SDS-2.2, Scalable Data Science

Archived YouTube video of this live unedited lab-lecture:

Archived YouTube video of this live unedited lab-lecture Archived YouTube video of this live unedited lab-lecture

Wiki Clickstream Analysis

** Dataset: 3.2 billion requests collected during the month of February 2015 grouped by (src, dest) **

** Source: **

NY clickstream image

This notebook requires Spark 1.6+.

This notebook was originally a data analysis workflow developed with Databricks Community Edition, a free version of Databricks designed for learning Apache Spark.

Here we elucidate the original python notebook (also linked here) used in the talk by Michael Armbrust at Spark Summit East February 2016 shared from (watch later)

Michael Armbrust Spark Summit East

Data set

Wikipedia Logo

The data we are exploring in this lab is the February 2015 English Wikipedia Clickstream data, and it is available here:

According to Wikimedia:

"The data contains counts of (referer, resource) pairs extracted from the request logs of English Wikipedia. When a client requests a resource by following a link or performing a search, the URI of the webpage that linked to the resource is included with the request in an HTTP header called the "referer". This data captures 22 million (referer, resource) pairs from a total of 3.2 billion requests collected during the month of February 2015."

The data is approximately 1.2GB and it is hosted in the following Databricks file: /databricks-datasets/wikipedia-datasets/data-001/clickstream/raw-uncompressed

Let us first understand this Wikimedia data set a bit more

Let's read the datahub-hosted link in the embedding below. Also click the blog by Ellery Wulczyn, Data Scientist at The Wikimedia Foundation, to better understand how the data was generated (remember to Right-Click and use -> and <- if navigating within the embedded html frame below).

Run the next two cells for some housekeeping.

if (org.apache.spark.BuildInfo.sparkBranch < "1.6") sys.error("Attach this notebook to a cluster running Spark 1.6+")

Loading and Exploring the data

val data = sc.textFile("dbfs:///databricks-datasets/wikipedia-datasets/data-001/clickstream/raw-uncompressed")
data: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = dbfs:///databricks-datasets/wikipedia-datasets/data-001/clickstream/raw-uncompressed MapPartitionsRDD[1] at textFile at <console>:34
Looking at the first few lines of the data
prev_id    curr_id    n    prev_title    curr_title    type
    3632887    121    other-google    !!    other
    3632887    93    other-wikipedia    !!    other
    3632887    46    other-empty    !!    other
    3632887    10    other-other    !!    other
res3: Array[String] = Array(prev_id    curr_id    n    prev_title    curr_title    type, "    3632887    121    other-google    !!    other")
  • The first line looks like a header
  • The second line (separated from the first by ",") contains data organized according to the header, i.e., prev_id = 3632887, curr_id = 121", and so on.

Actually, here is the meaning of each column:

  • prev_id: if the referer does not correspond to an article in the main namespace of English Wikipedia, this value will be empty. Otherwise, it contains the unique MediaWiki page ID of the article corresponding to the referer i.e. the previous article the client was on

  • curr_id: the MediaWiki unique page ID of the article the client requested

  • prev_title: the result of mapping the referer URL to the fixed set of values described below

  • curr_title: the title of the article the client requested

  • n: the number of occurrences of the (referer, resource) pair

  • type

    • "link" if the referer and request are both articles and the referer links to the request
    • "redlink" if the referer is an article and links to the request, but the request is not in the production table
    • "other" if the referer and request are both articles but the referer does not link to the request. This can happen when clients search or spoof their refer

Referers were mapped to a fixed set of values corresponding to internal traffic or external traffic from one of the top 5 global traffic sources to English Wikipedia, based on this scheme:

  • an article in the main namespace of English Wikipedia -> the article title
  • any Wikipedia page that is not in the main namespace of English Wikipedia -> other-wikipedia
  • an empty referer -> other-empty
  • a page from any other Wikimedia project -> other-internal
  • Google -> other-google
  • Yahoo -> other-yahoo
  • Bing -> other-bing
  • Facebook -> other-facebook
  • Twitter -> other-twitter
  • anything else -> other-other

In the second line of the file above, we can see there were 121 clicks from Google to the Wikipedia page on "!!" (double exclamation marks). People search for everything!

