\2)\s*(\w+)\s+(\2)\s*(.+)\s+(\2)\s*(.*$)""".r

case class lineInMovie(lineID: String, characterID: String, movieID: String, characterName: String, text: String)

val linesRaw = sc.textFile("dbfs:/datasets/sds/nlp/cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus/movie_lines.txt")
  .map(line => 
            val pLine = regexLine.findFirstMatchIn(line)
                               .map(m => lineInMovie(,,,, 
                                  match {
                                    case Some(l) => Success(l)
                                    case None => Failure(new Exception(s"Non matching input: $line"))
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
regexLine: scala.util.matching.Regex = \s*(\w+)\s+(\+{3}\$\+{3})\s*(\w+)\s+(\2)\s*(\w+)\s+(\2)\s*(.+)\s+(\2)\s*(.*$)
defined class lineInMovie
linesRaw: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Product with Serializable with scala.util.Try[lineInMovie]] = MapPartitionsRDD[101] at map at <console>:49
linesRaw.filter(x => x.isSuccess).count()
res11: Long = 304713
linesRaw.filter(x => x.isFailure).count()
res12: Long = 0
linesRaw.filter(x => x.isSuccess).take(5).foreach(println)
Success(lineInMovie(L1045,u0,m0,BIANCA,They do not!))
Success(lineInMovie(L1044,u2,m0,CAMERON,They do to!))
Success(lineInMovie(L985,u0,m0,BIANCA,I hope so.))
Success(lineInMovie(L984,u2,m0,CAMERON,She okay?))
Success(lineInMovie(L925,u0,m0,BIANCA,Let's go.))

Let's make a DataFrame out of the successfully parsed line.

val lines 
    = linesRaw
      .filter(x => x.isSuccess)
      .map { case Success(l) => l }
      .join(moviesMetaData, "movieID") // and join it to get movie meta data
lines: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [movieID: string, lineID: string, characterID: string, characterName: string, text: string, movieTitle: string, movieYear: string]
|movieID| lineID|characterID|      characterName|                text|  movieTitle|movieYear|
|   m124|L357776|      u1889|ASSISTANT SECRETARY|Let me have it.  ...|lost horizon|     1937|
|   m124|L357775|      u1892|              CLERK|Conway's gone aga...|lost horizon|     1937|
|   m124|L357774|      u1889|ASSISTANT SECRETARY|I'll dispatch a c...|lost horizon|     1937|
|   m124|L357773|      u1892|              CLERK|           Yes, sir.|lost horizon|     1937|
|   m124|L357772|      u1889|ASSISTANT SECRETARY|Yes. Might as wel...|lost horizon|     1937|
only showing top 5 rows

Dialogs with Lines

Let's join ght two DataFrames on lineID next.

val convLines = conversations.join(lines, "lineID").sort($"conversationID", $"intraConversationID")
convLines: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [lineID: string, conversationID: bigint, intraConversationID: int, movieID: string, characterID: string, characterName: string, text: string, movieTitle: string, movieYear: string]
res15: Long = 304713
res16: Long = 304713
lineID conversationID intraConversationID movieID characterID characterName text movieTitle movieYear
L194 0.0 0.0 m0 u0 BIANCA Can we make this quick? Roxanne Korrine and Andrew Barrett are having an incredibly horrendous public break- up on the quad. Again. 10 things i hate about you 1999
L195 0.0 1.0 m0 u2 CAMERON Well, I thought we'd start with pronunciation, if that's okay with you. 10 things i hate about you 1999
L196 0.0 2.0 m0 u0 BIANCA Not the hacking and gagging and spitting part. Please. 10 things i hate about you 1999
L197 0.0 3.0 m0 u2 CAMERON Okay... then how 'bout we try out some French cuisine. Saturday? Night? 10 things i hate about you 1999
L198 1.0 0.0 m0 u0 BIANCA You're asking me out. That's so cute. What's your name again? 10 things i hate about you 1999
L199 1.0 1.0 m0 u2 CAMERON Forget it. 10 things i hate about you 1999
L200 2.0 0.0 m0 u0 BIANCA No, no, it's my fault -- we didn't have a proper introduction --- 10 things i hate about you 1999
L201 2.0 1.0 m0 u2 CAMERON Cameron. 10 things i hate about you 1999
L202 2.0 2.0 m0 u0 BIANCA The thing is, Cameron -- I'm at the mercy of a particularly hideous breed of loser. My sister. I can't date until she does. 10 things i hate about you 1999
L203 2.0 3.0 m0 u2 CAMERON Seems like she could get a date easy enough... 10 things i hate about you 1999
L204 3.0 0.0 m0 u2 CAMERON Why? 10 things i hate about you 1999
L205 3.0 1.0 m0 u0 BIANCA Unsolved mystery. She used to be really popular when she started high school, then it was just like she got sick of it or something. 10 things i hate about you 1999
L206 3.0 2.0 m0 u2 CAMERON That's a shame. 10 things i hate about you 1999
L207 4.0 0.0 m0 u0 BIANCA Gosh, if only we could find Kat a boyfriend... 10 things i hate about you 1999
L208 4.0 1.0 m0 u2 CAMERON Let me see what I can do. 10 things i hate about you 1999
L271 5.0 0.0 m0 u0 BIANCA C'esc ma tete. This is my head 10 things i hate about you 1999
L272 5.0 1.0 m0 u2 CAMERON Right. See? You're ready for the quiz. 10 things i hate about you 1999
L273 5.0 2.0 m0 u0 BIANCA I don't want to know how to say that though. I want to know useful things. Like where the good stores are. How much does champagne cost? Stuff like Chat. I have never in my life had to point out my head to someone. 10 things i hate about you 1999
L274 5.0 3.0 m0 u2 CAMERON That's because it's such a nice one. 10 things i hate about you 1999
L275 5.0 4.0 m0 u0 BIANCA Forget French. 10 things i hate about you 1999
L276 6.0 0.0 m0 u0 BIANCA How is our little Find the Wench A Date plan progressing? 10 things i hate about you 1999
L277 6.0 1.0 m0 u2 CAMERON Well, there's someone I think might be -- 10 things i hate about you 1999
L280 7.0 0.0 m0 u2 CAMERON There. 10 things i hate about you 1999
L281 7.0 1.0 m0 u0 BIANCA Where? 10 things i hate about you 1999
L363 8.0 0.0 m0 u2 CAMERON You got something on your mind? 10 things i hate about you 1999
L364 8.0 1.0 m0 u0 BIANCA I counted on you to help my cause. You and that thug are obviously failing. Aren't we ever going on our date? 10 things i hate about you 1999
L365 9.0 0.0 m0 u2 CAMERON You have my word. As a gentleman 10 things i hate about you 1999
L366 9.0 1.0 m0 u0 BIANCA You're sweet. 10 things i hate about you 1999
L367 10.0 0.0 m0 u2 CAMERON How do you get your hair to look like that? 10 things i hate about you 1999
L368 10.0 1.0 m0 u0 BIANCA Eber's Deep Conditioner every two days. And I never, ever use a blowdryer without the diffuser attachment. 10 things i hate about you 1999

Truncated to 30 rows

Let's amalgamate the texts utered in the same conversations together.

By doing this we loose all the information in the order of utterance.

But this is fine as we are going to do LDA with just the first-order information of words uttered in each conversation by anyone involved in the dialogue.

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{collect_list, udf, lit, concat_ws}

val corpusDF = convLines.groupBy($"conversationID",$"movieID")
  .agg(concat_ws(" :-()-: ",collect_list($"text")).alias("corpus"))
  .join(moviesMetaData, "movieID") // and join it to get movie meta data
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{collect_list, udf, lit, concat_ws}
corpusDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: bigint, corpus: string, movieTitle: string, movieYear: string]
res18: Long = 83097
[17668,This would be funny - if it wasn't so pathetic. Why, she isn't a day over twenty! :-()-: You're wrong, George. :-()-: I'm not wrong. She told me so. Besides, she wouldn't have to tell me. I'd know anyway.  I found out a lot of things last night.  I'm not ashamed of it either. It's probably one of the few decent things that's ever happened in this hellish place.,lost horizon,1937]
[17598,Cave, eh? Where? :-()-: Over by that hill.,lost horizon,1937]
[17663,Something grand and beautiful, George. Something I've been searching for all my life. The answer to the confusion and bewilderment of a lifetime. I've found it, George, and I can't leave it. You mustn't either. :-()-: I don't know what you're talking about. You're carrying around a secret that seems to be eating you up. If you'll only tell me about it. :-()-: I will, George. I want to tell you. I'll burst with it if I don't. It's weird and fantastical and sometimes unbelievable, but so beautiful!  Well, as you know, we were kidnapped and brought here . . .,lost horizon,1937]
[17593,You see? You get the idea? From this reservoir here I can pipe in the whole works. Oh, I'm going to get a great kick out of this. Of course it's just to keep my hand in, but with the equipment we have here, I can put a plumbing system in for the whole village down there. Can rig it up in no time.  Do you realize those poor people are still going to the well for water? :-()-: It's unbelievable. :-()-: Think of it! In times like these. :-()-: Say, what about that gold deal? :-()-: Huh? :-()-: Gold. You were going to� :-()-: Oh - that! That can wait. Nobody's going to run off with it.  Say, I've got to get busy. I want to show this whole layout to Chang.  So long. Don't you take any wooden nickels. :-()-: All right.,lost horizon,1937]
[17658,Let me up! Let me up! :-()-: All right. Sorry, George.,lost horizon,1937]
id corpus movieTitle movieYear
17668.0 This would be funny - if it wasn't so pathetic. Why, she isn't a day over twenty! :-()-: You're wrong, George. :-()-: I'm not wrong. She told me so. Besides, she wouldn't have to tell me. I'd know anyway. I found out a lot of things last night. I'm not ashamed of it either. It's probably one of the few decent things that's ever happened in this hellish place. lost horizon 1937
17598.0 Cave, eh? Where? :-()-: Over by that hill. lost horizon 1937
17663.0 Something grand and beautiful, George. Something I've been searching for all my life. The answer to the confusion and bewilderment of a lifetime. I've found it, George, and I can't leave it. You mustn't either. :-()-: I don't know what you're talking about. You're carrying around a secret that seems to be eating you up. If you'll only tell me about it. :-()-: I will, George. I want to tell you. I'll burst with it if I don't. It's weird and fantastical and sometimes unbelievable, but so beautiful! Well, as you know, we were kidnapped and brought here . . . lost horizon 1937
17593.0 You see? You get the idea? From this reservoir here I can pipe in the whole works. Oh, I'm going to get a great kick out of this. Of course it's just to keep my hand in, but with the equipment we have here, I can put a plumbing system in for the whole village down there. Can rig it up in no time. Do you realize those poor people are still going to the well for water? :-()-: It's unbelievable. :-()-: Think of it! In times like these. :-()-: Say, what about that gold deal? :-()-: Huh? :-()-: Gold. You were going to� :-()-: Oh - that! That can wait. Nobody's going to run off with it. Say, I've got to get busy. I want to show this whole layout to Chang. So long. Don't you take any wooden nickels. :-()-: All right. lost horizon 1937
17658.0 Let me up! Let me up! :-()-: All right. Sorry, George. lost horizon 1937
17610.0 That would suit me perfectly. I'm always broke. How did you pay for them? :-()-: Our Valley is very rich in a metal called gold, which fortunately for us is valued very highly in the outside world. So we merely . . . :-()-: �buy and sell? :-()-: Buy and - sell? No, no, pardon me, exchange . :-()-: I see. Gold for ideas. You know Mr. Chang, there's something so simple and naive about all of this that I suspect there has been a shrewd, guiding intelligence somewhere. Whose idea was it? How did it all start? :-()-: That, my dear Conway, is the story of a remarkable man. :-()-: Who? :-()-: A Belgian priest by the name of Father Perrault, the first European to find this place, and a very great man indeed. He is responsible for everything you see here. He built Shangri-La, taught our natives, and began our collection of art. In fact, Shangri-La is Father Perrault. :-()-: When was all this? :-()-: Oh, let me see - way back in 1713, I think it was, that Father Perrault stumbled into the Valley, half frozen to death. It was typical of the man that, one leg being frozen, and of course there being no doctors here, he amputated the leg himself. :-()-: He amputated his own leg? :-()-: Yes. Oddly enough, later, when he had learned to understand their language, the natives told him he could have saved his leg. It would have healed without amputation. :-()-: Well, they didn't actually mean that. :-()-: Yes, yes. They were very sincere about it too. You see, a perfect body in perfect health is the rule here. They've never known anything different. So what was true for them they thought would naturally be true for anyone else living here. :-()-: Well, is it? :-()-: Rather astonishingly so, yes. And particularly so in the case of Father Perrault himself. Do you know when he and the natives were finished building Shangri-La, he was 108 years old and still very active, in spite of only having one leg? :-()-: 108 and still active? :-()-: You're startled? :-()-: Oh, no. Just a little bowled over, that's all. :-()-: Forgive me. I should have told you it is quite common here to live to a very ripe old age. Climate, diet, mountain water, you might say. But we like to believe it is the absence of struggle in the way we live. In your countries, on the other hand, how often do you hear the expression, "He worried himself to death?" or, "This thing or that killed him?" :-()-: Very often. :-()-: And very true. Your lives are therefore, as a rule, shorter, not so much by natural death as by indirect suicide. :-()-: That's all very fine if it works out. A little amazing, of course. :-()-: Why, Mr. Conway, you surprise me! :-()-: I surprise you? Now that's news. :-()-: I mean, your amazement. I could have understood it in any of your companions, but you - who have dreamed and written so much about better worlds. Or is it that you fail to recognize one of your own dreams when you see it? :-()-: Mr. Chang, if you don't mind, I think I'll go on being amazed - in moderation, of course. :-()-: Then everything is quite all right, isn't it? lost horizon 1937
17648.0 What are these people? :-()-: I don't know. I can't get the dialect. lost horizon 1937
17562.0 I didn't care for 'sister' last night, and I don't like 'Lovey' this morning. My name is Lovett - Alexander, P. :-()-: I see. :-()-: I see. :-()-: Well, it's a good morning, anyway. :-()-: I'm never conversational before I coffee. lost horizon 1937
17681.0 Huh? I give it up. But this not knowing where you're going is exciting anyway. :-()-: Well, Mr. Conway, for a man who is supposed to be a leader, your do- nothing attitude is very disappointing. lost horizon 1937
17573.0 How about you Lovey? Come on. Let's you and I play a game of honeymoon bridge. :-()-: I'm thinking. :-()-: Thinking? What about some double solitaire? :-()-: As a matter of fact, I'm very good at double solitaire. :-()-: No kidding? :-()-: Yes. :-()-: Then I'm your man. Come on, Toots. lost horizon 1937
17638.0 The power house - they've blown it up! The planes can't land without lights. :-()-: Come on! We'll burn the hangar. That will make light for them! lost horizon 1937
17622.0 In that event, we better make arrangements to get some porters immediately. Some means to get us back to civilization. :-()-: Are you so certain you are away from it? :-()-: As far away as I ever want to be. :-()-: Oh, dear. lost horizon 1937
17660.0 For heaven's sake, Bob, what's the matter with you? You went out there for the purpose of� :-()-: George. George - do you mind? I'm sorry, but I can't talk about it tonight. lost horizon 1937
17633.0 That Conway seemed to belong here. In fact, it was suggested that someone be sent to bring him here. :-()-: That I be brought here? Who had that brilliant idea? :-()-: Sondra Bizet. :-()-: Oh, the girl at the piano? :-()-: Yes. She has read your books and has a profound admiration for you, as have we all. :-()-: Of course I have suspected that our being here is no accident. Furthermore, I have a feeling that we're never supposed to leave. But that, for the moment, doesn't concern me greatly. I'll meet that when it comes. What particularly interests me at present is, why was I brought here? What possible use can I be to an already thriving community? :-()-: We need men like you here, to be sure that our community will continue to thrive. In return for which, Shangri-La has much to give you. You are still, by the world's standards, a youngish man. Yet in the normal course of existence, you can expect twenty or thirty years of gradually diminishing activity. Here, however, in Shangri- La, by our standards your life has just begun, and may go on and on. :-()-: But to be candid, Father, a prolonged future doesn't excite me. It would have to have a point. I've sometimes doubted whether life itself has any. And if that is so, then long life must be even more pointless. No, I'd need a much more definite reason for going on and on. :-()-: We have reason. It is the entire meaning and purpose of Shangri-La. It came to me in a vision, long, long, ago. I saw all the nations strengthening, not in wisdom, but in the vulgar passions and the will to destroy. I saw their machine power multiply until a single weaponed man might match a whole army. I foresaw a time when man, exulting in the technique of murder, would rage so hotly over the world that every book, every treasure, would be doomed to destruction. This vision was so vivid and so moving that I determined to gather together all the things of beauty and culture that I could and preserve them here against the doom toward which the world is rushing. Look at the world today! Is there anything more pitiful? What madness there is, what blindness, what unintelligent leadership! A scurrying mass of bewildered humanity crashing headlong against each other, propelled by an orgy of greed and brutality. The time must come, my friend, when this orgy will spend itself, when brutality and the lust for power must perish by its own sword. Against that time is why I avoided death and am here, and why you were brought here. For when that day comes, the world must begin to look for a new life. And it is our hope that they may find it here. For here we shall be with their books and their music and a way of life based on one simple rule: Be Kind. When that day comes, it is our hope that the brotherly love of Shangri-La will spread throughout the world. Yes, my son, when the strong have devoured each other, the Christian ethic may at last be fulfilled, and the meek shall inherit the earth. lost horizon 1937
17628.0 Are you taking me? :-()-: Yes, of course. Certainly. Come on! lost horizon 1937
17601.0 And mine's Conway. :-()-: How do you do? :-()-: You've no idea, sir, how unexpected and very welcome you are. My friends and I - and the lady in the plane - left Baskul night before last for Shanghai, but we suddenly found ourselves traveling in the opposite direction� lost horizon 1937
17650.0 What is it? Has he fainted? :-()-: It looks like it. Smell those fumes? lost horizon 1937
17634.0 Yes, of course, your brother is a problem. It was to be expected. :-()-: I knew you'd understand. That's why I came to you for help. :-()-: You must not look to me for help. Your brother is no longer my problem. He is now your problem, Conway. :-()-: Mine? :-()-: Because, my son, I am placing in your hands the future and destiny of Shangri-La. For I am going to die. lost horizon 1937
17580.0 Hey Lovey, come here! Lovey, I asked for a glass of wine and look what I got. Come on, sit down. :-()-: So that's where you are. I might of known it. No wonder you couldn't hear me. :-()-: You were asked to have a glass of wine. Sit down! :-()-: And be poisoned out here in the open? :-()-: Certainly not! lost horizon 1937
17699.0 Why, he's speaking English. :-()-: English! lost horizon 1937
17645.0 Don't worry, George. Nothing's going to happen. I'll fall right into line. I'll be the good little boy that everybody wants me to be. I'll be the best little Foreign Secretary we ever had, just because I haven't the nerve to be anything else. :-()-: Do try to sleep, Bob. :-()-: Huh? Oh, sure, Freshie. Good thing, sleep. lost horizon 1937
17564.0 He might have lost his way. :-()-: Of course. That's what I told them last night. You can't expect a man to sail around in the dark.[5] During this George has been looking around - he rises. lost horizon 1937
17570.0 Yeah? If this be execution, lead me to it. :-()-: That's what they do with cattle just before the slaughter. Fatten them. :-()-: Uh-huh. You're a scream, Lovey. :-()-: Please don't call me Lovey. lost horizon 1937
17646.0 Oh, stop it! :-()-: The bloke up there looks a Chinese, or a Mongolian, or something. lost horizon 1937
17587.0 It's better than freezing to death down below, isn't it? :-()-: I'll say. lost horizon 1937
17652.0 What is it? :-()-: See that spot? :-()-: Yes. :-()-: That's where we were this morning. He had it marked. Right on the border of Tibet. Here's where civilization ends. We must be a thousand miles beyond it - just a blank on the map. :-()-: What's it mean? :-()-: It means we're in unexplored country - country nobody ever reached. lost horizon 1937
17582.0 �then the bears came right into the bedroom and the little baby bear said, "Oh, somebody's been sleeping in my bed." And then the mama bear said, "Oh dear, somebody's been sleeping in my bed!" And then the big papa bear, he roared, "And somebody's been sleeping in my bed!" Well, you have to admit the poor little bears were in a quandary! :-()-: I'm going to sleep in my bed. Come on, Lovey! :-()-: They were in a quandary, and� :-()-: Come on, Lovey. :-()-: Why? Why 'come on' all the time? What's the matter? Are you going to be a fuss budget all your life? Here, drink it up! Aren't you having any fun? Where was I? :-()-: In a quandary. lost horizon 1937
17647.0 George, what are you going to do? :-()-: I'm going to drag him out and force him to tell us what his game is. lost horizon 1937
17577.0 Yes. :-()-: Sounds like a stall to me. lost horizon 1937
17642.0 Just what I needed too. :-()-: You? :-()-: Just this once, Bob. I feel like celebrating. Just think of it, Bob - a cruiser sent to Shanghai just to take you back to England. You know what it means. Here you are. Don't bother about those cables now. I want you to drink with me. Gentlemen, I give you Robert Conway - England's new Foreign Secretary. lost horizon 1937

