databricks archive files for the course

Follow these steps to get all the course notebooks into your free databricks community edition at once (FAQ on databricks community edition).

This is very useful after the notes have been updated to your questions.

Step 1 - Download

Download the archive files to your local machine by downloading from the following links:

This is also depicted in the images below created on Sun Sep 17 16:03:09 CEST 2017.



Step 2 - Upload

  • Got to your databricks community edition and
    1. create a Folder called scalable-data-science in your Workspace
    2. import the sds-2-2.dbc file into your scalable-data-science Folder.
    3. import xtraResources.dbc into scalable-data-science Folder.

NOTE: If you periodically update to the latest set of notes as they are being created interactively, you may want to delete or rename the previously uploaded versions that you may hae modified differently.