SDS-2.2, Scalable Data Science

Archived YouTube video of this live unedited lab-lecture:

Archived YouTube video of this live unedited lab-lecture

Activity Recognition from Accelerometer using Random Forest

This work is a simpler databricksification of Amira Lakhal's more complex framework for activity recognition:

Amira's video

See Section below on Download and Load Data first.

val data = sc.textFile("dbfs:///datasets/sds/ActivityRecognition/dataTraining.csv")
data: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = dbfs:///datasets/sds/ActivityRecognition/dataTraining.csv MapPartitionsRDD[45250] at textFile at <console>:34
val dataDF =    
    .format("com.databricks.spark.csv") // use spark.csv package
    .option("header", "true") // Use first line of all files as header
    .option("inferSchema", "true") // Automatically infer data types
    .option("delimiter", ",") // Specify the delimiter as ','
dataDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [user_id: string, activity: string ... 4 more fields]
 |-- user_id: string (nullable = true)
 |-- activity: string (nullable = true)
 |-- timeStampAsLong: long (nullable = true)
 |-- x: double (nullable = true)
 |-- y: double (nullable = true)
 |-- z: double (nullable = true)
user_id activity timeStampAsLong x y z
user_001 Jumping 1.446047227606e12 4.33079 -12.72175 -3.18118
user_001 Jumping 1.446047227671e12 0.575403 -0.727487 2.95007
user_001 Jumping 1.446047227735e12 -1.60885 3.52607 -0.1922
user_001 Jumping 1.446047227799e12 0.690364 -3.7722e-2 1.72382
user_001 Jumping 1.446047227865e12 3.44943 -1.68549 2.29862
user_001 Jumping 1.44604722793e12 1.87829 -1.91542 0.880768
user_001 Jumping 1.446047227995e12 1.57173 -5.86241 -3.75599
user_001 Jumping 1.446047228059e12 3.41111 -17.93331 0.535886
user_001 Jumping 1.446047228123e12 3.18118 -19.58108 5.74745
user_001 Jumping 1.446047228189e12 7.85626 -19.2362 0.804128
user_001 Jumping 1.446047228253e12 1.26517 -8.85139 2.18366
user_001 Jumping 1.446047228318e12 7.7239e-2 1.15021 1.53221
user_001 Jumping 1.446047228383e12 0.230521 2.0699 -1.41845
user_001 Jumping 1.446047228447e12 0.652044 -0.497565 1.76214
user_001 Jumping 1.446047228512e12 1.53341 -0.305964 1.41725
user_001 Jumping 1.446047228578e12 -1.07237 -1.95374 0.191003
user_001 Jumping 1.446047228642e12 2.75966 -13.75639 0.191003
user_001 Jumping 1.446047228707e12 7.43474 -19.58108 2.95007
user_001 Jumping 1.446047228771e12 5.63368 -19.58108 5.59417
user_001 Jumping 1.446047228836e12 5.02056 -11.72542 -1.38013
user_001 Jumping 1.4460472289e12 -2.10702 0.575403 1.07237
user_001 Jumping 1.446047228966e12 -1.30229 2.2615 -1.26517
user_001 Jumping 1.44604722903e12 1.68669 -0.957409 1.57053
user_001 Jumping 1.446047229095e12 2.60638 -0.229323 2.14534
user_001 Jumping 1.446047229159e12 1.30349 -0.152682 0.497565
user_001 Jumping 1.446047229224e12 1.64837 -8.12331 1.60885
user_001 Jumping 1.44604722929e12 0.15388 -18.46979 -1.03525
user_001 Jumping 1.446047229354e12 4.98224 -19.58108 0.995729
user_001 Jumping 1.446047229419e12 5.17384 -19.2362 0.612526
user_001 Jumping 1.446047229483e12 2.03158 -9.11964 1.34061