Truncated to 30 rows

Feature extraction and transformation APIs

We will use the convenient Feature extraction and transformation APIs.

Step 3. Text Tokenization

We will use the RegexTokenizer to split each document into tokens. We can setMinTokenLength() here to indicate a minimum token length, and filter away all tokens that fall below the minimum. See:


// Set params for RegexTokenizer
val tokenizer = new RegexTokenizer()
.setPattern("[\\W_]+") // break by white space character(s)
.setMinTokenLength(4) // Filter away tokens with length < 4
.setInputCol("corpus") // name of the input column
.setOutputCol("tokens") // name of the output column

// Tokenize document
val tokenized_df = tokenizer.transform(corpusDF)
tokenizer: = regexTok_610667693de3
tokenized_df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: bigint, corpus: string, movieTitle: string, movieYear: string, tokens: array<string>]

Step 4. Remove Stopwords

We can easily remove stopwords using the StopWordsRemover(). See:

If a list of stopwords is not provided, the StopWordsRemover() will use this list of stopwords, also shown below, by default.


You can use getStopWords() to see the list of stopwords that will be used.

In this example, we will specify a list of stopwords for the StopWordsRemover() to use. We do this so that we can add on to the list later on.

display("dbfs:/tmp/stopwords")) // check if the file already exists from earlier wget and dbfs-load
path name size
dbfs:/tmp/stopwords stopwords 2237.0

If the file dbfs:/tmp/stopwords already exists then skip the next two cells, otherwise download and load it into DBFS by uncommenting and evaluating the next two cells.

//%sh wget -O /tmp/stopwords # uncomment '//' at the beginning and repeat only if needed again
--2016-04-07 00:21:20--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 2237 (2.2K) [text/plain]
Saving to: '/tmp/stopwords'

     0K ..                                                    100%  310M=0s

2016-04-07 00:21:21 (310 MB/s) - '/tmp/stopwords' saved [2237/2237]
//%fs cp file:/tmp/stopwords dbfs:/tmp/stopwords # uncomment '//' at the beginning and repeat only if needed again
res31: Boolean = true
// List of stopwords
val stopwords = sc.textFile("/tmp/stopwords").collect()
stopwords: Array[String] = Array(a, about, above, across, after, afterwards, again, against, all, almost, alone, along, already, also, although, always, am, among, amongst, amoungst, amount, an, and, another, any, anyhow, anyone, anything, anyway, anywhere, are, around, as, at, back, be, became, because, become, becomes, becoming, been, before, beforehand, behind, being, below, beside, besides, between, beyond, bill, both, bottom, but, by, call, can, cannot, cant, co, computer, con, could, couldnt, cry, de, describe, detail, do, done, down, due, during, each, eg, eight, either, eleven, else, elsewhere, empty, enough, etc, even, ever, every, everyone, everything, everywhere, except, few, fifteen, fify, fill, find, fire, first, five, for, former, formerly, forty, found, four, from, front, full, further, get, give, go, had, has, hasnt, have, he, hence, her, here, hereafter, hereby, herein, hereupon, hers, herself, him, himself, his, how, however, hundred, i, ie, if, in, inc, indeed, interest, into, is, it, its, itself, keep, last, latter, latterly, least, less, ltd, made, many, may, me, meanwhile, might, mill, mine, more, moreover, most, mostly, move, much, must, my, myself, name, namely, neither, never, nevertheless, next, nine, no, nobody, none, noone, nor, not, nothing, now, nowhere, of, off, often, on, once, one, only, onto, or, other, others, otherwise, our, ours, ourselves, out, over, own, part, per, perhaps, please, put, rather, re, same, see, seem, seemed, seeming, seems, serious, several, she, should, show, side, since, sincere, six, sixty, so, some, somehow, someone, something, sometime, sometimes, somewhere, still, such, system, take, ten, than, that, the, their, them, themselves, then, thence, there, thereafter, thereby, therefore, therein, thereupon, these, they, thick, thin, third, this, those, though, three, through, throughout, thru, thus, to, together, too, top, toward, towards, twelve, twenty, two, un, under, until, up, upon, us, very, via, was, we, well, were, what, whatever, when, whence, whenever, where, whereafter, whereas, whereby, wherein, whereupon, wherever, whether, which, while, whither, who, whoever, whole, whom, whose, why, will, with, within, without, would, yet, you, your, yours, yourself, yourselves)
stopwords.length // find the number of stopwords in the scala Array[String]
res23: Int = 319

Finally, we can just remove the stopwords using the StopWordsRemover as follows:


// Set params for StopWordsRemover
val remover = new StopWordsRemover()
.setStopWords(stopwords) // This parameter is optional

// Create new DF with Stopwords removed
val filtered_df = remover.transform(tokenized_df)
remover: = stopWords_bcdc59bf2ac8
filtered_df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: bigint, corpus: string, movieTitle: string, movieYear: string, tokens: array<string>, filtered: array<string>]

Step 5. Vector of Token Counts

LDA takes in a vector of token counts as input. We can use the CountVectorizer() to easily convert our text documents into vectors of token counts.

The CountVectorizer will return (VocabSize, Array(Indexed Tokens), Array(Token Frequency)).

Two handy parameters to note:

  • setMinDF: Specifies the minimum number of different documents a term must appear in to be included in the vocabulary.
  • setMinTF: Specifies the minimum number of times a term has to appear in a document to be included in the vocabulary.



// Set params for CountVectorizer
val vectorizer = new CountVectorizer()
.setMinDF(5) // the minimum number of different documents a term must appear in to be included in the vocabulary.
vectorizer: = cntVec_daa8106c510f
// Create vector of token counts
val countVectors = vectorizer.transform(filtered_df).select("id", "features")
countVectors: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: bigint, features: vector]
// see the first countVectors
res24: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([17668,(10000,[0,9,32,33,37,45,56,63,71,79,124,235,293,1562,1660,1899],[1.0,1.0,1.0,2.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,2.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0])])

To use the LDA algorithm in the MLlib library, we have to convert the DataFrame back into an RDD.

// Convert DF to RDD
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector

val lda_countVector = { case Row(id: Long, countVector: Vector) => (id, countVector) }
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector
lda_countVector: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Long, org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector)] = MapPartitionsRDD[305] at map at <console>:86
// format: Array(id, (VocabSize, Array(indexedTokens), Array(Token Frequency)))
res25: Array[(Long, org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector)] = Array((17668,(10000,[0,9,32,33,37,45,56,63,71,79,124,235,293,1562,1660,1899],[1.0,1.0,1.0,2.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,2.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0])))

Let's get an overview of LDA in Spark's MLLIB


Create LDA model with Online Variational Bayes

We will now set the parameters for LDA. We will use the OnlineLDAOptimizer() here, which implements Online Variational Bayes.

Choosing the number of topics for your LDA model requires a bit of domain knowledge. As we do not know the number of "topics", we will set numTopics to be 20.

val numTopics = 20
numTopics: Int = 20

We will set the parameters needed to build our LDA model. We can also setMiniBatchFraction for the OnlineLDAOptimizer, which sets the fraction of corpus sampled and used at each iteration. In this example, we will set this to 0.8.

import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.{LDA, OnlineLDAOptimizer}

// Set LDA params
val lda = new LDA()
.setOptimizer(new OnlineLDAOptimizer().setMiniBatchFraction(0.8))
.setDocConcentration(-1) // use default values
.setTopicConcentration(-1) // use default values
import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.{LDA, OnlineLDAOptimizer}
lda: org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.LDA = org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.LDA@1d493912

Create the LDA model with Online Variational Bayes.

val ldaModel =
ldaModel: org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.LDAModel = org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.LocalLDAModel@3945c264

Watch Online Learning for Latent Dirichlet Allocation in NIPS2010 by Matt Hoffman (right click and open in new tab)

![Matt Hoffman's NIPS 2010 Talk Online LDA]](\

Also see the paper on Online varioational Bayes by Matt linked for more details (from the above URL):

Note that using the OnlineLDAOptimizer returns us a LocalLDAModel, which stores the inferred topics of your corpus.

Review Topics

We can now review the results of our LDA model. We will print out all 20 topics with their corresponding term probabilities.

Note that you will get slightly different results every time you run an LDA model since LDA includes some randomization.

Let us review results of LDA model with Online Variational Bayes, step by step.