  • prev_id = (nothing)
  • curr_id = 3632887 --> (Wikipedia page ID)
  • n = 121 (People clicked from Google to this page 121 times in this month.)
  • prev_title = other-google (This data record is for referals from Google.)
  • curr_title = !! (This Wikipedia page is about a double exclamation mark.)
  • type = other

Create a DataFrame from this CSV

  • From the next Spark release - 2.0, CSV as a datasource will be part of Spark's standard release. But, we are using Spark 1.6
// Load the raw dataset stored as a CSV file
val clickstream = sqlContext.
    options(Map("header" -> "true", "delimiter" -> "\t", "mode" -> "PERMISSIVE", "inferSchema" -> "true")).
clickstream: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [prev_id: int, curr_id: int ... 4 more fields]
 |-- prev_id: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- curr_id: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- n: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- prev_title: string (nullable = true)
 |-- curr_title: string (nullable = true)
 |-- type: string (nullable = true)

Display some sample data

prev_id curr_id n prev_title curr_title type
null 3632887.0 121.0 other-google !! other
null 3632887.0 93.0 other-wikipedia !! other
null 3632887.0 46.0 other-empty !! other
null 3632887.0 10.0 other-other !! other
64486.0 3632887.0 11.0 !_(disambiguation) !! other
2061699.0 2556962.0 19.0 Louden_Up_Now !!!_(album) link
null 2556962.0 25.0 other-empty !!!_(album) other
null 2556962.0 16.0 other-google !!!_(album) other
null 2556962.0 44.0 other-wikipedia !!!_(album) other
64486.0 2556962.0 15.0 !_(disambiguation) !!!_(album) link
600744.0 2556962.0 297.0 !!! !!!_(album) link
null 6893310.0 11.0 other-empty !Hero_(album) other
1921683.0 6893310.0 26.0 !Hero !Hero_(album) link
null 6893310.0 16.0 other-wikipedia !Hero_(album) other
null 6893310.0 23.0 other-google !Hero_(album) other
8127304.0 2.2602473e7 16.0 Jericho_Rosales !Oka_Tokat link
3.5978874e7 2.2602473e7 20.0 List_of_telenovelas_of_ABS-CBN !Oka_Tokat link
null 2.2602473e7 57.0 other-google !Oka_Tokat other
null 2.2602473e7 12.0 other-wikipedia !Oka_Tokat other
null 2.2602473e7 23.0 other-empty !Oka_Tokat other
7360687.0 2.2602473e7 10.0 Rica_Peralejo !Oka_Tokat link
3.7104582e7 2.2602473e7 11.0 Jeepney_TV !Oka_Tokat link
3.437659e7 2.2602473e7 22.0 Oka_Tokat_(2012_TV_series) !Oka_Tokat link
null 6810768.0 20.0 other-wikipedia !T.O.O.H.! other
null 6810768.0 81.0 other-google !T.O.O.H.! other
3.1976181e7 6810768.0 51.0 List_of_death_metal_bands,_!–K !T.O.O.H.! link
null 6810768.0 35.0 other-empty !T.O.O.H.! other
null 3243047.0 21.0 other-empty !_(album) other
1337475.0 3243047.0 208.0 The_Dismemberment_Plan !_(album) link
3284285.0 3243047.0 78.0 The_Dismemberment_Plan_Is_Terrified !_(album) link

Truncated to 30 rows

Display is a utility provided by Databricks. If you are programming directly in Spark, use the show(numRows: Int) function of DataFrame
|prev_id|curr_id|  n|        prev_title|curr_title| type|
|   null|3632887|121|      other-google|        !!|other|
|   null|3632887| 93|   other-wikipedia|        !!|other|
|   null|3632887| 46|       other-empty|        !!|other|
|   null|3632887| 10|       other-other|        !!|other|
|  64486|3632887| 11|!_(disambiguation)|        !!|other|
only showing top 5 rows

Reading from disk vs memory

The 1.2 GB Clickstream file is currently on S3, which means each time you scan through it, your Spark cluster has to read the 1.2 GB of data remotely over the network.