val topicIndices = ldaModel.describeTopics(maxTermsPerTopic = 5)
topicIndices: Array[(Array[Int], Array[Double])] = Array((Array(4, 1, 9, 2, 8),Array(0.0015151627605402241, 0.001486317713687992, 0.0011681552786581887, 0.0010054261952954218, 8.615063157995299E-4)), (Array(1, 5, 15, 13, 14),Array(0.0019868644391922855, 0.0012407287861833166, 0.001222938318274118, 8.919429867442377E-4, 8.877996244770699E-4)), (Array(5, 3, 28, 9, 30),Array(0.0021699398068533824, 0.0011749233194760728, 9.013899165935946E-4, 8.504816848342215E-4, 8.252271581728695E-4)), (Array(5, 16, 1, 6, 2),Array(0.0052403657467525845, 0.0042033140402619375, 0.003763558294118634, 0.003396547452689663, 0.003021645305713142)), (Array(3, 4, 0, 1, 9),Array(0.0033139517864565287, 0.0021697727562965366, 0.0021377421844192557, 0.0018117462306041533, 0.0016275001664372737)), (Array(0, 1, 2, 22, 4),Array(0.0023854706148061567, 0.0019261905458742943, 0.0016576667581656617, 0.0011917968671869056, 0.0011248880469085086)), (Array(0, 4, 2, 1, 11),Array(0.004655511405730442, 0.002458768397723486, 0.0021078794201011583, 0.0017387793236628348, 0.0014236215935311085)), (Array(0, 1, 3, 6, 8),Array(0.0018921794022548181, 0.0018483719649855822, 0.0014386272597831232, 0.0014182374956709625, 0.0013764615715091382)), (Array(2, 10, 7, 12, 61),Array(0.0051946490753460636, 0.00495793071050275, 0.003580668739640197, 0.003184743897654473, 0.002981524063809674)), (Array(0, 2, 9, 4, 26),Array(0.0021335471974973886, 9.625379885382163E-4, 9.199660101772105E-4, 9.033959582006918E-4, 8.747265482123576E-4)), (Array(42, 121, 1, 4, 0),Array(0.0025288929149109313, 0.002359902253314637, 0.002261894922516035, 0.0018626814528567444, 0.0017576647100866413)), (Array(4, 1, 6, 0, 7),Array(0.007977613731363398, 0.0074256547675291915, 0.006054432245366723, 0.0047629498600014275, 0.004741787642644756)), (Array(0, 11, 1, 2, 7),Array(0.003854363383063756, 0.0024260532260151663, 0.0022162035474150243, 0.0018817267913487192, 0.0015001333324918243)), (Array(6, 1, 2, 70, 13),Array(0.0015776417631711249, 0.0014414685828715156, 0.0014279021959578673, 0.0012813104112466842, 8.294352348310147E-4)), (Array(1, 2, 0, 5, 23),Array(0.0036920461187951023, 0.00359354972907098, 0.002507896270867163, 0.0021850418950099, 0.0016447369107874818)), (Array(6, 0, 3, 35, 2),Array(0.002464771356929917, 0.0021840298145414266, 0.0013576445527878143, 0.0011473959400518262, 0.0011075469842802296)), (Array(4, 1, 10, 0, 5),Array(0.0019877776653926984, 0.0019088812832900985, 0.0014118885885063602, 0.0011336973397614043, 9.384609226085285E-4)), (Array(0, 2, 5, 4, 3),Array(0.003453703972841875, 0.00327608562414095, 0.0025174800837702693, 0.002218982477404188, 0.0017805786184620824)), (Array(0, 2, 1, 3, 6),Array(0.018645078429696073, 0.01154979812954807, 0.0093996276023053, 0.008649180109527853, 0.008565200297515204)), (Array(0, 1, 2, 5, 8),Array(0.019137707865734686, 0.014515895598928779, 0.012282554660302827, 0.010060286236470243, 0.009978216413893133)))
val vocabList = vectorizer.vocabulary
vocabList: Array[String] = Array(know, just, like, want, think, right, going, good, yeah, tell, come, time, look, didn, mean, make, okay, really, little, sure, gonna, thing, people, said, maybe, need, sorry, love, talk, thought, doing, life, night, things, work, money, better, told, long, help, believe, years, shit, does, away, place, hell, doesn, great, home, feel, fuck, kind, remember, dead, course, wouldn, wait, kill, guess, understand, thank, girl, wrong, leave, listen, talking, real, hear, stop, nice, happened, fine, wanted, father, gotta, mind, fucking, house, wasn, getting, world, stay, mother, left, came, care, thanks, knew, room, trying, guys, went, looking, coming, heard, friend, haven, seen, best, tonight, live, used, matter, killed, pretty, business, idea, couldn, head, miss, says, wife, called, woman, morning, tomorrow, start, stuff, saying, play, hello, baby, hard, probably, minute, days, took, somebody, today, school, meet, gone, crazy, wants, damn, forget, cause, problem, deal, case, friends, point, hope, jesus, afraid, looks, knows, year, worry, exactly, aren, half, thinking, shut, hold, wanna, face, minutes, bring, doctor, word, read, everybody, supposed, makes, story, turn, true, watch, thousand, family, brother, kids, week, happen, fuckin, working, open, happy, lost, john, hurt, town, ready, alright, late, actually, gave, married, beautiful, soon, jack, times, sleep, door, having, hand, drink, easy, gets, chance, young, trouble, different, anybody, rest, shot, hate, death, second, later, asked, phone, wish, check, quite, walk, change, police, couple, question, close, taking, heart, hours, making, comes, anymore, truth, trust, dollars, important, captain, telling, funny, person, honey, goes, eyes, reason, inside, stand, break, means, number, tried, high, white, water, suppose, body, sick, game, excuse, party, women, country, answer, waiting, christ, office, send, pick, alive, sort, blood, black, daddy, line, husband, goddamn, book, fifty, thirty, fact, million, died, hands, power, started, stupid, shouldn, months, boys, city, dinner, sense, running, hour, shoot, fight, drive, george, speak, figure, living, ship, dear, street, ahead, lady, seven, free, feeling, scared, frank, able, children, safe, moment, outside, news, president, brought, write, happens, sent, bullshit, lose, light, glad, girls, child, sister, sounds, promise, till, lives, sound, weren, save, cool, poor, shall, asking, plan, bitch, king, daughter, beat, weeks, york, cold, worth, taken, harry, needs, piece, movie, fast, possible, small, goin, straight, human, hair, company, tired, food, lucky, pull, wonderful, touch, looked, state, thinks, picture, words, leaving, control, clear, known, special, buddy, luck, order, follow, expect, mary, mouth, catch, worked, mister, learn, playing, perfect, dream, calling, questions, hospital, coffee, ride, takes, parents, miles, works, secret, hotel, explain, worse, kidding, past, outta, general, unless, felt, drop, throw, interested, hang, certainly, absolutely, earth, loved, wonder, dark, accident, seeing, clock, doin, simple, turned, date, sweet, meeting, clean, sign, feet, handle, music, report, giving, army, fucked, cops, charlie, information, smart, yesterday, fall, fault, class, bank, month, blow, major, caught, swear, paul, road, choice, talked, plane, boss, david, paid, wear, american, worried, lord, goodbye, clothes, paper, ones, terrible, strange, mistake, given, kept, hurry, blue, murder, finish, apartment, sell, middle, nothin, careful, hasn, meant, walter, moving, changed, imagine, fair, difference, quiet, happening, near, quit, marry, personal, figured, future, rose, agent, building, michael, kinda, mama, early, private, watching, trip, certain, record, busy, jimmy, broke, store, sake, longer, finally, stick, boat, born, sitting, evening, bucks, ought, lying, chief, history, honor, lunch, kiss, darling, respect, uncle, favor, fool, rich, killing, land, liked, peter, tough, brain, interesting, nick, completely, welcome, problems, radio, wake, dick, honest, cash, dance, dude, james, bout, floor, weird, court, calls, jail, window, involved, drunk, johnny, needed, officer, asshole, books, spend, situation, relax, pain, service, dangerous, grand, security, letter, stopped, realize, offer, table, bastard, message, killer, instead, jake, deep, nervous, pass, somethin, evil, english, bought, short, step, ring, machine, likes, picked, eddie, voice, carry, upset, lived, forgot, afternoon, fear, quick, finished, count, forgive, wrote, decided, totally, named, space, team, lawyer, pleasure, doubt, station, suit, gotten, bother, return, prove, pictures, slow, strong, bunch, list, wearing, driving, join, christmas, tape, force, church, attack, appreciate, hungry, standing, college, present, dying, prison, missing, charge, board, truck, public, gold, staying, calm, ball, hardly, hadn, missed, lead, government, island, cover, horse, reach, joke, french, fish, star, surprise, moved, mike, america, soul, self, seconds, movies, dress, club, putting, price, saved, listening, lots, cost, smell, mark, peace, gives, crime, entire, dreams, single, usually, department, holy, beer, west, stuck, wall, protect, nose, teach, ways, forever, awful, grow, train, type, billy, rock, detective, walking, dumb, planet, papers, beginning, folks, attention, park, card, hide, birthday, test, share, reading, starting, master, lieutenant, partner, field, enjoy, twice, mess, film, blame, bomb, dollar, loves, round, south, girlfriend, gentlemen, records, using, plenty, especially, evidence, silly, experience, admit, normal, fired, talkin, notice, mission, fighting, memory, lock, louis, wedding, crap, promised, guns, idiot, marriage, glass, orders, ground, impossible, heaven, knock, hole, spent, green, animal, neck, wondering, press, drugs, nuts, position, broken, names, jerry, asleep, acting, visit, feels, plans, boyfriend, wind, tells, paris, smoke, cross, gimme, holding, sheriff, walked, mention, brothers, double, judge, writing, code, pardon, keeps, fellow, closed, lovely, angry, fell, surprised, percent, cute, charles, bathroom, correct, agree, address, summer, ridiculous, andy, tommy, rules, account, note, group, learned, proud, laugh, sing, pulled, sleeping, colonel, upstairs, area, difficult, built, jump, river, betty, breakfast, bobby, bridge, dirty, locked, amazing, north, feelings, alex, plus, definitely, worst, accept, kick, file, gettin, wild, seriously, grace, steal, stories, advice, relationship, nature, places, contact, waste, spot, favorite, beach, stole, apart, knowing, faith, song, risk, level, loose, foot, played, eating, patient, action, washington, witness, turns, build, obviously, begin, split, crew, command, games, nurse, decide, keeping, tight, copy, runs, form, bird, complete, insane, arrest, scene, taste, jeffrey, consider, shoes, teeth, sooner, career, henry, devil, monster, weekend, heavy, gift, innocent, hall, showed, study, destroy, greatest, keys, track, comin, raise, danger, bruce, suddenly, hanging, carl, california, apologize, concerned, program, blind, seventy, chicken, sweetheart, medical, forward, drinking, willing, legs, suspect, shop, professor, admiral, guard, data, ticket, camp, tree, losing, goodnight, dunno, paying, murdered, burn, television, trick, possibly, senator, credit, extra, dropped, meaning, starts, warm, hiding, sold, stone, cheap, taught, marty, lately, simply, lookin, science, queen, following, majesty, jeff, corner, harold, duty, cars, training, heads, seat, discuss, noticed, helped, enemy, bear, common, screw, responsible)
val topics = { case (terms, termWeights) =>
topics: Array[Array[(String, Double)]] = Array(Array((think,0.0015151627605402241), (just,0.001486317713687992), (tell,0.0011681552786581887), (like,0.0010054261952954218), (yeah,8.615063157995299E-4)), Array((just,0.0019868644391922855), (right,0.0012407287861833166), (make,0.001222938318274118), (didn,8.919429867442377E-4), (mean,8.877996244770699E-4)), Array((right,0.0021699398068533824), (want,0.0011749233194760728), (talk,9.013899165935946E-4), (tell,8.504816848342215E-4), (doing,8.252271581728695E-4)), Array((right,0.0052403657467525845), (okay,0.0042033140402619375), (just,0.003763558294118634), (going,0.003396547452689663), (like,0.003021645305713142)), Array((want,0.0033139517864565287), (think,0.0021697727562965366), (know,0.0021377421844192557), (just,0.0018117462306041533), (tell,0.0016275001664372737)), Array((know,0.0023854706148061567), (just,0.0019261905458742943), (like,0.0016576667581656617), (people,0.0011917968671869056), (think,0.0011248880469085086)), Array((know,0.004655511405730442), (think,0.002458768397723486), (like,0.0021078794201011583), (just,0.0017387793236628348), (time,0.0014236215935311085)), Array((know,0.0018921794022548181), (just,0.0018483719649855822), (want,0.0014386272597831232), (going,0.0014182374956709625), (yeah,0.0013764615715091382)), Array((like,0.0051946490753460636), (come,0.00495793071050275), (good,0.003580668739640197), (look,0.003184743897654473), (thank,0.002981524063809674)), Array((know,0.0021335471974973886), (like,9.625379885382163E-4), (tell,9.199660101772105E-4), (think,9.033959582006918E-4), (sorry,8.747265482123576E-4)), Array((shit,0.0025288929149109313), (hello,0.002359902253314637), (just,0.002261894922516035), (think,0.0018626814528567444), (know,0.0017576647100866413)), Array((think,0.007977613731363398), (just,0.0074256547675291915), (going,0.006054432245366723), (know,0.0047629498600014275), (good,0.004741787642644756)), Array((know,0.003854363383063756), (time,0.0024260532260151663), (just,0.0022162035474150243), (like,0.0018817267913487192), (good,0.0015001333324918243)), Array((going,0.0015776417631711249), (just,0.0014414685828715156), (like,0.0014279021959578673), (nice,0.0012813104112466842), (didn,8.294352348310147E-4)), Array((just,0.0036920461187951023), (like,0.00359354972907098), (know,0.002507896270867163), (right,0.0021850418950099), (said,0.0016447369107874818)), Array((going,0.002464771356929917), (know,0.0021840298145414266), (want,0.0013576445527878143), (money,0.0011473959400518262), (like,0.0011075469842802296)), Array((think,0.0019877776653926984), (just,0.0019088812832900985), (come,0.0014118885885063602), (know,0.0011336973397614043), (right,9.384609226085285E-4)), Array((know,0.003453703972841875), (like,0.00327608562414095), (right,0.0025174800837702693), (think,0.002218982477404188), (want,0.0017805786184620824)), Array((know,0.018645078429696073), (like,0.01154979812954807), (just,0.0093996276023053), (want,0.008649180109527853), (going,0.008565200297515204)), Array((know,0.019137707865734686), (just,0.014515895598928779), (like,0.012282554660302827), (right,0.010060286236470243), (yeah,0.009978216413893133)))

Feel free to take things apart to understand!

res26: (Array[Int], Array[Double]) = (Array(4, 1, 9, 2, 8),Array(0.0015151627605402241, 0.001486317713687992, 0.0011681552786581887, 0.0010054261952954218, 8.615063157995299E-4))
res27: Array[Int] = Array(4, 1, 9, 2, 8)
res28: Int = 4
res29: String = think

Review Results of LDA model with Online Variational Bayes - Doing all four steps earlier at once.

val topicIndices = ldaModel.describeTopics(maxTermsPerTopic = 5)
val vocabList = vectorizer.vocabulary
val topics = { case (terms, termWeights) =>
println(s"$numTopics topics:")
topics.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (topic, i) =>
  println(s"TOPIC $i")
  topic.foreach { case (term, weight) => println(s"$term\t$weight") }
20 topics:
think    0.0015151627605402241
just    0.001486317713687992
tell    0.0011681552786581887
like    0.0010054261952954218
yeah    8.615063157995299E-4
just    0.0019868644391922855
right    0.0012407287861833166
make    0.001222938318274118
didn    8.919429867442377E-4
mean    8.877996244770699E-4
right    0.0021699398068533824
want    0.0011749233194760728
talk    9.013899165935946E-4
tell    8.504816848342215E-4
doing    8.252271581728695E-4
right    0.0052403657467525845
okay    0.0042033140402619375
just    0.003763558294118634
going    0.003396547452689663
like    0.003021645305713142
want    0.0033139517864565287
think    0.0021697727562965366
know    0.0021377421844192557
just    0.0018117462306041533
tell    0.0016275001664372737
know    0.0023854706148061567
just    0.0019261905458742943
like    0.0016576667581656617
people    0.0011917968671869056
think    0.0011248880469085086
know    0.004655511405730442
think    0.002458768397723486
like    0.0021078794201011583
just    0.0017387793236628348
time    0.0014236215935311085
know    0.0018921794022548181
just    0.0018483719649855822
want    0.0014386272597831232
going    0.0014182374956709625
yeah    0.0013764615715091382
like    0.0051946490753460636
come    0.00495793071050275
good    0.003580668739640197
look    0.003184743897654473
thank    0.002981524063809674
know    0.0021335471974973886
like    9.625379885382163E-4
tell    9.199660101772105E-4
think    9.033959582006918E-4
sorry    8.747265482123576E-4
shit    0.0025288929149109313
hello    0.002359902253314637
just    0.002261894922516035
think    0.0018626814528567444
know    0.0017576647100866413
think    0.007977613731363398
just    0.0074256547675291915
going    0.006054432245366723
know    0.0047629498600014275
good    0.004741787642644756
know    0.003854363383063756
time    0.0024260532260151663
just    0.0022162035474150243
like    0.0018817267913487192
good    0.0015001333324918243
going    0.0015776417631711249
just    0.0014414685828715156
like    0.0014279021959578673
nice    0.0012813104112466842
didn    8.294352348310147E-4
just    0.0036920461187951023
like    0.00359354972907098
know    0.002507896270867163
right    0.0021850418950099
said    0.0016447369107874818
going    0.002464771356929917
know    0.0021840298145414266
want    0.0013576445527878143
money    0.0011473959400518262
like    0.0011075469842802296
think    0.0019877776653926984
just    0.0019088812832900985
come    0.0014118885885063602
know    0.0011336973397614043
right    9.384609226085285E-4
know    0.003453703972841875
like    0.00327608562414095
right    0.0025174800837702693
think    0.002218982477404188
want    0.0017805786184620824
know    0.018645078429696073
like    0.01154979812954807
just    0.0093996276023053
want    0.008649180109527853
going    0.008565200297515204
know    0.019137707865734686
just    0.014515895598928779
like    0.012282554660302827
right    0.010060286236470243
yeah    0.009978216413893133
topicIndices: Array[(Array[Int], Array[Double])] = Array((Array(4, 1, 9, 2, 8),Array(0.0015151627605402241, 0.001486317713687992, 0.0011681552786581887, 0.0010054261952954218, 8.615063157995299E-4)), (Array(1, 5, 15, 13, 14),Array(0.0019868644391922855, 0.0012407287861833166, 0.001222938318274118, 8.919429867442377E-4, 8.877996244770699E-4)), (Array(5, 3, 28, 9, 30),Array(0.0021699398068533824, 0.0011749233194760728, 9.013899165935946E-4, 8.504816848342215E-4, 8.252271581728695E-4)), (Array(5, 16, 1, 6, 2),Array(0.0052403657467525845, 0.0042033140402619375, 0.003763558294118634, 0.003396547452689663, 0.003021645305713142)), (Array(3, 4, 0, 1, 9),Array(0.0033139517864565287, 0.0021697727562965366, 0.0021377421844192557, 0.0018117462306041533, 0.0016275001664372737)), (Array(0, 1, 2, 22, 4),Array(0.0023854706148061567, 0.0019261905458742943, 0.0016576667581656617, 0.0011917968671869056, 0.0011248880469085086)), (Array(0, 4, 2, 1, 11),Array(0.004655511405730442, 0.002458768397723486, 0.0021078794201011583, 0.0017387793236628348, 0.0014236215935311085)), (Array(0, 1, 3, 6, 8),Array(0.0018921794022548181, 0.0018483719649855822, 0.0014386272597831232, 0.0014182374956709625, 0.0013764615715091382)), (Array(2, 10, 7, 12, 61),Array(0.0051946490753460636, 0.00495793071050275, 0.003580668739640197, 0.003184743897654473, 0.002981524063809674)), (Array(0, 2, 9, 4, 26),Array(0.0021335471974973886, 9.625379885382163E-4, 9.199660101772105E-4, 9.033959582006918E-4, 8.747265482123576E-4)), (Array(42, 121, 1, 4, 0),Array(0.0025288929149109313, 0.002359902253314637, 0.002261894922516035, 0.0018626814528567444, 0.0017576647100866413)), (Array(4, 1, 6, 0, 7),Array(0.007977613731363398, 0.0074256547675291915, 0.006054432245366723, 0.0047629498600014275, 0.004741787642644756)), (Array(0, 11, 1, 2, 7),Array(0.003854363383063756, 0.0024260532260151663, 0.0022162035474150243, 0.0018817267913487192, 0.0015001333324918243)), (Array(6, 1, 2, 70, 13),Array(0.0015776417631711249, 0.0014414685828715156, 0.0014279021959578673, 0.0012813104112466842, 8.294352348310147E-4)), (Array(1, 2, 0, 5, 23),Array(0.0036920461187951023, 0.00359354972907098, 0.002507896270867163, 0.0021850418950099, 0.0016447369107874818)), (Array(6, 0, 3, 35, 2),Array(0.002464771356929917, 0.0021840298145414266, 0.0013576445527878143, 0.0011473959400518262, 0.0011075469842802296)), (Array(4, 1, 10, 0, 5),Array(0.0019877776653926984, 0.0019088812832900985, 0.0014118885885063602, 0.0011336973397614043, 9.384609226085285E-4)), (Array(0, 2, 5, 4, 3),Array(0.003453703972841875, 0.00327608562414095, 0.0025174800837702693, 0.002218982477404188, 0.0017805786184620824)), (Array(0, 2, 1, 3, 6),Array(0.018645078429696073, 0.01154979812954807, 0.0093996276023053, 0.008649180109527853, 0.008565200297515204)), (Array(0, 1, 2, 5, 8),Array(0.019137707865734686, 0.014515895598928779, 0.012282554660302827, 0.010060286236470243, 0.009978216413893133)))
vocabList: Array[String] = Array(know, just, like, want, think, right, going, good, yeah, tell, come, time, look, didn, mean, make, okay, really, little, sure, gonna, thing, people, said, maybe, need, sorry, love, talk, thought, doing, life, night, things, work, money, better, told, long, help, believe, years, shit, does, away, place, hell, doesn, great, home, feel, fuck, kind, remember, dead, course, wouldn, wait, kill, guess, understand, thank, girl, wrong, leave, listen, talking, real, hear, stop, nice, happened, fine, wanted, father, gotta, mind, fucking, house, wasn, getting, world, stay, mother, left, came, care, thanks, knew, room, trying, guys, went, looking, coming, heard, friend, haven, seen, best, tonight, live, used, matter, killed, pretty, business, idea, couldn, head, miss, says, wife, called, woman, morning, tomorrow, start, stuff, saying, play, hello, baby, hard, probably, minute, days, took, somebody, today, school, meet, gone, crazy, wants, damn, forget, cause, problem, deal, case, friends, point, hope, jesus, afraid, looks, knows, year, worry, exactly, aren, half, thinking, shut, hold, wanna, face, minutes, bring, doctor, word, read, everybody, supposed, makes, story, turn, true, watch, thousand, family, brother, kids, week, happen, fuckin, working, open, happy, lost, john, hurt, town, ready, alright, late, actually, gave, married, beautiful, soon, jack, times, sleep, door, having, hand, drink, easy, gets, chance, young, trouble, different, anybody, rest, shot, hate, death, second, later, asked, phone, wish, check, quite, walk, change, police, couple, question, close, taking, heart, hours, making, comes, anymore, truth, trust, dollars, important, captain, telling, funny, person, honey, goes, eyes, reason, inside, stand, break, means, number, tried, high, white, water, suppose, body, sick, game, excuse, party, women, country, answer, waiting, christ, office, send, pick, alive, sort, blood, black, daddy, line, husband, goddamn, book, fifty, thirty, fact, million, died, hands, power, started, stupid, shouldn, months, boys, city, dinner, sense, running, hour, shoot, fight, drive, george, speak, figure, living, ship, dear, street, ahead, lady, seven, free, feeling, scared, frank, able, children, safe, moment, outside, news, president, brought, write, happens, sent, bullshit, lose, light, glad, girls, child, sister, sounds, promise, till, lives, sound, weren, save, cool, poor, shall, asking, plan, bitch, king, daughter, beat, weeks, york, cold, worth, taken, harry, needs, piece, movie, fast, possible, small, goin, straight, human, hair, company, tired, food, lucky, pull, wonderful, touch, looked, state, thinks, picture, words, leaving, control, clear, known, special, buddy, luck, order, follow, expect, mary, mouth, catch, worked, mister, learn, playing, perfect, dream, calling, questions, hospital, coffee, ride, takes, parents, miles, works, secret, hotel, explain, worse, kidding, past, outta, general, unless, felt, drop, throw, interested, hang, certainly, absolutely, earth, loved, wonder, dark, accident, seeing, clock, doin, simple, turned, date, sweet, meeting, clean, sign, feet, handle, music, report, giving, army, fucked, cops, charlie, information, smart, yesterday, fall, fault, class, bank, month, blow, major, caught, swear, paul, road, choice, talked, plane, boss, david, paid, wear, american, worried, lord, goodbye, clothes, paper, ones, terrible, strange, mistake, given, kept, hurry, blue, murder, finish, apartment, sell, middle, nothin, careful, hasn, meant, walter, moving, changed, imagine, fair, difference, quiet, happening, near, quit, marry, personal, figured, future, rose, agent, building, michael, kinda, mama, early, private, watching, trip, certain, record, busy, jimmy, broke, store, sake, longer, finally, stick, boat, born, sitting, evening, bucks, ought, lying, chief, history, honor, lunch, kiss, darling, respect, uncle, favor, fool, rich, killing, land, liked, peter, tough, brain, interesting, nick, completely, welcome, problems, radio, wake, dick, honest, cash, dance, dude, james, bout, floor, weird, court, calls, jail, window, involved, drunk, johnny, needed, officer, asshole, books, spend, situation, relax, pain, service, dangerous, grand, security, letter, stopped, realize, offer, table, bastard, message, killer, instead, jake, deep, nervous, pass, somethin, evil, english, bought, short, step, ring, machine, likes, picked, eddie, voice, carry, upset, lived, forgot, afternoon, fear, quick, finished, count, forgive, wrote, decided, totally, named, space, team, lawyer, pleasure, doubt, station, suit, gotten, bother, return, prove, pictures, slow, strong, bunch, list, wearing, driving, join, christmas, tape, force, church, attack, appreciate, hungry, standing, college, present, dying, prison, missing, charge, board, truck, public, gold, staying, calm, ball, hardly, hadn, missed, lead, government, island, cover, horse, reach, joke, french, fish, star, surprise, moved, mike, america, soul, self, seconds, movies, dress, club, putting, price, saved, listening, lots, cost, smell, mark, peace, gives, crime, entire, dreams, single, usually, department, holy, beer, west, stuck, wall, protect, nose, teach, ways, forever, awful, grow, train, type, billy, rock, detective, walking, dumb, planet, papers, beginning, folks, attention, park, card, hide, birthday, test, share, reading, starting, master, lieutenant, partner, field, enjoy, twice, mess, film, blame, bomb, dollar, loves, round, south, girlfriend, gentlemen, records, using, plenty, especially, evidence, silly, experience, admit, normal, fired, talkin, notice, mission, fighting, memory, lock, louis, wedding, crap, promised, guns, idiot, marriage, glass, orders, ground, impossible, heaven, knock, hole, spent, green, animal, neck, wondering, press, drugs, nuts, position, broken, names, jerry, asleep, acting, visit, feels, plans, boyfriend, wind, tells, paris, smoke, cross, gimme, holding, sheriff, walked, mention, brothers, double, judge, writing, code, pardon, keeps, fellow, closed, lovely, angry, fell, surprised, percent, cute, charles, bathroom, correct, agree, address, summer, ridiculous, andy, tommy, rules, account, note, group, learned, proud, laugh, sing, pulled, sleeping, colonel, upstairs, area, difficult, built, jump, river, betty, breakfast, bobby, bridge, dirty, locked, amazing, north, feelings, alex, plus, definitely, worst, accept, kick, file, gettin, wild, seriously, grace, steal, stories, advice, relationship, nature, places, contact, waste, spot, favorite, beach, stole, apart, knowing, faith, song, risk, level, loose, foot, played, eating, patient, action, washington, witness, turns, build, obviously, begin, split, crew, command, games, nurse, decide, keeping, tight, copy, runs, form, bird, complete, insane, arrest, scene, taste, jeffrey, consider, shoes, teeth, sooner, career, henry, devil, monster, weekend, heavy, gift, innocent, hall, showed, study, destroy, greatest, keys, track, comin, raise, danger, bruce, suddenly, hanging, carl, california, apologize, concerned, program, blind, seventy, chicken, sweetheart, medical, forward, drinking, willing, legs, suspect, shop, professor, admiral, guard, data, ticket, camp, tree, losing, goodnight, dunno, paying, murdered, burn, television, trick, possibly, senator, credit, extra, dropped, meaning, starts, warm, hiding, sold, stone, cheap, taught, marty, lately, simply, lookin, science, queen, following, majesty, jeff, corner, harold, duty, cars, training, heads, seat, discuss, noticed, helped, enemy, bear, common, screw, responsible)
topics: Array[Array[(String, Double)]] = Array(Array((think,0.0015151627605402241), (just,0.001486317713687992), (tell,0.0011681552786581887), (like,0.0010054261952954218), (yeah,8.615063157995299E-4)), Array((just,0.0019868644391922855), (right,0.0012407287861833166), (make,0.001222938318274118), (didn,8.919429867442377E-4), (mean,8.877996244770699E-4)), Array((right,0.0021699398068533824), (want,0.0011749233194760728), (talk,9.013899165935946E-4), (tell,8.504816848342215E-4), (doing,8.252271581728695E-4)), Array((right,0.0052403657467525845), (okay,0.0042033140402619375), (just,0.003763558294118634), (going,0.003396547452689663), (like,0.003021645305713142)), Array((want,0.0033139517864565287), (think,0.0021697727562965366), (know,0.0021377421844192557), (just,0.0018117462306041533), (tell,0.0016275001664372737)), Array((know,0.0023854706148061567), (just,0.0019261905458742943), (like,0.0016576667581656617), (people,0.0011917968671869056), (think,0.0011248880469085086)), Array((know,0.004655511405730442), (think,0.002458768397723486), (like,0.0021078794201011583), (just,0.0017387793236628348), (time,0.0014236215935311085)), Array((know,0.0018921794022548181), (just,0.0018483719649855822), (want,0.0014386272597831232), (going,0.0014182374956709625), (yeah,0.0013764615715091382)), Array((like,0.0051946490753460636), (come,0.00495793071050275), (good,0.003580668739640197), (look,0.003184743897654473), (thank,0.002981524063809674)), Array((know,0.0021335471974973886), (like,9.625379885382163E-4), (tell,9.199660101772105E-4), (think,9.033959582006918E-4), (sorry,8.747265482123576E-4)), Array((shit,0.0025288929149109313), (hello,0.002359902253314637), (just,0.002261894922516035), (think,0.0018626814528567444), (know,0.0017576647100866413)), Array((think,0.007977613731363398), (just,0.0074256547675291915), (going,0.006054432245366723), (know,0.0047629498600014275), (good,0.004741787642644756)), Array((know,0.003854363383063756), (time,0.0024260532260151663), (just,0.0022162035474150243), (like,0.0018817267913487192), (good,0.0015001333324918243)), Array((going,0.0015776417631711249), (just,0.0014414685828715156), (like,0.0014279021959578673), (nice,0.0012813104112466842), (didn,8.294352348310147E-4)), Array((just,0.0036920461187951023), (like,0.00359354972907098), (know,0.002507896270867163), (right,0.0021850418950099), (said,0.0016447369107874818)), Array((going,0.002464771356929917), (know,0.0021840298145414266), (want,0.0013576445527878143), (money,0.0011473959400518262), (like,0.0011075469842802296)), Array((think,0.0019877776653926984), (just,0.0019088812832900985), (come,0.0014118885885063602), (know,0.0011336973397614043), (right,9.384609226085285E-4)), Array((know,0.003453703972841875), (like,0.00327608562414095), (right,0.0025174800837702693), (think,0.002218982477404188), (want,0.0017805786184620824)), Array((know,0.018645078429696073), (like,0.01154979812954807), (just,0.0093996276023053), (want,0.008649180109527853), (going,0.008565200297515204)), Array((know,0.019137707865734686), (just,0.014515895598928779), (like,0.012282554660302827), (right,0.010060286236470243), (yeah,0.009978216413893133)))

Going through the results, you may notice that some of the topic words returned are actually stopwords that are specific to our dataset (for eg: "writes", "article"...). Let's try improving our model.

Step 8. Model Tuning - Refilter Stopwords

We will try to improve the results of our model by identifying some stopwords that are specific to our dataset. We will filter these stopwords out and rerun our LDA model to see if we get better results.

val add_stopwords = Array("whatever") // add  more stop-words like the name of your company!
add_stopwords: Array[String] = Array(whatever)
// Combine newly identified stopwords to our exising list of stopwords
val new_stopwords = stopwords.union(add_stopwords)
new_stopwords: Array[String] = Array(a, about, above, across, after, afterwards, again, against, all, almost, alone, along, already, also, although, always, am, among, amongst, amoungst, amount, an, and, another, any, anyhow, anyone, anything, anyway, anywhere, are, around, as, at, back, be, became, because, become, becomes, becoming, been, before, beforehand, behind, being, below, beside, besides, between, beyond, bill, both, bottom, but, by, call, can, cannot, cant, co, computer, con, could, couldnt, cry, de, describe, detail, do, done, down, due, during, each, eg, eight, either, eleven, else, elsewhere, empty, enough, etc, even, ever, every, everyone, everything, everywhere, except, few, fifteen, fify, fill, find, fire, first, five, for, former, formerly, forty, found, four, from, front, full, further, get, give, go, had, has, hasnt, have, he, hence, her, here, hereafter, hereby, herein, hereupon, hers, herself, him, himself, his, how, however, hundred, i, ie, if, in, inc, indeed, interest, into, is, it, its, itself, keep, last, latter, latterly, least, less, ltd, made, many, may, me, meanwhile, might, mill, mine, more, moreover, most, mostly, move, much, must, my, myself, name, namely, neither, never, nevertheless, next, nine, no, nobody, none, noone, nor, not, nothing, now, nowhere, of, off, often, on, once, one, only, onto, or, other, others, otherwise, our, ours, ourselves, out, over, own, part, per, perhaps, please, put, rather, re, same, see, seem, seemed, seeming, seems, serious, several, she, should, show, side, since, sincere, six, sixty, so, some, somehow, someone, something, sometime, sometimes, somewhere, still, such, system, take, ten, than, that, the, their, them, themselves, then, thence, there, thereafter, thereby, therefore, therein, thereupon, these, they, thick, thin, third, this, those, though, three, through, throughout, thru, thus, to, together, too, top, toward, towards, twelve, twenty, two, un, under, until, up, upon, us, very, via, was, we, well, were, what, whatever, when, whence, whenever, where, whereafter, whereas, whereby, wherein, whereupon, wherever, whether, which, while, whither, who, whoever, whole, whom, whose, why, will, with, within, without, would, yet, you, your, yours, yourself, yourselves, whatever)

// Set Params for StopWordsRemover with new_stopwords
val remover = new StopWordsRemover()

// Create new df with new list of stopwords removed
val new_filtered_df = remover.transform(tokenized_df)
remover: = stopWords_4029322e305c
new_filtered_df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: bigint, corpus: string, movieTitle: string, movieYear: string, tokens: array<string>, filtered: array<string>]
// Set Params for CountVectorizer
val vectorizer = new CountVectorizer()

// Create new df of countVectors
val new_countVectors = vectorizer.transform(new_filtered_df).select("id", "features")
vectorizer: = cntVec_68b272a90616
new_countVectors: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: bigint, features: vector]
// Convert DF to RDD
val new_lda_countVector = { case Row(id: Long, countVector: Vector) => (id, countVector) }
new_lda_countVector: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Long, org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector)] = MapPartitionsRDD[358] at map at <console>:92

We will also increase MaxIterations to 10 to see if we get better results.

// Set LDA parameters
val new_lda = new LDA()
.setOptimizer(new OnlineLDAOptimizer().setMiniBatchFraction(0.8))
.setDocConcentration(-1) // use default values
.setTopicConcentration(-1) // use default values
new_lda: org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.LDA = org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.LDA@5c137f48

How to find what the default values are?

Dive into the source!!!

  1. Let's find the default value for docConcentration now.
  2. Got to Apache Spark package Root:

  3. search for 'ml' in the search box on the top left (ml is for ml library)

  4. Then find the LDA by scrolling below on the left to mllib's clustering methods and click on LDA
  5. Then click on the source code link which should take you here:

     * Concentration parameter (commonly named "alpha") for the prior placed on documents'
     * distributions over topics ("theta").
     * This is the parameter to a Dirichlet distribution, where larger values mean more smoothing
     * (more regularization).
     * If not set by the user, then docConcentration is set automatically. If set to
     * singleton vector [alpha], then alpha is replicated to a vector of length k in fitting.
     * Otherwise, the [[docConcentration]] vector must be length k.
     * (default = automatic)
     * Optimizer-specific parameter settings:
     *  - EM
     *     - Currently only supports symmetric distributions, so all values in the vector should be
     *       the same.
     *     - Values should be > 1.0
     *     - default = uniformly (50 / k) + 1, where 50/k is common in LDA libraries and +1 follows
     *       from Asuncion et al. (2009), who recommend a +1 adjustment for EM.
     *  - Online
     *     - Values should be >= 0
     *     - default = uniformly (1.0 / k), following the implementation from
     *       [[]].
     * @group param

HOMEWORK: Try to find the default value for TopicConcentration.