Call the count() action to check how many rows are in the DataFrame and to see how long it takes to read the DataFrame from S3.

res7: Long = 22509897
  • It took about several minutes to read the 1.2 GB file into your Spark cluster. The file has 22.5 million rows/lines.
  • Although we have called cache, remember that it is evaluated (cached) only when an action(count) is called

Now call count again to see how much faster it is to read from memory

res8: Long = 22509897
  • Orders of magnitude faster!
  • If you are going to be using the same data source multiple times, it is better to cache it in memory

What are the top 10 articles requested?

To do this we also need to order by the sum of column n, in descending order.

//Type in your answer here...
  .select(clickstream("curr_title"), clickstream("n"))
curr_title sum(n)
Main_Page 1.2750062e8
87th_Academy_Awards 2559794.0
Fifty_Shades_of_Grey 2326175.0
Alive 2244781.0
Chris_Kyle 1709341.0
Fifty_Shades_of_Grey_(film) 1683892.0
Deaths_in_2015 1614577.0
Birdman_(film) 1545842.0
Islamic_State_of_Iraq_and_the_Levant 1406530.0
Stephen_Hawking 1384193.0

Who sent the most traffic to Wikipedia in Feb 2015?

In other words, who were the top referers to Wikipedia?

  .select(clickstream("prev_title"), clickstream("n"))
prev_title sum(n)
other-google 1.496209976e9
other-empty 3.47693595e8
other-wikipedia 1.29772279e8
other-other 7.7569671e7
other-bing 6.5962792e7
other-yahoo 4.8501171e7
Main_Page 2.9923502e7
other-twitter 1.9241298e7
other-facebook 2314026.0
87th_Academy_Awards 1680675.0

As expected, the top referer by a large margin is Google. Next comes refererless traffic (usually clients using HTTPS). The third largest sender of traffic to English Wikipedia are Wikipedia pages that are not in the main namespace (ns = 0) of English Wikipedia. Learn about the Wikipedia namespaces here:\_namespace

Also, note that Twitter sends 10x more requests to Wikipedia than Facebook.

//Type in your answer here...
  .select(clickstream("curr_title"), clickstream("prev_title"), clickstream("n"))
  .filter("prev_title = 'other-twitter'")
curr_title sum(n)
Johnny_Knoxville 198908.0
Peter_Woodcock 126259.0
2002_Tampa_plane_crash 119906.0
Sơn_Đoòng_Cave 116012.0
The_boy_Jones 114401.0

What percentage of page visits in Wikipedia are from other pages in Wikipedia itself?

val allClicks = clickstream.selectExpr("sum(n)").first.getLong(0)
val referals = clickstream.
(referals * 100.0) / allClicks
allClicks: Long = 3283067885
referals: Long = 1095462001
res12: Double = 33.36702253416853

Register the DataFrame to perform more complex queries


Which Wikipedia pages have the most referrals to the Donald Trump page?

FROM clicks
  curr_title = 'Donald_Trump' AND
  prev_id IS NOT NULL AND prev_title != 'Main_Page'
prev_id curr_id n prev_title curr_title type
1861441.0 4848272.0 4658.0 Ivanka_Trump Donald_Trump link
4848272.0 4848272.0 2212.0 Donald_Trump Donald_Trump link
1209075.0 4848272.0 1855.0 Melania_Trump Donald_Trump link
1057887.0 4848272.0 1760.0 Ivana_Trump Donald_Trump link
5679119.0 4848272.0 1074.0 Donald_Trump_Jr. Donald_Trump link
2.1377251e7 4848272.0 918.0 United_States_presidential_election,_2016 Donald_Trump link
8095589.0 4848272.0 728.0 Eric_Trump Donald_Trump link
473806.0 4848272.0 652.0 Marla_Maples Donald_Trump link
2565136.0 4848272.0 651.0 The_Trump_Organization Donald_Trump link
9917693.0 4848272.0 599.0 The_Celebrity_Apprentice Donald_Trump link
9289480.0 4848272.0 597.0 The_Apprentice_(U.S._TV_series) Donald_Trump link
290327.0 4848272.0 596.0 German_American Donald_Trump link
1.2643497e7 4848272.0 585.0 Comedy_Central_Roast Donald_Trump link
3.7643999e7 4848272.0 549.0 Republican_Party_presidential_candidates,_2016 Donald_Trump link
417559.0 4848272.0 543.0 Alan_Sugar Donald_Trump link
1203316.0 4848272.0 489.0 Fred_Trump Donald_Trump link
303951.0 4848272.0 426.0 Vince_McMahon Donald_Trump link
6191053.0 4848272.0 413.0 Jared_Kushner Donald_Trump link
1295216.0 4848272.0 412.0 Trump_Tower_(New_York_City) Donald_Trump link
6509278.0 4848272.0 402.0 Trump Donald_Trump link