// Create LDA model with stopwords refiltered
val new_ldaModel =
new_ldaModel: org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.LDAModel = org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.LocalLDAModel@643fbf3b
val topicIndices = new_ldaModel.describeTopics(maxTermsPerTopic = 5)
val vocabList = vectorizer.vocabulary
val topics = { case (terms, termWeights) =>
println(s"$numTopics topics:")
topics.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (topic, i) =>
  println(s"TOPIC $i")
  topic.foreach { case (term, weight) => println(s"$term\t$weight") }
20 topics:
know    0.003380285974360492
just    0.0032710843636220392
mean    0.0020403580269282785
going    0.0018412081716573069
yeah    0.0017292076410595036
know    0.002722716605262849
think    0.0023160709876635563
want    0.0015682033014027693
tell    0.0013765056029302197
really    0.0013190996836754377
know    0.005285852017130324
gonna    0.004450466114304245
like    0.003808477141912193
wait    0.00257579095912931
yeah    0.002507435691768419
think    0.006461906040549763
come    0.0038559336578359326
like    0.002329773059820553
just    0.002290146790129036
time    0.0022316260674415563
know    0.002839310966830335
just    0.0020525839506887987
like    0.0016688236712771678
good    0.0014274841432802734
yeah    0.0013850182617787298
look    0.006430414745047661
good    0.005126904726913699
know    0.0038267418634824993
like    0.0036370167197777273
wrong    0.002887042876288361
know    0.007168914271817762
like    0.0033303014922639114
maybe    0.001955212601872564
just    0.0019152703247870325
didn    0.001636430956103975
know    0.002439426756082817
like    0.0022689767941727434
okay    0.001495915190048933
think    0.0013473171307872285
right    0.0012347189576881645
just    0.001595528475061785
like    0.001569574938286783
right    0.0014295885338975265
good    0.0013466020121047748
said    0.0011352192707646653
know    0.016901222618068566
doing    0.004577649410574112
think    0.003971192161188001
like    0.00302620634958447
going    0.002669274623796597
know    0.0038140269563962073
going    0.0031781682895507344
just    0.0028816331972935914
like    0.002153017945640159
think    0.0020204879213200793
know    0.0015301133248231589
think    0.0014066243941540167
want    0.0013542853436208809
just    0.001304010526888571
come    0.0011507128067044772
believe    0.005486844829169185
love    0.005165142844000885
like    0.002752377771173137
yeah    0.002435701398970671
know    0.002172817525760321
good    0.0017598365263938752
watch    0.0014049463901361563
know    0.0013008619267103779
just    0.0010998243109867924
like    0.0010793139503736371
know    0.003878373108166717
want    0.0030755628561658353
right    0.0022294955855522
going    0.0021720024876757753
just    0.0018231807557625098
just    0.0028533537480122657
admiral    0.0026257588674351673
captain    0.002238753458417432
want    0.0018200655345899832
know    0.0014445516378355958
know    0.021238887749001945
just    0.015968186460355357
like    0.014999425078825599
want    0.01113115647988978
think    0.010478256508567313
yeah    0.00584394109274795
hello    0.005492554407760574
just    0.0029978901524305417
like    0.0018868921065350684
right    0.001718570248830763
sure    0.002274494414898221
right    0.0017297649569008693
want    0.0014831519281558064
know    0.0014498408868561115
like    0.0014485786883881421
just    0.0013129899588363335
like    0.0011555068372966766
going    0.0010399640593116153
know    8.095270505187395E-4
time    7.192560022056095E-4
topicIndices: Array[(Array[Int], Array[Double])] = Array((Array(0, 1, 14, 6, 8),Array(0.003380285974360492, 0.0032710843636220392, 0.0020403580269282785, 0.0018412081716573069, 0.0017292076410595036)), (Array(0, 4, 3, 9, 17),Array(0.002722716605262849, 0.0023160709876635563, 0.0015682033014027693, 0.0013765056029302197, 0.0013190996836754377)), (Array(0, 20, 2, 57, 8),Array(0.005285852017130324, 0.004450466114304245, 0.003808477141912193, 0.00257579095912931, 0.002507435691768419)), (Array(4, 10, 2, 1, 11),Array(0.006461906040549763, 0.0038559336578359326, 0.002329773059820553, 0.002290146790129036, 0.0022316260674415563)), (Array(0, 1, 2, 7, 8),Array(0.002839310966830335, 0.0020525839506887987, 0.0016688236712771678, 0.0014274841432802734, 0.0013850182617787298)), (Array(12, 7, 0, 2, 63),Array(0.006430414745047661, 0.005126904726913699, 0.0038267418634824993, 0.0036370167197777273, 0.002887042876288361)), (Array(0, 2, 24, 1, 13),Array(0.007168914271817762, 0.0033303014922639114, 0.001955212601872564, 0.0019152703247870325, 0.001636430956103975)), (Array(0, 2, 16, 4, 5),Array(0.002439426756082817, 0.0022689767941727434, 0.001495915190048933, 0.0013473171307872285, 0.0012347189576881645)), (Array(1, 2, 5, 7, 23),Array(0.001595528475061785, 0.001569574938286783, 0.0014295885338975265, 0.0013466020121047748, 0.0011352192707646653)), (Array(0, 30, 4, 2, 6),Array(0.016901222618068566, 0.004577649410574112, 0.003971192161188001, 0.00302620634958447, 0.002669274623796597)), (Array(0, 6, 1, 2, 4),Array(0.0038140269563962073, 0.0031781682895507344, 0.0028816331972935914, 0.002153017945640159, 0.0020204879213200793)), (Array(0, 4, 3, 1, 10),Array(0.0015301133248231589, 0.0014066243941540167, 0.0013542853436208809, 0.001304010526888571, 0.0011507128067044772)), (Array(40, 27, 2, 8, 0),Array(0.005486844829169185, 0.005165142844000885, 0.002752377771173137, 0.002435701398970671, 0.002172817525760321)), (Array(7, 169, 0, 1, 2),Array(0.0017598365263938752, 0.0014049463901361563, 0.0013008619267103779, 0.0010998243109867924, 0.0010793139503736371)), (Array(0, 3, 5, 6, 1),Array(0.003878373108166717, 0.0030755628561658353, 0.0022294955855522, 0.0021720024876757753, 0.0018231807557625098)), (Array(1, 945, 233, 3, 0),Array(0.0028533537480122657, 0.0026257588674351673, 0.002238753458417432, 0.0018200655345899832, 0.0014445516378355958)), (Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4),Array(0.021238887749001945, 0.015968186460355357, 0.014999425078825599, 0.01113115647988978, 0.010478256508567313)), (Array(8, 121, 1, 2, 5),Array(0.00584394109274795, 0.005492554407760574, 0.0029978901524305417, 0.0018868921065350684, 0.001718570248830763)), (Array(19, 5, 3, 0, 2),Array(0.002274494414898221, 0.0017297649569008693, 0.0014831519281558064, 0.0014498408868561115, 0.0014485786883881421)), (Array(1, 2, 6, 0, 11),Array(0.0013129899588363335, 0.0011555068372966766, 0.0010399640593116153, 8.095270505187395E-4, 7.192560022056095E-4)))
vocabList: Array[String] = Array(know, just, like, want, think, right, going, good, yeah, tell, come, time, look, didn, mean, make, okay, really, little, sure, gonna, thing, people, said, maybe, need, sorry, love, talk, thought, doing, life, night, things, work, money, better, told, long, help, believe, years, shit, does, away, place, hell, doesn, great, home, feel, fuck, kind, remember, dead, course, wouldn, wait, kill, guess, understand, thank, girl, wrong, leave, listen, talking, real, hear, stop, nice, happened, fine, wanted, father, gotta, mind, fucking, house, wasn, getting, world, stay, mother, left, came, care, thanks, knew, room, trying, guys, went, looking, coming, heard, friend, haven, seen, best, tonight, live, used, matter, killed, pretty, business, idea, couldn, head, miss, says, wife, called, woman, morning, tomorrow, start, stuff, saying, play, hello, baby, hard, probably, minute, days, took, somebody, today, school, meet, gone, crazy, wants, damn, forget, problem, cause, deal, case, friends, point, hope, jesus, afraid, looks, knows, year, worry, exactly, aren, half, thinking, shut, hold, wanna, face, minutes, bring, word, read, doctor, everybody, supposed, makes, story, turn, true, watch, thousand, family, brother, kids, week, happen, fuckin, working, open, happy, lost, john, hurt, town, ready, alright, late, actually, married, gave, beautiful, soon, jack, times, sleep, door, having, drink, hand, easy, gets, chance, young, trouble, different, anybody, shot, rest, hate, death, second, later, asked, phone, wish, check, quite, walk, change, police, couple, question, close, taking, heart, hours, making, comes, anymore, truth, trust, dollars, important, captain, telling, funny, person, honey, goes, eyes, reason, inside, stand, break, means, number, tried, high, white, water, suppose, body, sick, game, excuse, party, women, country, answer, christ, waiting, office, send, pick, alive, sort, blood, black, daddy, line, husband, goddamn, book, fifty, thirty, fact, million, died, hands, power, stupid, started, shouldn, months, boys, city, sense, dinner, running, hour, shoot, fight, drive, speak, george, ship, living, figure, dear, street, ahead, lady, seven, scared, free, feeling, frank, able, children, safe, moment, outside, news, president, brought, write, happens, sent, bullshit, lose, light, glad, child, girls, sounds, sister, promise, lives, till, sound, weren, save, poor, cool, shall, asking, plan, king, bitch, daughter, weeks, beat, york, cold, worth, taken, harry, needs, piece, movie, fast, possible, small, goin, straight, human, hair, company, food, tired, lucky, pull, wonderful, touch, looked, thinks, state, picture, leaving, words, control, clear, known, special, buddy, luck, order, follow, expect, mary, catch, mouth, worked, mister, learn, playing, perfect, dream, calling, questions, hospital, takes, ride, coffee, miles, parents, works, secret, hotel, explain, kidding, worse, past, outta, general, felt, drop, unless, throw, interested, hang, certainly, absolutely, earth, loved, dark, wonder, accident, seeing, turned, clock, simple, doin, date, sweet, meeting, clean, sign, feet, handle, music, report, giving, army, fucked, cops, charlie, smart, yesterday, information, fall, fault, bank, class, month, blow, swear, caught, major, paul, road, talked, choice, plane, boss, david, paid, wear, american, worried, lord, paper, goodbye, clothes, ones, terrible, strange, given, mistake, finish, kept, blue, murder, hurry, apartment, sell, middle, nothin, careful, hasn, meant, walter, moving, changed, imagine, fair, difference, quiet, happening, near, quit, personal, marry, figured, future, rose, building, mama, michael, early, agent, kinda, watching, private, trip, record, certain, busy, jimmy, broke, sake, longer, store, boat, stick, finally, born, evening, sitting, bucks, ought, chief, lying, history, kiss, honor, darling, lunch, favor, fool, uncle, respect, rich, land, liked, killing, peter, tough, brain, interesting, completely, problems, welcome, nick, wake, honest, radio, dick, cash, dance, dude, james, bout, floor, weird, court, calls, jail, drunk, window, involved, johnny, officer, needed, asshole, situation, spend, books, relax, pain, service, grand, dangerous, letter, security, stopped, offer, realize, table, bastard, message, instead, killer, jake, deep, nervous, somethin, pass, evil, english, bought, short, step, ring, picked, likes, machine, eddie, voice, upset, forgot, carry, lived, afternoon, fear, quick, finished, count, forgive, wrote, named, decided, totally, space, team, pleasure, doubt, lawyer, station, gotten, suit, bother, prove, return, slow, pictures, bunch, strong, list, wearing, driving, join, tape, christmas, attack, appreciate, force, church, college, hungry, standing, present, dying, prison, missing, charge, board, truck, public, calm, gold, staying, ball, hardly, hadn, missed, lead, island, government, horse, cover, french, reach, joke, fish, star, mike, surprise, america, moved, soul, dress, seconds, club, self, putting, movies, lots, cost, listening, price, saved, smell, mark, peace, dreams, entire, crime, gives, usually, single, department, holy, beer, west, protect, stuck, wall, nose, ways, teach, forever, grow, train, type, awful, rock, detective, billy, walking, dumb, papers, beginning, planet, folks, park, attention, birthday, hide, card, master, share, reading, test, starting, lieutenant, field, partner, enjoy, twice, film, dollar, bomb, mess, blame, south, loves, girlfriend, round, records, using, plenty, especially, gentlemen, evidence, silly, experience, admit, fired, normal, talkin, mission, louis, memory, fighting, lock, notice, crap, wedding, promised, marriage, ground, guns, glass, idiot, orders, impossible, heaven, knock, hole, neck, animal, spent, green, wondering, nuts, press, drugs, broken, position, names, asleep, jerry, visit, boyfriend, acting, feels, plans, paris, smoke, tells, wind, cross, holding, sheriff, gimme, walked, mention, writing, double, brothers, code, judge, pardon, keeps, fellow, fell, closed, lovely, angry, cute, charles, surprised, percent, correct, bathroom, agree, address, andy, ridiculous, summer, tommy, rules, group, account, note, pulled, sleeping, sing, learned, proud, laugh, colonel, upstairs, river, difficult, built, jump, area, dirty, betty, bridge, breakfast, bobby, locked, amazing, north, feelings, alex, plus, definitely, worst, accept, kick, seriously, grace, steal, wild, stories, file, gettin, relationship, advice, nature, contact, spot, places, waste, knowing, beach, stole, apart, favorite, faith, level, loose, risk, song, eating, foot, played, patient, washington, turns, witness, action, build, obviously, begin, split, crew, command, games, tight, decide, nurse, keeping, runs, form, bird, copy, insane, complete, arrest, consider, taste, scene, jeffrey, teeth, shoes, career, henry, sooner, devil, monster, showed, weekend, gift, innocent, study, heavy, hall, comin, danger, greatest, track, keys, raise, destroy, concerned, program, carl, blind, apologize, suddenly, hanging, bruce, california, chicken, seventy, forward, drinking, sweetheart, medical, suspect, admiral, guard, shop, professor, legs, willing, camp, data, ticket, tree, goodnight, television, losing, senator, murdered, burn, dunno, paying, possibly, trick, dropped, credit, extra, starts, warm, hiding, meaning, sold, stone, taught, marty, lately, cheap, lookin, science, simply, jeff, corner, harold, following, majesty, queen, duty, cars, training, heads, seat, discuss, bear, enemy, helped, noticed, common, screw, dave)
topics: Array[Array[(String, Double)]] = Array(Array((know,0.003380285974360492), (just,0.0032710843636220392), (mean,0.0020403580269282785), (going,0.0018412081716573069), (yeah,0.0017292076410595036)), Array((know,0.002722716605262849), (think,0.0023160709876635563), (want,0.0015682033014027693), (tell,0.0013765056029302197), (really,0.0013190996836754377)), Array((know,0.005285852017130324), (gonna,0.004450466114304245), (like,0.003808477141912193), (wait,0.00257579095912931), (yeah,0.002507435691768419)), Array((think,0.006461906040549763), (come,0.0038559336578359326), (like,0.002329773059820553), (just,0.002290146790129036), (time,0.0022316260674415563)), Array((know,0.002839310966830335), (just,0.0020525839506887987), (like,0.0016688236712771678), (good,0.0014274841432802734), (yeah,0.0013850182617787298)), Array((look,0.006430414745047661), (good,0.005126904726913699), (know,0.0038267418634824993), (like,0.0036370167197777273), (wrong,0.002887042876288361)), Array((know,0.007168914271817762), (like,0.0033303014922639114), (maybe,0.001955212601872564), (just,0.0019152703247870325), (didn,0.001636430956103975)), Array((know,0.002439426756082817), (like,0.0022689767941727434), (okay,0.001495915190048933), (think,0.0013473171307872285), (right,0.0012347189576881645)), Array((just,0.001595528475061785), (like,0.001569574938286783), (right,0.0014295885338975265), (good,0.0013466020121047748), (said,0.0011352192707646653)), Array((know,0.016901222618068566), (doing,0.004577649410574112), (think,0.003971192161188001), (like,0.00302620634958447), (going,0.002669274623796597)), Array((know,0.0038140269563962073), (going,0.0031781682895507344), (just,0.0028816331972935914), (like,0.002153017945640159), (think,0.0020204879213200793)), Array((know,0.0015301133248231589), (think,0.0014066243941540167), (want,0.0013542853436208809), (just,0.001304010526888571), (come,0.0011507128067044772)), Array((believe,0.005486844829169185), (love,0.005165142844000885), (like,0.002752377771173137), (yeah,0.002435701398970671), (know,0.002172817525760321)), Array((good,0.0017598365263938752), (watch,0.0014049463901361563), (know,0.0013008619267103779), (just,0.0010998243109867924), (like,0.0010793139503736371)), Array((know,0.003878373108166717), (want,0.0030755628561658353), (right,0.0022294955855522), (going,0.0021720024876757753), (just,0.0018231807557625098)), Array((just,0.0028533537480122657), (admiral,0.0026257588674351673), (captain,0.002238753458417432), (want,0.0018200655345899832), (know,0.0014445516378355958)), Array((know,0.021238887749001945), (just,0.015968186460355357), (like,0.014999425078825599), (want,0.01113115647988978), (think,0.010478256508567313)), Array((yeah,0.00584394109274795), (hello,0.005492554407760574), (just,0.0029978901524305417), (like,0.0018868921065350684), (right,0.001718570248830763)), Array((sure,0.002274494414898221), (right,0.0017297649569008693), (want,0.0014831519281558064), (know,0.0014498408868561115), (like,0.0014485786883881421)), Array((just,0.0013129899588363335), (like,0.0011555068372966766), (going,0.0010399640593116153), (know,8.095270505187395E-4), (time,7.192560022056095E-4)))

Step 9. Create LDA model with Expectation Maximization

Let's try creating an LDA model with Expectation Maximization on the data that has been refiltered for additional stopwords. We will also increase MaxIterations here to 100 to see if that improves results. See:

import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.EMLDAOptimizer

// Set LDA parameters
val em_lda = new LDA()
.setOptimizer(new EMLDAOptimizer())
.setDocConcentration(-1) // use default values
.setTopicConcentration(-1) // use default values
import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.EMLDAOptimizer
em_lda: org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.LDA = org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.LDA@58eb41bb
val em_ldaModel =
em_ldaModel: org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.LDAModel = org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.DistributedLDAModel@4c061b42
import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.DistributedLDAModel;
val em_DldaModel = em_ldaModel.asInstanceOf[DistributedLDAModel]
import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.DistributedLDAModel
em_DldaModel: org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.DistributedLDAModel = org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.DistributedLDAModel@4c061b42
val top10ConversationsPerTopic = em_DldaModel.topDocumentsPerTopic(10)
top10ConversationsPerTopic: Array[(Array[Long], Array[Double])] = Array((Array(45776, 25563, 51613, 9235, 68318, 5157, 11905, 24977, 40553, 67360),Array(0.9961264134254786, 0.9950270052543277, 0.9950270052543277, 0.9924001084156447, 0.9921097017756921, 0.9909719072281145, 0.9902587177355318, 0.9902587177355318, 0.9902587177355318, 0.9902587177355318)), (Array(4607, 13728, 20619, 49998, 57763, 68412, 62993, 78110, 77311, 67361),Array(0.9981351648010939, 0.9981351648010939, 0.9981351648010939, 0.9976040780523643, 0.9976040780523643, 0.9976040780523643, 0.9976040780523643, 0.9976040780523643, 0.9976040780523643, 0.9976040780523643)), (Array(22243, 39967, 18136, 18149, 59043, 61513, 34087, 75874, 66270, 68876),Array(0.9986758340945384, 0.99866200816902, 0.9982983538060165, 0.9982983538060165, 0.9982983538060165, 0.9982983538060165, 0.9982983538060165, 0.9982983538060165, 0.9982983538060165, 0.9982983538060165)), (Array(21148, 67869, 12688, 20739, 40083, 40129, 27806, 75641, 1663, 77901),Array(0.9817652189208659, 0.980700428974543, 0.9798397727732211, 0.9789931510969716, 0.9789931510969716, 0.9636375540751915, 0.9636375540751915, 0.9612359093010769, 0.957557550980721, 0.9569465559108808)), (Array(42942, 37341, 15565, 74482, 32456, 25089, 3141, 50336, 82618, 33828),Array(0.9939396829305085, 0.9880586512000573, 0.9871149370176592, 0.9871149370176592, 0.9840808312524657, 0.9835970502807867, 0.9814091796150347, 0.9780807097081116, 0.972269084170973, 0.9708875960232249)), (Array(67529, 868, 50163, 17285, 31256, 39173, 68250, 56529, 57385, 82132),Array(0.9990171162073754, 0.9987989768565186, 0.9987989768565186, 0.9987989768565186, 0.9987989768565186, 0.9987989768565186, 0.9987989768565186, 0.9987989768565186, 0.9984565293818629, 0.9984565293818629)), (Array(896, 79044, 226, 2542, 33809, 73304, 17479, 54249, 44108, 58480),Array(0.9951465128675782, 0.9941697875839299, 0.9937720178281022, 0.9937720178281022, 0.9937720178281022, 0.9937720178281022, 0.9937720178281022, 0.9934015414899598, 0.9934015414899598, 0.9925205038702167)), (Array(15133, 57890, 37120, 62101, 49733, 62224, 19643, 20696, 27094, 74712),Array(0.9961777807935454, 0.9961777807935454, 0.9961777807935454, 0.9961777807935454, 0.9961777807935454, 0.9961777807935454, 0.9909458180572681, 0.9883569450619376, 0.9883569450619376, 0.9871659577050831)), (Array(46112, 32447, 21254, 79186, 12440, 32559, 38008, 45936, 50053, 80392),Array(0.9947043941017288, 0.9947043941017288, 0.9914118273877935, 0.9908995276275648, 0.9896454314885597, 0.9896454314885597, 0.9896454314885597, 0.9896454314885597, 0.9889938386614177, 0.9889938386614177)), (Array(47218, 71056, 66874, 54438, 13157, 61253, 27098, 34759, 78067, 33129),Array(0.9918301515424207, 0.989527598260155, 0.988737685597458, 0.9880786022690486, 0.9880786022690486, 0.9855872102039211, 0.9855872102039211, 0.9855872102039211, 0.9846571642561236, 0.9761849108973557)), (Array(10909, 60039, 63593, 21882, 75809, 14975, 26777, 32670, 31570, 41302),Array(0.9973740341856386, 0.9961189372597797, 0.9961189372597797, 0.9958810463768091, 0.9958810463768091, 0.9949580019223903, 0.9937049015968403, 0.9915056466638248, 0.9911205228856524, 0.9894494048438851)), (Array(49871, 26018, 7226, 20897, 25022, 69680, 7264, 58074, 38442, 927),Array(0.9958001315343138, 0.9948320077327377, 0.993420744064234, 0.993420744064234, 0.993420744064234, 0.993420744064234, 0.993420744064234, 0.9933689215528814, 0.9844728578787995, 0.9836994292694718)), (Array(15479, 4870, 28685, 38717, 46052, 62635, 61273, 52996, 61532, 75144),Array(0.9972304302653124, 0.9964428638445055, 0.9964428638445055, 0.9964428638445055, 0.9964428638445055, 0.9964428638445055, 0.9964428638445055, 0.9942396378765068, 0.9942396378765068, 0.9942396378765068)), (Array(56678, 54226, 37967, 70482, 79904, 55867, 3951, 22481, 15637, 16284),Array(0.9884283619972736, 0.9884283619972736, 0.9884283619972736, 0.9847051914960039, 0.9834197321871639, 0.9806515661478516, 0.9780648613351506, 0.9665807649810713, 0.9635100690930093, 0.9592789291709471)), (Array(1330, 22023, 12743, 11957, 20784, 20836, 58277, 71065, 74242, 60163),Array(0.9949071821036793, 0.9949071821036793, 0.9949071821036793, 0.993464672490183, 0.993464672490183, 0.993464672490183, 0.993464672490183, 0.993464672490183, 0.993464672490183, 0.993464672490183)), (Array(7934, 19175, 61027, 52818, 60405, 74083, 60861, 6618, 82100, 27924),Array(0.9949268017027434, 0.991799421967856, 0.991799421967856, 0.991799421967856, 0.991799421967856, 0.9902468390459326, 0.9884682815008006, 0.9860910086076227, 0.9860910086076227, 0.9848277860275663)), (Array(67818, 7480, 63485, 60855, 63307, 23703, 82500, 82517, 48206, 22670),Array(0.9968162762527881, 0.995087903194635, 0.9929799052183865, 0.9860078579426556, 0.9860078579426556, 0.9851742336964862, 0.9669075510849617, 0.9669075510849617, 0.9579905278544458, 0.9433314243295607)), (Array(62320, 21240, 71931, 48811, 52547, 47548, 1942, 13216, 75832, 77558),Array(0.992895391400667, 0.9902996426102841, 0.9861346032361376, 0.9833673909943765, 0.9821199886922376, 0.9808558567908174, 0.9807256271833505, 0.9782411601710114, 0.9760380328906055, 0.9753126166244693)), (Array(73390, 16886, 30665, 69951, 46486, 45420, 45405, 69981, 56065, 2567),Array(0.9918560757530436, 0.9918560757530436, 0.9911613794647571, 0.9911613794647571, 0.9878914660339583, 0.983227570718236, 0.9829920874239972, 0.9809675308108912, 0.9556902685157634, 0.9553454993545188)), (Array(47079, 49027, 70161, 14247, 70245, 60008, 76300, 73926, 10269, 55704),Array(0.9937115752364689, 0.9917556559535897, 0.9917556559535897, 0.9917556559535897, 0.9917556559535897, 0.9912891905255827, 0.9912891905255827, 0.991219475657918, 0.9907866976083468, 0.9907866976083468)))
top10ConversationsPerTopic.length // number of topics
res53: Int = 20

Note that the EMLDAOptimizer produces a DistributedLDAModel, which stores not only the inferred topics but also the full training corpus and topic distributions for each document in the training corpus.

val topicIndices = em_ldaModel.describeTopics(maxTermsPerTopic = 5)
topicIndices: Array[(Array[Int], Array[Double])] = Array((Array(1, 2, 3, 135, 6),Array(0.030515134931284552, 0.02463563559747823, 0.022529385381465025, 0.02094828832824297, 0.0203407289886203)), (Array(8, 12, 0, 57, 32),Array(0.10787301090151602, 0.0756831002291994, 0.04815746564274915, 0.03897182014529944, 0.0341458394828345)), (Array(20, 35, 42, 51, 58),Array(0.08118584492034046, 0.051736711600637544, 0.04620430294274594, 0.0399843125556081, 0.03672740843080258)), (Array(22, 0, 34, 43, 4),Array(0.020091372023286612, 0.018613400462887356, 0.016775643603287843, 0.015522555458447744, 0.012161168331925723)), (Array(0, 1, 3, 9, 5),Array(0.031956573561538214, 0.030674598809934856, 0.027663491240851962, 0.025727217382788027, 0.02300853167338119)), (Array(27, 74, 31, 168, 202),Array(0.05932570200934131, 0.030080735900045442, 0.01769248067468245, 0.016281752071881345, 0.014927950883812253)), (Array(53, 92, 180, 113, 166),Array(0.03998401809663685, 0.01737965538107633, 0.016916065536574213, 0.016443441316683228, 0.014849882671062261)), (Array(78, 110, 5, 171, 232),Array(0.028911209424810257, 0.025669944694943093, 0.02091105252727788, 0.017862939987512365, 0.013959164390834044)), (Array(119, 0, 107, 106, 219),Array(0.022939827090645636, 0.021335083902970984, 0.017628999871937747, 0.017302568063786224, 0.012284217866942303)), (Array(0, 2, 24, 1, 3),Array(0.051876601466269136, 0.03828159069993671, 0.03754385940676905, 0.031938551661426284, 0.02876693222824349)), (Array(41, 6, 140, 162, 177),Array(0.032537676027398765, 0.030596831997667568, 0.02049555392502822, 0.018671171294737107, 0.017672067172167016)), (Array(118, 130, 181, 174, 170),Array(0.02236582778896705, 0.020057798194969816, 0.017134198006217606, 0.017075852415410653, 0.017013413435021035)), (Array(18, 62, 2, 114, 122),Array(0.08663446368316245, 0.035120377589734936, 0.02992080326340266, 0.0240813719635157, 0.022471517953608963)), (Array(0, 64, 11, 3, 1),Array(0.0283115823590395, 0.02744935904744228, 0.02050833156294194, 0.020124145131863225, 0.019466336438890477)), (Array(13, 2, 67, 59, 111),Array(0.08220031921979461, 0.05062323326717784, 0.03087838046777391, 0.02452989702353384, 0.022815035397008333)), (Array(158, 11, 233, 274, 295),Array(0.018541518543996716, 0.014737962244588431, 0.012594614743931537, 0.01193707771669708, 0.011260576815409516)), (Array(16, 1, 5, 0, 49),Array(0.08153575328080886, 0.050004142902999975, 0.03438984898476042, 0.02821327795933634, 0.023397063860326372)), (Array(257, 279, 313, 291, 351),Array(0.011270500385627474, 0.010428408353623762, 0.009392162067926028, 0.00799742811584178, 0.007597974486019279)), (Array(0, 4, 17, 14, 1),Array(0.09541058020800194, 0.0698707939786508, 0.06881812755565207, 0.02909700228968688, 0.028699687473471538)), (Array(54, 2, 198, 248, 266),Array(0.03833642117149438, 0.017873711992106994, 0.015280854355409379, 0.013718491413582671, 0.012699265888344448)))
val vocabList = vectorizer.vocabulary
vocabList: Array[String] = Array(know, just, like, want, think, right, going, good, yeah, tell, come, time, look, didn, mean, make, okay, really, little, sure, gonna, thing, people, said, maybe, need, sorry, love, talk, thought, doing, life, night, things, work, money, better, told, long, help, believe, years, shit, does, away, place, hell, doesn, great, home, feel, fuck, kind, remember, dead, course, wouldn, wait, kill, guess, understand, thank, girl, wrong, leave, listen, talking, real, hear, stop, nice, happened, fine, wanted, father, gotta, mind, fucking, house, wasn, getting, world, stay, mother, left, came, care, thanks, knew, room, trying, guys, went, looking, coming, heard, friend, haven, seen, best, tonight, live, used, matter, killed, pretty, business, idea, couldn, head, miss, says, wife, called, woman, morning, tomorrow, start, stuff, saying, play, hello, baby, hard, probably, minute, days, took, somebody, today, school, meet, gone, crazy, wants, damn, forget, problem, cause, deal, case, friends, point, hope, jesus, afraid, looks, knows, year, worry, exactly, aren, half, thinking, shut, hold, wanna, face, minutes, bring, word, read, doctor, everybody, supposed, makes, story, turn, true, watch, thousand, family, brother, kids, week, happen, fuckin, working, open, happy, lost, john, hurt, town, ready, alright, late, actually, married, gave, beautiful, soon, jack, times, sleep, door, having, drink, hand, easy, gets, chance, young, trouble, different, anybody, shot, rest, hate, death, second, later, asked, phone, wish, check, quite, walk, change, police, couple, question, close, taking, heart, hours, making, comes, anymore, truth, trust, dollars, important, captain, telling, funny, person, honey, goes, eyes, reason, inside, stand, break, means, number, tried, high, white, water, suppose, body, sick, game, excuse, party, women, country, answer, christ, waiting, office, send, pick, alive, sort, blood, black, daddy, line, husband, goddamn, book, fifty, thirty, fact, million, died, hands, power, stupid, started, shouldn, months, boys, city, sense, dinner, running, hour, shoot, fight, drive, speak, george, ship, living, figure, dear, street, ahead, lady, seven, scared, free, feeling, frank, able, children, safe, moment, outside, news, president, brought, write, happens, sent, bullshit, lose, light, glad, child, girls, sounds, sister, promise, lives, till, sound, weren, save, poor, cool, shall, asking, plan, king, bitch, daughter, weeks, beat, york, cold, worth, taken, harry, needs, piece, movie, fast, possible, small, goin, straight, human, hair, company, food, tired, lucky, pull, wonderful, touch, looked, thinks, state, picture, leaving, words, control, clear, known, special, buddy, luck, order, follow, expect, mary, catch, mouth, worked, mister, learn, playing, perfect, dream, calling, questions, hospital, takes, ride, coffee, miles, parents, works, secret, hotel, explain, kidding, worse, past, outta, general, felt, drop, unless, throw, interested, hang, certainly, absolutely, earth, loved, dark, wonder, accident, seeing, turned, clock, simple, doin, date, sweet, meeting, clean, sign, feet, handle, music, report, giving, army, fucked, cops, charlie, smart, yesterday, information, fall, fault, bank, class, month, blow, swear, caught, major, paul, road, talked, choice, plane, boss, david, paid, wear, american, worried, lord, paper, goodbye, clothes, ones, terrible, strange, given, mistake, finish, kept, blue, murder, hurry, apartment, sell, middle, nothin, careful, hasn, meant, walter, moving, changed, imagine, fair, difference, quiet, happening, near, quit, personal, marry, figured, future, rose, building, mama, michael, early, agent, kinda, watching, private, trip, record, certain, busy, jimmy, broke, sake, longer, store, boat, stick, finally, born, evening, sitting, bucks, ought, chief, lying, history, kiss, honor, darling, lunch, favor, fool, uncle, respect, rich, land, liked, killing, peter, tough, brain, interesting, completely, problems, welcome, nick, wake, honest, radio, dick, cash, dance, dude, james, bout, floor, weird, court, calls, jail, drunk, window, involved, johnny, officer, needed, asshole, situation, spend, books, relax, pain, service, grand, dangerous, letter, security, stopped, offer, realize, table, bastard, message, instead, killer, jake, deep, nervous, somethin, pass, evil, english, bought, short, step, ring, picked, likes, machine, eddie, voice, upset, forgot, carry, lived, afternoon, fear, quick, finished, count, forgive, wrote, named, decided, totally, space, team, pleasure, doubt, lawyer, station, gotten, suit, bother, prove, return, slow, pictures, bunch, strong, list, wearing, driving, join, tape, christmas, attack, appreciate, force, church, college, hungry, standing, present, dying, prison, missing, charge, board, truck, public, calm, gold, staying, ball, hardly, hadn, missed, lead, island, government, horse, cover, french, reach, joke, fish, star, mike, surprise, america, moved, soul, dress, seconds, club, self, putting, movies, lots, cost, listening, price, saved, smell, mark, peace, dreams, entire, crime, gives, usually, single, department, holy, beer, west, protect, stuck, wall, nose, ways, teach, forever, grow, train, type, awful, rock, detective, billy, walking, dumb, papers, beginning, planet, folks, park, attention, birthday, hide, card, master, share, reading, test, starting, lieutenant, field, partner, enjoy, twice, film, dollar, bomb, mess, blame, south, loves, girlfriend, round, records, using, plenty, especially, gentlemen, evidence, silly, experience, admit, fired, normal, talkin, mission, louis, memory, fighting, lock, notice, crap, wedding, promised, marriage, ground, guns, glass, idiot, orders, impossible, heaven, knock, hole, neck, animal, spent, green, wondering, nuts, press, drugs, broken, position, names, asleep, jerry, visit, boyfriend, acting, feels, plans, paris, smoke, tells, wind, cross, holding, sheriff, gimme, walked, mention, writing, double, brothers, code, judge, pardon, keeps, fellow, fell, closed, lovely, angry, cute, charles, surprised, percent, correct, bathroom, agree, address, andy, ridiculous, summer, tommy, rules, group, account, note, pulled, sleeping, sing, learned, proud, laugh, colonel, upstairs, river, difficult, built, jump, area, dirty, betty, bridge, breakfast, bobby, locked, amazing, north, feelings, alex, plus, definitely, worst, accept, kick, seriously, grace, steal, wild, stories, file, gettin, relationship, advice, nature, contact, spot, places, waste, knowing, beach, stole, apart, favorite, faith, level, loose, risk, song, eating, foot, played, patient, washington, turns, witness, action, build, obviously, begin, split, crew, command, games, tight, decide, nurse, keeping, runs, form, bird, copy, insane, complete, arrest, consider, taste, scene, jeffrey, teeth, shoes, career, henry, sooner, devil, monster, showed, weekend, gift, innocent, study, heavy, hall, comin, danger, greatest, track, keys, raise, destroy, concerned, program, carl, blind, apologize, suddenly, hanging, bruce, california, chicken, seventy, forward, drinking, sweetheart, medical, suspect, admiral, guard, shop, professor, legs, willing, camp, data, ticket, tree, goodnight, television, losing, senator, murdered, burn, dunno, paying, possibly, trick, dropped, credit, extra, starts, warm, hiding, meaning, sold, stone, taught, marty, lately, cheap, lookin, science, simply, jeff, corner, harold, following, majesty, queen, duty, cars, training, heads, seat, discuss, bear, enemy, helped, noticed, common, screw, dave)
res32: Int = 10000
val topics = { case (terms, termWeights) =>
topics: Array[Array[(String, Double)]] = Array(Array((just,0.030515134931284552), (like,0.02463563559747823), (want,0.022529385381465025), (damn,0.02094828832824297), (going,0.0203407289886203)), Array((yeah,0.10787301090151602), (look,0.0756831002291994), (know,0.04815746564274915), (wait,0.03897182014529944), (night,0.0341458394828345)), Array((gonna,0.08118584492034046), (money,0.051736711600637544), (shit,0.04620430294274594), (fuck,0.0399843125556081), (kill,0.03672740843080258)), Array((people,0.020091372023286612), (know,0.018613400462887356), (work,0.016775643603287843), (does,0.015522555458447744), (think,0.012161168331925723)), Array((know,0.031956573561538214), (just,0.030674598809934856), (want,0.027663491240851962), (tell,0.025727217382788027), (right,0.02300853167338119)), Array((love,0.05932570200934131), (father,0.030080735900045442), (life,0.01769248067468245), (true,0.016281752071881345), (young,0.014927950883812253)), Array((remember,0.03998401809663685), (went,0.01737965538107633), (lost,0.016916065536574213), (called,0.016443441316683228), (story,0.014849882671062261)), Array((house,0.028911209424810257), (miss,0.025669944694943093), (right,0.02091105252727788), (family,0.017862939987512365), (important,0.013959164390834044)), Array((saying,0.022939827090645636), (know,0.021335083902970984), (idea,0.017628999871937747), (business,0.017302568063786224), (police,0.012284217866942303)), Array((know,0.051876601466269136), (like,0.03828159069993671), (maybe,0.03754385940676905), (just,0.031938551661426284), (want,0.02876693222824349)), Array((years,0.032537676027398765), (going,0.030596831997667568), (case,0.02049555392502822), (doctor,0.018671171294737107), (working,0.017672067172167016)), Array((stuff,0.02236582778896705), (school,0.020057798194969816), (john,0.017134198006217606), (week,0.017075852415410653), (thousand,0.017013413435021035)), Array((little,0.08663446368316245), (girl,0.035120377589734936), (like,0.02992080326340266), (woman,0.0240813719635157), (baby,0.022471517953608963)), Array((know,0.0283115823590395), (leave,0.02744935904744228), (time,0.02050833156294194), (want,0.020124145131863225), (just,0.019466336438890477)), Array((didn,0.08220031921979461), (like,0.05062323326717784), (real,0.03087838046777391), (guess,0.02452989702353384), (says,0.022815035397008333)), Array((minutes,0.018541518543996716), (time,0.014737962244588431), (captain,0.012594614743931537), (thirty,0.01193707771669708), (ship,0.011260576815409516)), Array((okay,0.08153575328080886), (just,0.050004142902999975), (right,0.03438984898476042), (know,0.02821327795933634), (home,0.023397063860326372)), Array((country,0.011270500385627474), (power,0.010428408353623762), (president,0.009392162067926028), (fight,0.00799742811584178), (possible,0.007597974486019279)), Array((know,0.09541058020800194), (think,0.0698707939786508), (really,0.06881812755565207), (mean,0.02909700228968688), (just,0.028699687473471538)), Array((dead,0.03833642117149438), (like,0.017873711992106994), (hand,0.015280854355409379), (white,0.013718491413582671), (blood,0.012699265888344448)))
vocabList(47) // 47 is the index of the term 'university' or the first term in topics - this may change due to randomness in algorithm
res33: String = doesn

This is just doing it all at once.