Top referrers to all presidential candidate pages

-- FIXME (broke query, will get back to it later)
FROM clicks
  prev_id IS NOT NULL
prev_id curr_id n prev_title curr_title type
1.5580374e7 4.4789934e7 769616.0 Main_Page Deaths_in_2015 link
3.516685e7 4.0218034e7 368694.0 Fifty_Shades_of_Grey Fifty_Shades_of_Grey_(film) link
4.0218034e7 7000810.0 284352.0 Fifty_Shades_of_Grey_(film) Dakota_Johnson link
3.5793706e7 3.7371793e7 253460.0 Arrow_(TV_series) List_of_Arrow_episodes link
3.516685e7 4.3180929e7 249155.0 Fifty_Shades_of_Grey Fifty_Shades_Darker link
4.0218034e7 6138391.0 228742.0 Fifty_Shades_of_Grey_(film) Jamie_Dornan link
4.3180929e7 3.5910161e7 220788.0 Fifty_Shades_Darker Fifty_Shades_Freed link
2.7676616e7 4.0265175e7 192321.0 The_Walking_Dead_(TV_series) The_Walking_Dead_(season_5) link
6138391.0 1076962.0 185700.0 Jamie_Dornan Amelia_Warner link
1.9376148e7 4.4375105e7 185449.0 Stephen_Hawking Jane_Wilde_Hawking link
2.7676616e7 2.8074027e7 161407.0 The_Walking_Dead_(TV_series) List_of_The_Walking_Dead_episodes link
3.4149123e7 4.1844524e7 161081.0 List_of_The_Flash_episodes The_Flash_(2014_TV_series) other
1.1269605e7 1.3542396e7 156313.0 The_Big_Bang_Theory List_of_The_Big_Bang_Theory_episodes link
3.9462431e7 3.4271398e7 152892.0 American_Sniper_(film) Chris_Kyle link
1.5580374e7 1738148.0 148820.0 Main_Page Limpet other
1.5580374e7 4.5298077e7 140335.0 Main_Page TransAsia_Airways_Flight_235 other
7000810.0 484101.0 139682.0 Dakota_Johnson Melanie_Griffith link
4.511931e7 4.256734e7 138179.0 Take_Me_to_Church Take_Me_to_Church_(Hozier_song) link
3.8962787e7 4.1126542e7 136236.0 The_Blacklist_(TV_series) List_of_The_Blacklist_episodes link
3.2262767e7 4.5305174e7 135900.0 Better_Call_Saul Uno_(Better_Call_Saul) link

Load a visualization library

This code is copied after doing a live google search (by Michael Armbrust at Spark Summit East February 2016 shared from The d3ivan package is an updated version of the original package used by Michael Armbrust as it needed some TLC for Spark 2.2 on newer databricks notebook. These changes were kindly made by Ivan Sadikov from Middle Earth.

Warning: classes defined within packages cannot be redefined without a cluster restart.
Compilation successful.

Produces a force-directed graph given a collection of edges of the following form:
case class Edge(src: String, dest: String, count: Long)

import d3._
  height = 500,
  width = 500,
  clicks: Dataset[Edge])

  height = 800,
  width = 1000,
  clicks = sql("""
      prev_title AS src,
      curr_title AS dest,
      n AS count FROM clicks
      curr_title IN ('Donald_Trump', 'Bernie_Sanders', 'Hillary_Rodham_Clinton', 'Ted_Cruz') AND
      prev_id IS NOT NULL AND prev_title != 'Main_Page'
    LIMIT 20""").as[d3ivan.Edge])

Convert raw data to parquet

Apache Parquet is a columnar storage format available to any project in the Hadoop ecosystem, regardless of the choice of data processing framework, data model or programming language. It is a more efficient way to store data frames.

// Convert the DatFrame to a more efficent format to speed up our analysis
  parquet("/datasets/wiki-clickstream") // warnings are harmless

Load parquet file efficiently and quickly into a DataFrame

Now we can simply load from this parquet file next time instead of creating the RDD from the text file (much slower).

Also using parquet files to store DataFrames allows us to go between languages quickly in a a scalable manner.

val clicks ="/datasets/wiki-clickstream")
clicks: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [prev_id: int, curr_id: int ... 4 more fields]
 |-- prev_id: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- curr_id: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- n: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- prev_title: string (nullable = true)
 |-- curr_title: string (nullable = true)
 |-- type: string (nullable = true)
display(clicks)  // let's display this DataFrame
prev_id curr_id n prev_title curr_title type
7009881.0 164003.0 21.0 Mayall John_Mayall link
476786.0 164003.0 86.0 Mick_Taylor John_Mayall link
1.9735547e7 164003.0 10.0 Peter_Green_discography John_Mayall link
244136.0 164003.0 10.0 Macclesfield John_Mayall link
3.3105755e7 164003.0 13.0 The_Yardbirds John_Mayall link
8910430.0 164003.0 34.0 The_Turning_Point_(John_Mayall_album) John_Mayall link
329878.0 164003.0 10.0 Steve_Marriott John_Mayall link
null 164003.0 652.0 other-empty John_Mayall other
null 147396.0 134.0 other-bing John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
1.7865484e7 147396.0 13.0 Timeline_of_heavy_metal_and_hard_rock_music John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
1.5580374e7 147396.0 94.0 Main_Page John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
168254.0 147396.0 23.0 Paul_Butterfield John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers link
322138.0 147396.0 283.0 Peter_Green_(musician) John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers link
null 147396.0 79.0 other-other John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
1.2154926e7 147396.0 13.0 Marshall_Bluesbreaker John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers link
223910.0 147396.0 12.0 Robben_Ford John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
1.4433637e7 147396.0 10.0 Parchman_Farm_(song) John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers link
476786.0 147396.0 213.0 Mick_Taylor John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers link
1.8952282e7 147396.0 13.0 Ric_Grech John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
4113741.0 147396.0 50.0 Rolling_Stone's_500_Greatest_Albums_of_All_Time John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers link
36668.0 147396.0 64.0 Mick_Fleetwood John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers link
null 147396.0 328.0 other-empty John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
166705.0 147396.0 10.0 Thin_Lizzy John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers link
3.3105755e7 147396.0 115.0 The_Yardbirds John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers link
6071392.0 147396.0 45.0 Walter_Trout John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
null 147396.0 269.0 other-wikipedia John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
null 147396.0 21.0 other-twitter John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
null 147396.0 1632.0 other-google John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
null 147396.0 84.0 other-yahoo John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
2771975.0 147396.0 17.0 70th_Birthday_Concert John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers link