val topicIndices = em_ldaModel.describeTopics(maxTermsPerTopic = 5)
val vocabList = vectorizer.vocabulary
val topics = { case (terms, termWeights) =>
println(s"$numTopics topics:")
topics.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (topic, i) =>
  println(s"TOPIC $i")
  topic.foreach { case (term, weight) => println(s"$term\t$weight") }
20 topics:
just    0.030515134931284552
like    0.02463563559747823
want    0.022529385381465025
damn    0.02094828832824297
going    0.0203407289886203
yeah    0.10787301090151602
look    0.0756831002291994
know    0.04815746564274915
wait    0.03897182014529944
night    0.0341458394828345
gonna    0.08118584492034046
money    0.051736711600637544
shit    0.04620430294274594
fuck    0.0399843125556081
kill    0.03672740843080258
people    0.020091372023286612
know    0.018613400462887356
work    0.016775643603287843
does    0.015522555458447744
think    0.012161168331925723
know    0.031956573561538214
just    0.030674598809934856
want    0.027663491240851962
tell    0.025727217382788027
right    0.02300853167338119
love    0.05932570200934131
father    0.030080735900045442
life    0.01769248067468245
true    0.016281752071881345
young    0.014927950883812253
remember    0.03998401809663685
went    0.01737965538107633
lost    0.016916065536574213
called    0.016443441316683228
story    0.014849882671062261
house    0.028911209424810257
miss    0.025669944694943093
right    0.02091105252727788
family    0.017862939987512365
important    0.013959164390834044
saying    0.022939827090645636
know    0.021335083902970984
idea    0.017628999871937747
business    0.017302568063786224
police    0.012284217866942303
know    0.051876601466269136
like    0.03828159069993671
maybe    0.03754385940676905
just    0.031938551661426284
want    0.02876693222824349
years    0.032537676027398765
going    0.030596831997667568
case    0.02049555392502822
doctor    0.018671171294737107
working    0.017672067172167016
stuff    0.02236582778896705
school    0.020057798194969816
john    0.017134198006217606
week    0.017075852415410653
thousand    0.017013413435021035
little    0.08663446368316245
girl    0.035120377589734936
like    0.02992080326340266
woman    0.0240813719635157
baby    0.022471517953608963
know    0.0283115823590395
leave    0.02744935904744228
time    0.02050833156294194
want    0.020124145131863225
just    0.019466336438890477
didn    0.08220031921979461
like    0.05062323326717784
real    0.03087838046777391
guess    0.02452989702353384
says    0.022815035397008333
minutes    0.018541518543996716
time    0.014737962244588431
captain    0.012594614743931537
thirty    0.01193707771669708
ship    0.011260576815409516
okay    0.08153575328080886
just    0.050004142902999975
right    0.03438984898476042
know    0.02821327795933634
home    0.023397063860326372
country    0.011270500385627474
power    0.010428408353623762
president    0.009392162067926028
fight    0.00799742811584178
possible    0.007597974486019279
know    0.09541058020800194
think    0.0698707939786508
really    0.06881812755565207
mean    0.02909700228968688
just    0.028699687473471538
dead    0.03833642117149438
like    0.017873711992106994
hand    0.015280854355409379
white    0.013718491413582671
blood    0.012699265888344448
topicIndices: Array[(Array[Int], Array[Double])] = Array((Array(1, 2, 3, 135, 6),Array(0.030515134931284552, 0.02463563559747823, 0.022529385381465025, 0.02094828832824297, 0.0203407289886203)), (Array(8, 12, 0, 57, 32),Array(0.10787301090151602, 0.0756831002291994, 0.04815746564274915, 0.03897182014529944, 0.0341458394828345)), (Array(20, 35, 42, 51, 58),Array(0.08118584492034046, 0.051736711600637544, 0.04620430294274594, 0.0399843125556081, 0.03672740843080258)), (Array(22, 0, 34, 43, 4),Array(0.020091372023286612, 0.018613400462887356, 0.016775643603287843, 0.015522555458447744, 0.012161168331925723)), (Array(0, 1, 3, 9, 5),Array(0.031956573561538214, 0.030674598809934856, 0.027663491240851962, 0.025727217382788027, 0.02300853167338119)), (Array(27, 74, 31, 168, 202),Array(0.05932570200934131, 0.030080735900045442, 0.01769248067468245, 0.016281752071881345, 0.014927950883812253)), (Array(53, 92, 180, 113, 166),Array(0.03998401809663685, 0.01737965538107633, 0.016916065536574213, 0.016443441316683228, 0.014849882671062261)), (Array(78, 110, 5, 171, 232),Array(0.028911209424810257, 0.025669944694943093, 0.02091105252727788, 0.017862939987512365, 0.013959164390834044)), (Array(119, 0, 107, 106, 219),Array(0.022939827090645636, 0.021335083902970984, 0.017628999871937747, 0.017302568063786224, 0.012284217866942303)), (Array(0, 2, 24, 1, 3),Array(0.051876601466269136, 0.03828159069993671, 0.03754385940676905, 0.031938551661426284, 0.02876693222824349)), (Array(41, 6, 140, 162, 177),Array(0.032537676027398765, 0.030596831997667568, 0.02049555392502822, 0.018671171294737107, 0.017672067172167016)), (Array(118, 130, 181, 174, 170),Array(0.02236582778896705, 0.020057798194969816, 0.017134198006217606, 0.017075852415410653, 0.017013413435021035)), (Array(18, 62, 2, 114, 122),Array(0.08663446368316245, 0.035120377589734936, 0.02992080326340266, 0.0240813719635157, 0.022471517953608963)), (Array(0, 64, 11, 3, 1),Array(0.0283115823590395, 0.02744935904744228, 0.02050833156294194, 0.020124145131863225, 0.019466336438890477)), (Array(13, 2, 67, 59, 111),Array(0.08220031921979461, 0.05062323326717784, 0.03087838046777391, 0.02452989702353384, 0.022815035397008333)), (Array(158, 11, 233, 274, 295),Array(0.018541518543996716, 0.014737962244588431, 0.012594614743931537, 0.01193707771669708, 0.011260576815409516)), (Array(16, 1, 5, 0, 49),Array(0.08153575328080886, 0.050004142902999975, 0.03438984898476042, 0.02821327795933634, 0.023397063860326372)), (Array(257, 279, 313, 291, 351),Array(0.011270500385627474, 0.010428408353623762, 0.009392162067926028, 0.00799742811584178, 0.007597974486019279)), (Array(0, 4, 17, 14, 1),Array(0.09541058020800194, 0.0698707939786508, 0.06881812755565207, 0.02909700228968688, 0.028699687473471538)), (Array(54, 2, 198, 248, 266),Array(0.03833642117149438, 0.017873711992106994, 0.015280854355409379, 0.013718491413582671, 0.012699265888344448)))
vocabList: Array[String] = Array(know, just, like, want, think, right, going, good, yeah, tell, come, time, look, didn, mean, make, okay, really, little, sure, gonna, thing, people, said, maybe, need, sorry, love, talk, thought, doing, life, night, things, work, money, better, told, long, help, believe, years, shit, does, away, place, hell, doesn, great, home, feel, fuck, kind, remember, dead, course, wouldn, wait, kill, guess, understand, thank, girl, wrong, leave, listen, talking, real, hear, stop, nice, happened, fine, wanted, father, gotta, mind, fucking, house, wasn, getting, world, stay, mother, left, came, care, thanks, knew, room, trying, guys, went, looking, coming, heard, friend, haven, seen, best, tonight, live, used, matter, killed, pretty, business, idea, couldn, head, miss, says, wife, called, woman, morning, tomorrow, start, stuff, saying, play, hello, baby, hard, probably, minute, days, took, somebody, today, school, meet, gone, crazy, wants, damn, forget, problem, cause, deal, case, friends, point, hope, jesus, afraid, looks, knows, year, worry, exactly, aren, half, thinking, shut, hold, wanna, face, minutes, bring, word, read, doctor, everybody, supposed, makes, story, turn, true, watch, thousand, family, brother, kids, week, happen, fuckin, working, open, happy, lost, john, hurt, town, ready, alright, late, actually, married, gave, beautiful, soon, jack, times, sleep, door, having, drink, hand, easy, gets, chance, young, trouble, different, anybody, shot, rest, hate, death, second, later, asked, phone, wish, check, quite, walk, change, police, couple, question, close, taking, heart, hours, making, comes, anymore, truth, trust, dollars, important, captain, telling, funny, person, honey, goes, eyes, reason, inside, stand, break, means, number, tried, high, white, water, suppose, body, sick, game, excuse, party, women, country, answer, christ, waiting, office, send, pick, alive, sort, blood, black, daddy, line, husband, goddamn, book, fifty, thirty, fact, million, died, hands, power, stupid, started, shouldn, months, boys, city, sense, dinner, running, hour, shoot, fight, drive, speak, george, ship, living, figure, dear, street, ahead, lady, seven, scared, free, feeling, frank, able, children, safe, moment, outside, news, president, brought, write, happens, sent, bullshit, lose, light, glad, child, girls, sounds, sister, promise, lives, till, sound, weren, save, poor, cool, shall, asking, plan, king, bitch, daughter, weeks, beat, york, cold, worth, taken, harry, needs, piece, movie, fast, possible, small, goin, straight, human, hair, company, food, tired, lucky, pull, wonderful, touch, looked, thinks, state, picture, leaving, words, control, clear, known, special, buddy, luck, order, follow, expect, mary, catch, mouth, worked, mister, learn, playing, perfect, dream, calling, questions, hospital, takes, ride, coffee, miles, parents, works, secret, hotel, explain, kidding, worse, past, outta, general, felt, drop, unless, throw, interested, hang, certainly, absolutely, earth, loved, dark, wonder, accident, seeing, turned, clock, simple, doin, date, sweet, meeting, clean, sign, feet, handle, music, report, giving, army, fucked, cops, charlie, smart, yesterday, information, fall, fault, bank, class, month, blow, swear, caught, major, paul, road, talked, choice, plane, boss, david, paid, wear, american, worried, lord, paper, goodbye, clothes, ones, terrible, strange, given, mistake, finish, kept, blue, murder, hurry, apartment, sell, middle, nothin, careful, hasn, meant, walter, moving, changed, imagine, fair, difference, quiet, happening, near, quit, personal, marry, figured, future, rose, building, mama, michael, early, agent, kinda, watching, private, trip, record, certain, busy, jimmy, broke, sake, longer, store, boat, stick, finally, born, evening, sitting, bucks, ought, chief, lying, history, kiss, honor, darling, lunch, favor, fool, uncle, respect, rich, land, liked, killing, peter, tough, brain, interesting, completely, problems, welcome, nick, wake, honest, radio, dick, cash, dance, dude, james, bout, floor, weird, court, calls, jail, drunk, window, involved, johnny, officer, needed, asshole, situation, spend, books, relax, pain, service, grand, dangerous, letter, security, stopped, offer, realize, table, bastard, message, instead, killer, jake, deep, nervous, somethin, pass, evil, english, bought, short, step, ring, picked, likes, machine, eddie, voice, upset, forgot, carry, lived, afternoon, fear, quick, finished, count, forgive, wrote, named, decided, totally, space, team, pleasure, doubt, lawyer, station, gotten, suit, bother, prove, return, slow, pictures, bunch, strong, list, wearing, driving, join, tape, christmas, attack, appreciate, force, church, college, hungry, standing, present, dying, prison, missing, charge, board, truck, public, calm, gold, staying, ball, hardly, hadn, missed, lead, island, government, horse, cover, french, reach, joke, fish, star, mike, surprise, america, moved, soul, dress, seconds, club, self, putting, movies, lots, cost, listening, price, saved, smell, mark, peace, dreams, entire, crime, gives, usually, single, department, holy, beer, west, protect, stuck, wall, nose, ways, teach, forever, grow, train, type, awful, rock, detective, billy, walking, dumb, papers, beginning, planet, folks, park, attention, birthday, hide, card, master, share, reading, test, starting, lieutenant, field, partner, enjoy, twice, film, dollar, bomb, mess, blame, south, loves, girlfriend, round, records, using, plenty, especially, gentlemen, evidence, silly, experience, admit, fired, normal, talkin, mission, louis, memory, fighting, lock, notice, crap, wedding, promised, marriage, ground, guns, glass, idiot, orders, impossible, heaven, knock, hole, neck, animal, spent, green, wondering, nuts, press, drugs, broken, position, names, asleep, jerry, visit, boyfriend, acting, feels, plans, paris, smoke, tells, wind, cross, holding, sheriff, gimme, walked, mention, writing, double, brothers, code, judge, pardon, keeps, fellow, fell, closed, lovely, angry, cute, charles, surprised, percent, correct, bathroom, agree, address, andy, ridiculous, summer, tommy, rules, group, account, note, pulled, sleeping, sing, learned, proud, laugh, colonel, upstairs, river, difficult, built, jump, area, dirty, betty, bridge, breakfast, bobby, locked, amazing, north, feelings, alex, plus, definitely, worst, accept, kick, seriously, grace, steal, wild, stories, file, gettin, relationship, advice, nature, contact, spot, places, waste, knowing, beach, stole, apart, favorite, faith, level, loose, risk, song, eating, foot, played, patient, washington, turns, witness, action, build, obviously, begin, split, crew, command, games, tight, decide, nurse, keeping, runs, form, bird, copy, insane, complete, arrest, consider, taste, scene, jeffrey, teeth, shoes, career, henry, sooner, devil, monster, showed, weekend, gift, innocent, study, heavy, hall, comin, danger, greatest, track, keys, raise, destroy, concerned, program, carl, blind, apologize, suddenly, hanging, bruce, california, chicken, seventy, forward, drinking, sweetheart, medical, suspect, admiral, guard, shop, professor, legs, willing, camp, data, ticket, tree, goodnight, television, losing, senator, murdered, burn, dunno, paying, possibly, trick, dropped, credit, extra, starts, warm, hiding, meaning, sold, stone, taught, marty, lately, cheap, lookin, science, simply, jeff, corner, harold, following, majesty, queen, duty, cars, training, heads, seat, discuss, bear, enemy, helped, noticed, common, screw, dave)
topics: Array[Array[(String, Double)]] = Array(Array((just,0.030515134931284552), (like,0.02463563559747823), (want,0.022529385381465025), (damn,0.02094828832824297), (going,0.0203407289886203)), Array((yeah,0.10787301090151602), (look,0.0756831002291994), (know,0.04815746564274915), (wait,0.03897182014529944), (night,0.0341458394828345)), Array((gonna,0.08118584492034046), (money,0.051736711600637544), (shit,0.04620430294274594), (fuck,0.0399843125556081), (kill,0.03672740843080258)), Array((people,0.020091372023286612), (know,0.018613400462887356), (work,0.016775643603287843), (does,0.015522555458447744), (think,0.012161168331925723)), Array((know,0.031956573561538214), (just,0.030674598809934856), (want,0.027663491240851962), (tell,0.025727217382788027), (right,0.02300853167338119)), Array((love,0.05932570200934131), (father,0.030080735900045442), (life,0.01769248067468245), (true,0.016281752071881345), (young,0.014927950883812253)), Array((remember,0.03998401809663685), (went,0.01737965538107633), (lost,0.016916065536574213), (called,0.016443441316683228), (story,0.014849882671062261)), Array((house,0.028911209424810257), (miss,0.025669944694943093), (right,0.02091105252727788), (family,0.017862939987512365), (important,0.013959164390834044)), Array((saying,0.022939827090645636), (know,0.021335083902970984), (idea,0.017628999871937747), (business,0.017302568063786224), (police,0.012284217866942303)), Array((know,0.051876601466269136), (like,0.03828159069993671), (maybe,0.03754385940676905), (just,0.031938551661426284), (want,0.02876693222824349)), Array((years,0.032537676027398765), (going,0.030596831997667568), (case,0.02049555392502822), (doctor,0.018671171294737107), (working,0.017672067172167016)), Array((stuff,0.02236582778896705), (school,0.020057798194969816), (john,0.017134198006217606), (week,0.017075852415410653), (thousand,0.017013413435021035)), Array((little,0.08663446368316245), (girl,0.035120377589734936), (like,0.02992080326340266), (woman,0.0240813719635157), (baby,0.022471517953608963)), Array((know,0.0283115823590395), (leave,0.02744935904744228), (time,0.02050833156294194), (want,0.020124145131863225), (just,0.019466336438890477)), Array((didn,0.08220031921979461), (like,0.05062323326717784), (real,0.03087838046777391), (guess,0.02452989702353384), (says,0.022815035397008333)), Array((minutes,0.018541518543996716), (time,0.014737962244588431), (captain,0.012594614743931537), (thirty,0.01193707771669708), (ship,0.011260576815409516)), Array((okay,0.08153575328080886), (just,0.050004142902999975), (right,0.03438984898476042), (know,0.02821327795933634), (home,0.023397063860326372)), Array((country,0.011270500385627474), (power,0.010428408353623762), (president,0.009392162067926028), (fight,0.00799742811584178), (possible,0.007597974486019279)), Array((know,0.09541058020800194), (think,0.0698707939786508), (really,0.06881812755565207), (mean,0.02909700228968688), (just,0.028699687473471538)), Array((dead,0.03833642117149438), (like,0.017873711992106994), (hand,0.015280854355409379), (white,0.013718491413582671), (blood,0.012699265888344448)))
res54: (Array[Long], Array[Double]) = (Array(22243, 39967, 18136, 18149, 59043, 61513, 34087, 75874, 66270, 68876),Array(0.9986758340945384, 0.99866200816902, 0.9982983538060165, 0.9982983538060165, 0.9982983538060165, 0.9982983538060165, 0.9982983538060165, 0.9982983538060165, 0.9982983538060165, 0.9982983538060165))
res55: Array[Long] = Array(22243, 39967, 18136, 18149, 59043, 61513, 34087, 75874, 66270, 68876)
val scenesForTopic2 = sc.parallelize(top10ConversationsPerTopic(2)._1).toDF("id")
scenesForTopic2: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: bigint]
id corpus movieTitle movieYear
22243.0 Fuck him. :-()-: Don't. :-()-: Fuck her too. panic room 2002
59043.0 Are you ok? :-()-: Fuck no. magnolia 1999
66270.0 Hey now... what the fuck... ? :-()-: Again. red white black & blue 2006
75874.0 What about Moliere? :-()-: Fuck off. the beach 2000/I
68876.0 What the fuck is that? :-()-: A switchblade. seven 1979
34087.0 Fuck me! Yes! :-()-: Uh... american pie 1999
61513.0 What the fuck is that?! :-()-: Screamer. arcade 1993
18136.0 What the fuck was that about? :-()-: She was jonesing for me. made 2001
18149.0 C'mon... :-()-: Fuck... made 2001
39967.0 Shit, shit, shit... :-()-: You're almost there, you can do it -- can do -- can do. broadcast news 1987
|id   |corpus                                                                            |movieTitle            |movieYear|
|22243|Fuck him. :-()-: Don't. :-()-: Fuck her too.                                      |panic room            |2002     |
|59043|Are you ok? :-()-: Fuck no.                                                       |magnolia              |1999     |
|66270|Hey now... what the fuck... ? :-()-: Again.                                       |red white black & blue|2006     |
|75874|What about Moliere? :-()-: Fuck off.                                              |the beach             |2000/I   |
|68876|What the fuck is that? :-()-: A switchblade.                                      |seven                 |1979     |
|34087|Fuck me!  Yes! :-()-: Uh...                                                       |american pie          |1999     |
|61513|What the fuck is that?! :-()-: Screamer.                                          |arcade                |1993     |
|18136|What the fuck was that about? :-()-: She was jonesing for me.                     |made                  |2001     |
|18149|C'mon... :-()-: Fuck...                                                           |made                  |2001     |
|39967|Shit, shit, shit... :-()-: You're almost there, you can do it -- can do -- can do.|broadcast news        |1987     |
|id   |corpus                                                   |movieTitle       |movieYear|
|68250|I love you man :-()-: I love you too.                    |say anything...  |1989     |
|31256|I love you. :-()-: I love you.                           |total recall     |1990     |
|868  |I love you. :-()-: I love you.                           |8mm              |1999     |
|17285|Do me. :-()-: I love you. :-()-: I love you.             |little nicky     |2000     |
|56529|Why do you love me? :-()-: Why do you love me?           |jerry maguire    |1996     |
|67529|I love you, too. :-()-: I love you.  I love you.         |runaway bride    |1999     |
|82132|Why did you say that? :-()-: Say what? :-()-: I love you.|willow           |1988     |
|50163|I love you, Bud. :-()-: I love you more.                 |frequency        |2000     |
|39173|I love you. :-()-: I love you too, Dad.                  |body of evidence |1993     |
|57385|Yes? :-()-: I love you...                                |kramer vs. kramer|1979     |
|   id|              corpus|  movieTitle|movieYear|
|17668|This would be fun...|lost horizon|     1937|
|17598|Cave, eh? Where? ...|lost horizon|     1937|
|17663|Something grand a...|lost horizon|     1937|
|17593|You see? You get ...|lost horizon|     1937|
|17658|Let me up! Let me...|lost horizon|     1937|
only showing top 5 rows

We've managed to get some good results here. For example, we can easily infer that Topic 2 is about space, Topic 3 is about israel, etc.

We still get some ambiguous results like Topic 0.

To improve our results further, we could employ some of the below methods:

  • Refilter data for additional data-specific stopwords
  • Use Stemming or Lemmatization to preprocess data
  • Experiment with a smaller number of topics, since some of these topics in the 20 Newsgroups are pretty similar
  • Increase model's MaxIterations

Visualize Results

We will try visualizing the results obtained from the EM LDA model with a d3 bubble chart.

// Zip topic terms with topic IDs
val termArray = topics.zipWithIndex
termArray: Array[(Array[(String, Double)], Int)] = Array((Array((just,0.030515134931284552), (like,0.02463563559747823), (want,0.022529385381465025), (damn,0.02094828832824297), (going,0.0203407289886203)),0), (Array((yeah,0.10787301090151602), (look,0.0756831002291994), (know,0.04815746564274915), (wait,0.03897182014529944), (night,0.0341458394828345)),1), (Array((gonna,0.08118584492034046), (money,0.051736711600637544), (shit,0.04620430294274594), (fuck,0.0399843125556081), (kill,0.03672740843080258)),2), (Array((people,0.020091372023286612), (know,0.018613400462887356), (work,0.016775643603287843), (does,0.015522555458447744), (think,0.012161168331925723)),3), (Array((know,0.031956573561538214), (just,0.030674598809934856), (want,0.027663491240851962), (tell,0.025727217382788027), (right,0.02300853167338119)),4), (Array((love,0.05932570200934131), (father,0.030080735900045442), (life,0.01769248067468245), (true,0.016281752071881345), (young,0.014927950883812253)),5), (Array((remember,0.03998401809663685), (went,0.01737965538107633), (lost,0.016916065536574213), (called,0.016443441316683228), (story,0.014849882671062261)),6), (Array((house,0.028911209424810257), (miss,0.025669944694943093), (right,0.02091105252727788), (family,0.017862939987512365), (important,0.013959164390834044)),7), (Array((saying,0.022939827090645636), (know,0.021335083902970984), (idea,0.017628999871937747), (business,0.017302568063786224), (police,0.012284217866942303)),8), (Array((know,0.051876601466269136), (like,0.03828159069993671), (maybe,0.03754385940676905), (just,0.031938551661426284), (want,0.02876693222824349)),9), (Array((years,0.032537676027398765), (going,0.030596831997667568), (case,0.02049555392502822), (doctor,0.018671171294737107), (working,0.017672067172167016)),10), (Array((stuff,0.02236582778896705), (school,0.020057798194969816), (john,0.017134198006217606), (week,0.017075852415410653), (thousand,0.017013413435021035)),11), (Array((little,0.08663446368316245), (girl,0.035120377589734936), (like,0.02992080326340266), (woman,0.0240813719635157), (baby,0.022471517953608963)),12), (Array((know,0.0283115823590395), (leave,0.02744935904744228), (time,0.02050833156294194), (want,0.020124145131863225), (just,0.019466336438890477)),13), (Array((didn,0.08220031921979461), (like,0.05062323326717784), (real,0.03087838046777391), (guess,0.02452989702353384), (says,0.022815035397008333)),14), (Array((minutes,0.018541518543996716), (time,0.014737962244588431), (captain,0.012594614743931537), (thirty,0.01193707771669708), (ship,0.011260576815409516)),15), (Array((okay,0.08153575328080886), (just,0.050004142902999975), (right,0.03438984898476042), (know,0.02821327795933634), (home,0.023397063860326372)),16), (Array((country,0.011270500385627474), (power,0.010428408353623762), (president,0.009392162067926028), (fight,0.00799742811584178), (possible,0.007597974486019279)),17), (Array((know,0.09541058020800194), (think,0.0698707939786508), (really,0.06881812755565207), (mean,0.02909700228968688), (just,0.028699687473471538)),18), (Array((dead,0.03833642117149438), (like,0.017873711992106994), (hand,0.015280854355409379), (white,0.013718491413582671), (blood,0.012699265888344448)),19))
// Transform data into the form (term, probability, topicId)
val termRDD = sc.parallelize(termArray)
val termRDD2 =termRDD.flatMap( (x: (Array[(String, Double)], Int)) => {
  val arrayOfTuple = x._1
  val topicId = x._2 => (el._1, el._2, topicId))
termRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Array[(String, Double)], Int)] = ParallelCollectionRDD[3066] at parallelize at <console>:109
termRDD2: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, Double, Int)] = MapPartitionsRDD[3067] at flatMap at <console>:110
// Create DF with proper column names
val termDF = termRDD2.toDF.withColumnRenamed("_1", "term").withColumnRenamed("_2", "probability").withColumnRenamed("_3", "topicId")
termDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [term: string, probability: double, topicId: int]
term probability topicId
just 3.0515134931284552e-2 0.0
like 2.463563559747823e-2 0.0
want 2.2529385381465025e-2 0.0
damn 2.094828832824297e-2 0.0
going 2.03407289886203e-2 0.0
yeah 0.10787301090151602 1.0
look 7.56831002291994e-2 1.0
know 4.815746564274915e-2 1.0
wait 3.897182014529944e-2 1.0
night 3.41458394828345e-2 1.0
gonna 8.118584492034046e-2 2.0
money 5.1736711600637544e-2 2.0
shit 4.620430294274594e-2 2.0
fuck 3.99843125556081e-2 2.0
kill 3.672740843080258e-2 2.0
people 2.0091372023286612e-2 3.0
know 1.8613400462887356e-2 3.0
work 1.6775643603287843e-2 3.0
does 1.5522555458447744e-2 3.0
think 1.2161168331925723e-2 3.0
know 3.1956573561538214e-2 4.0
just 3.0674598809934856e-2 4.0
want 2.7663491240851962e-2 4.0
tell 2.5727217382788027e-2 4.0
right 2.300853167338119e-2 4.0
love 5.932570200934131e-2 5.0
father 3.0080735900045442e-2 5.0
life 1.769248067468245e-2 5.0
true 1.6281752071881345e-2 5.0
young 1.4927950883812253e-2 5.0

Truncated to 30 rows

We will convert the DataFrame into a JSON format, which will be passed into d3.

// Create JSON data
val rawJson = termDF.toJSON.collect().mkString(",\n")
rawJson: String = 

We are now ready to use D3 on the rawJson data.

Step 1. Downloading and Loading Data into DBFS

Here are the steps taken for downloading and saving data to the distributed file system. Uncomment them for repeating this process on your databricks cluster or for downloading a new source of data.

Unfortunately, the original data at:

is not suited for manipulation and loading into dbfs easily. So the data has been downloaded, directory renamed without white spaces, superfluous OS-specific files removed, dos2unix'd, tar -zcvf'd and uploaded to the following URL for an easily dbfs-loadable download:

//%sh wget
--2017-01-11 01:23:41--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 9914415 (9.5M) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: ‘cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus.tgz’

     0K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  0%  125K 77s
    50K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  1%  254K 57s
   100K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  1% 7.71M 38s
   150K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  2%  259K 38s
   200K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  2% 9.99M 30s
   250K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  3%  260K 31s
   300K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  3% 23.1M 27s
   350K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  4% 11.2M 23s
   400K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  4%  261K 24s
   450K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  5% 27.0M 22s
   500K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  5% 42.4M 20s
   550K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  6% 12.1M 18s
   600K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  6%  262K 19s
   650K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  7% 40.7M 18s
   700K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  7% 32.6M 17s
   750K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  8% 41.2M 15s
   800K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  8% 15.9M 14s
   850K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  9% 44.6M 14s
   900K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  9%  263K 15s
   950K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 10% 39.0M 14s
  1000K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 10% 46.8M 13s
  1050K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 11% 51.5M 12s
  1100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 11% 48.7M 12s
  1150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 12% 47.8M 11s
  1200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 12% 19.9M 11s
  1250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 13% 40.8M 10s
  1300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 13% 46.9M 10s
  1350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 14%  264K 11s
  1400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 14% 39.5M 10s
  1450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 15% 45.5M 10s
  1500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 16% 45.2M 9s
  1550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 16% 39.4M 9s
  1600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 17% 45.0M 9s
  1650K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 17% 42.7M 8s
  1700K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 18% 36.1M 8s
  1750K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 18% 38.3M 8s
  1800K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 19% 38.7M 8s
  1850K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 19% 49.6M 7s
  1900K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 20%  269K 8s
  1950K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 20% 37.2M 8s
  2000K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 21% 43.7M 7s
  2050K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 21% 36.8M 7s
  2100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 22% 55.0M 7s
  2150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 22% 42.6M 7s
  2200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 23% 36.8M 7s
  2250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 23% 47.2M 6s
  2300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 24% 36.3M 6s
  2350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 24% 38.1M 6s
  2400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 25% 40.4M 6s
  2450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 25% 53.9M 6s
  2500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 26% 43.2M 6s
  2550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 26% 46.0M 5s
  2600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 27% 46.6M 5s
  2650K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 27% 1.68M 5s
  2700K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 28%  326K 5s
  2750K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 28% 39.0M 5s
  2800K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 29% 47.4M 5s
  2850K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 29% 46.0M 5s
  2900K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 30% 47.6M 5s
  2950K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 30% 54.7M 5s
  3000K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 31% 39.2M 5s
  3050K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 32% 49.7M 5s
  3100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 32% 44.2M 5s
  3150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 33% 38.8M 4s
  3200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 33% 46.0M 4s
  3250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 34% 46.0M 4s
  3300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 34% 46.0M 4s
  3350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 35% 35.7M 4s
  3400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 35% 36.4M 4s
  3450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 36% 48.0M 4s
  3500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 36% 38.7M 4s
  3550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 37% 48.6M 4s
  3600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 37% 50.0M 4s
  3650K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 38% 46.4M 4s
  3700K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 38% 46.0M 3s
  3750K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 39%  285K 4s
  3800K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 39% 38.0M 4s
  3850K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 40% 34.6M 4s
  3900K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 40% 53.1M 3s
  3950K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 41% 40.6M 3s
  4000K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 41% 32.9M 3s
  4050K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 42% 55.1M 3s
  4100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 42% 46.7M 3s
  4150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 43% 50.5M 3s
  4200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 43% 42.1M 3s
  4250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 44% 40.8M 3s
  4300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 44% 40.6M 3s
  4350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 45% 38.3M 3s
  4400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 45% 36.4M 3s
  4450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 46% 39.3M 3s
  4500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 46% 36.2M 3s
  4550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 47% 32.0M 3s
  4600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 48% 41.3M 3s
  4650K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 48% 39.1M 3s
  4700K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 49% 39.5M 2s
  4750K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 49% 61.0M 2s
  4800K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 50% 31.9M 2s
  4850K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 50% 37.2M 2s
  4900K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 51% 35.4M 2s
  4950K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 51% 46.8M 2s
  5000K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 52% 45.8M 2s
  5050K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 52% 54.2M 2s
  5100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 53% 38.8M 2s
  5150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 53% 3.73M 2s
  5200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 54%  327K 2s
  5250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 54% 38.5M 2s
  5300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 55% 40.0M 2s
  5350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 55% 30.5M 2s
  5400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 56% 48.0M 2s
  5450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 56% 35.3M 2s
  5500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 57% 48.5M 2s
  5550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 57% 38.4M 2s
  5600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 58% 41.2M 2s
  5650K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 58% 47.1M 2s
  5700K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 59% 33.8M 2s
  5750K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 59% 46.6M 2s
  5800K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 60% 43.0M 2s
  5850K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 60% 36.8M 2s
  5900K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 61% 43.9M 2s
  5950K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 61% 43.8M 2s
  6000K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 62% 36.7M 2s
  6050K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 63% 33.6M 2s
  6100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 63% 34.3M 1s
  6150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 64% 40.0M 1s
  6200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 64% 35.5M 1s
  6250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 65% 33.1M 1s
  6300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 65% 37.4M 1s
  6350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 66% 46.3M 1s
  6400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 66% 42.5M 1s
  6450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 67% 30.6M 1s
  6500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 67% 46.4M 1s
  6550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 68% 42.2M 1s
  6600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 68% 37.8M 1s
  6650K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 69% 35.4M 1s
  6700K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 69% 51.0M 1s
  6750K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 70% 52.1M 1s
  6800K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 70% 59.9M 1s
  6850K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 71% 40.9M 1s
  6900K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 71% 41.2M 1s
  6950K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 72% 53.5M 1s
  7000K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 72% 46.5M 1s
  7050K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 73% 54.5M 1s
  7100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 73% 40.3M 1s
  7150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 74%  328K 1s
  7200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 74% 38.7M 1s
  7250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 75% 41.0M 1s
  7300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 75% 39.5M 1s
  7350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 76% 47.4M 1s
  7400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 76% 37.5M 1s
  7450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 77% 50.8M 1s
  7500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 77% 46.6M 1s
  7550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 78% 55.1M 1s
  7600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 79% 38.9M 1s
  7650K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 79% 38.1M 1s
  7700K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 80% 47.5M 1s
  7750K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 80% 49.3M 1s
  7800K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 81% 46.7M 1s
  7850K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 81% 37.7M 1s
  7900K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 82% 42.7M 1s
  7950K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 82% 44.2M 1s
  8000K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 83% 39.0M 1s
  8050K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 83% 31.8M 1s
  8100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 84% 48.9M 1s
  8150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 84% 47.7M 1s
  8200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 85% 48.0M 0s
  8250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 85% 46.7M 0s
  8300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 86% 42.0M 0s
  8350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 86% 34.0M 0s
  8400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 87% 31.3M 0s
  8450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 87% 40.6M 0s
  8500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 88% 40.8M 0s
  8550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 88% 32.8M 0s
  8600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 89% 41.0M 0s
  8650K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 89% 44.5M 0s
  8700K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 90% 40.3M 0s
  8750K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 90% 43.3M 0s
  8800K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 91% 31.8M 0s
  8850K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 91% 40.4M 0s
  8900K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 92% 46.8M 0s
  8950K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 92% 41.4M 0s
  9000K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 93% 43.8M 0s
  9050K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 93% 37.4M 0s
  9100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 94% 36.7M 0s
  9150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 95% 40.8M 0s
  9200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 95% 45.9M 0s
  9250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 96% 35.0M 0s
  9300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 96% 42.3M 0s
  9350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 97% 37.7M 0s
  9400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 97% 42.5M 0s
  9450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 98% 55.8M 0s
  9500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 98% 54.2M 0s
  9550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 99% 53.7M 0s
  9600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 99% 54.2M 0s
  9650K .......... .......... .......... ..                   100% 47.7M=2.8s

2017-01-11 01:23:44 (3.34 MB/s) - ‘cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus.tgz’ saved [9914415/9914415]

Untar the file.

//%sh tar zxvf cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus.tgz

Let us list and load all the files into dbfs after dbfs.fs.mkdirs(...) to create the directory dbfs:/datasets/sds/nlp/cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus/.

//%sh pwd && ls -al cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus
total 41552
drwxr-xr-x 2 ubuntu ubuntu     4096 Jan 11 01:03 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 root   root       4096 Jan 11 01:23 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   290691 May  9  2011 chameleons.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu   705695 Jan 11 01:02 movie_characters_metadata.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu  6760930 Jan 11 01:02 movie_conversations.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 34641919 Jan 11 01:03 movie_lines.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu    67289 Jan 11 01:02 movie_titles_metadata.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu    56177 Jan 11 01:03 raw_script_urls.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu     4181 Jan 11 01:03 README.txt
res9: Boolean = true
path name size
dbfs:/datasets/sds/nlp/cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus/README.txt README.txt 4181.0
dbfs:/datasets/sds/nlp/cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus/movie_characters_metadata.txt movie_characters_metadata.txt 705695.0
dbfs:/datasets/sds/nlp/cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus/movie_conversations.txt movie_conversations.txt 6760930.0
dbfs:/datasets/sds/nlp/cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus/movie_lines.txt movie_lines.txt 3.4641919e7
dbfs:/datasets/sds/nlp/cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus/movie_titles_metadata.txt movie_titles_metadata.txt 67289.0
dbfs:/datasets/sds/nlp/cornell_movie_dialogs_corpus/raw_script_urls.txt raw_script_urls.txt 56177.0