Truncated to 30 rows

DataFrame in python
clicksPy ="/datasets/wiki-clickstream")
# in Python you need to put the object int its own line like this to get the type information
Out[2]: DataFrame[prev_id: int, curr_id: int, n: int, prev_title: string, curr_title: string, type: string]
| prev_id|curr_id|  n|          prev_title|          curr_title| type|
| 7009881| 164003| 21|              Mayall|         John_Mayall| link|
|  476786| 164003| 86|         Mick_Taylor|         John_Mayall| link|
|19735547| 164003| 10|Peter_Green_disco...|         John_Mayall| link|
|  244136| 164003| 10|        Macclesfield|         John_Mayall| link|
|33105755| 164003| 13|       The_Yardbirds|         John_Mayall| link|
| 8910430| 164003| 34|The_Turning_Point...|         John_Mayall| link|
|  329878| 164003| 10|      Steve_Marriott|         John_Mayall| link|
|    null| 164003|652|         other-empty|         John_Mayall|other|
|    null| 147396|134|          other-bing|John_Mayall_&_the...|other|
|17865484| 147396| 13|Timeline_of_heavy...|John_Mayall_&_the...|other|
|15580374| 147396| 94|           Main_Page|John_Mayall_&_the...|other|
|  168254| 147396| 23|    Paul_Butterfield|John_Mayall_&_the...| link|
|  322138| 147396|283|Peter_Green_(musi...|John_Mayall_&_the...| link|
|    null| 147396| 79|         other-other|John_Mayall_&_the...|other|
|12154926| 147396| 13|Marshall_Bluesbre...|John_Mayall_&_the...| link|
|  223910| 147396| 12|         Robben_Ford|John_Mayall_&_the...|other|
|14433637| 147396| 10|Parchman_Farm_(song)|John_Mayall_&_the...| link|
|  476786| 147396|213|         Mick_Taylor|John_Mayall_&_the...| link|
|18952282| 147396| 13|           Ric_Grech|John_Mayall_&_the...|other|
| 4113741| 147396| 50|Rolling_Stone's_5...|John_Mayall_&_the...| link|
only showing top 20 rows

Now you can continue from the original python notebook tweeted by Michael.

Recall from the beginning of this notebook that this python databricks notebook was used in the talk by Michael Armbrust at Spark Summit East February 2016 shared from

(watch now, if you haven't already!)

Michael Armbrust Spark Summit East

You Try!

Try to laoad a DataFrame in R from the parquet file just as we did for python. Read the docs in databricks guide first:

And see the R example in the Programming Guide:


# just a quick test
df <- createDataFrame(faithful)
# Read in the Parquet file created above. Parquet files are self-describing so the schema is preserved.
# The result of loading a parquet file is also a DataFrame.
clicksR <- read.df("/datasets/wiki-clickstream", source = "parquet")
clicksR # in R you need to put the object int its own line like this to get the type information
prev_id curr_id n prev_title curr_title type
7009881.0 164003.0 21.0 Mayall John_Mayall link
476786.0 164003.0 86.0 Mick_Taylor John_Mayall link
1.9735547e7 164003.0 10.0 Peter_Green_discography John_Mayall link
244136.0 164003.0 10.0 Macclesfield John_Mayall link
3.3105755e7 164003.0 13.0 The_Yardbirds John_Mayall link
8910430.0 164003.0 34.0 The_Turning_Point_(John_Mayall_album) John_Mayall link
329878.0 164003.0 10.0 Steve_Marriott John_Mayall link
null 164003.0 652.0 other-empty John_Mayall other
null 147396.0 134.0 other-bing John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
1.7865484e7 147396.0 13.0 Timeline_of_heavy_metal_and_hard_rock_music John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
1.5580374e7 147396.0 94.0 Main_Page John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
168254.0 147396.0 23.0 Paul_Butterfield John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers link
322138.0 147396.0 283.0 Peter_Green_(musician) John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers link
null 147396.0 79.0 other-other John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
1.2154926e7 147396.0 13.0 Marshall_Bluesbreaker John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers link
223910.0 147396.0 12.0 Robben_Ford John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
1.4433637e7 147396.0 10.0 Parchman_Farm_(song) John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers link
476786.0 147396.0 213.0 Mick_Taylor John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers link
1.8952282e7 147396.0 13.0 Ric_Grech John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
4113741.0 147396.0 50.0 Rolling_Stone's_500_Greatest_Albums_of_All_Time John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers link
36668.0 147396.0 64.0 Mick_Fleetwood John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers link
null 147396.0 328.0 other-empty John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
166705.0 147396.0 10.0 Thin_Lizzy John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers link
3.3105755e7 147396.0 115.0 The_Yardbirds John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers link
6071392.0 147396.0 45.0 Walter_Trout John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
null 147396.0 269.0 other-wikipedia John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
null 147396.0 21.0 other-twitter John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
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null 147396.0 84.0 other-yahoo John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers other
2771975.0 147396.0 17.0 70th_Birthday_Concert John_Mayall_&_the_Bluesbreakers link

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