Truncated to 30 rows

res2: Long = 13679$"user_id").distinct().show()
| user_id|
| Sitting|
| Walking|
| Jumping|
| Jogging|
user_id activity timeStampAsLong x y z
user_001 Jumping 1.446047227865e12 3.44943 -1.68549 2.29862
user_001 Jumping 1.44604722793e12 1.87829 -1.91542 0.880768
user_001 Jumping 1.446047228836e12 5.02056 -11.72542 -1.38013
user_001 Jumping 1.446047229159e12 1.30349 -0.152682 0.497565
user_001 Jumping 1.446047229419e12 5.17384 -19.2362 0.612526
user_001 Jumping 1.446047230066e12 7.89458 -16.9753 0.229323
user_001 Jumping 1.44604723026e12 -1.95374 -0.114362 -0.268841
user_001 Jumping 1.446047233368e12 1.83997 -0.152682 1.41725
user_001 Jumping 1.446047233692e12 1.91661 -2.95007 -0.345482
user_001 Jumping 1.44604723531e12 -2.18366 3.14286 -0.1922
user_001 Jumping 1.446047235504e12 1.95493 -0.689167 1.49389
user_001 Jumping 1.446047235828e12 10.577 -19.4278 -1.57173
user_001 Jumping 1.446047236086e12 0.15388 -0.305964 0.995729
user_001 Jumping 1.446047237057e12 10.34708 -19.58108 2.37526
user_001 Jumping 1.446047237317e12 -1.64717 -0.650847 1.41725
user_001 Jumping 1.446047237964e12 2.6447 -3.7722e-2 1.18733
user_001 Jumping 1.446047238481e12 -0.152682 -1.41725 -1.22685
user_001 Jumping 1.446047238806e12 5.99e-4 -0.650847 0.497565
user_001 Jumping 1.446047239647e12 9.58068 -19.58108 1.53221
user_001 Jumping 1.446047239841e12 0.11556 2.10822 -2.6447
user_001 Jumping 1.446047240618e12 0.268841 -1.91542 3.06503
user_001 Jumping 1.446047241654e12 10.15548 -19.58108 8.58315
user_001 Jumping 1.446047241977e12 0.15388 -0.919089 2.18366
user_001 Jumping 1.446047242948e12 13.02951 -19.58108 -0.498763
user_001 Jumping 1.446047243207e12 7.7239e-2 -0.344284 1.91542
user_001 Jumping 1.446047243531e12 11.57333 -19.58108 0.344284
user_003 Jumping 1.446047778746e12 -0.842448 0.11556 -1.26517
user_003 Jumping 1.44604777894e12 -1.76214 -15.44249 -2.68302
user_003 Jumping 1.446047779524e12 -2.91174 3.10454 -2.37646
user_003 Jumping 1.44604778043e12 -1.99206 -14.44616 -3.64103

Truncated to 30 rows

Feature Selection on Running Windows

A Markov Process Assumption

This is sensible since the subjects are not instantaneously changing between the activities of interest: sitting, walking, jogging, etc. Thus it makes sense to try and use the most recent accelerometer readings (from the immediate past) to predict the current activity.

See the following for a crash introduction to windows:

 // Import the window functions.
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

// Create a window specification
val windowSize = 10
val wSpec1 = Window.partitionBy("user_id","activity").orderBy("timeStampAsLong").rowsBetween(-windowSize, 0)
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
windowSize: Int = 10
wSpec1: org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.WindowSpec = org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.WindowSpec@69e228a1
 // Calculate the moving window statistics from data
val dataFeatDF = dataDF
      .withColumn( "meanX", mean($"x").over(wSpec1)  )
      .withColumn( "meanY", mean($"y").over(wSpec1)  )
      .withColumn( "meanZ", mean($"z").over(wSpec1)  ) 
//resultant = 1/n * ∑ √(x² + y² + z²)
      .withColumn( "SqX", pow($"x",2.0) )
      .withColumn( "SqY", pow($"y",2.0) )
      .withColumn( "SqZ", pow($"z",2.0) )
      .withColumn( "resultant", pow( $"SqX"+$"SqY"+$"SqZ",0.50 ) )
      .withColumn( "meanResultant", mean("resultant").over(wSpec1) )
// (1 / n ) * ∑ |b - mean_b|, for b in {x,y,z} 
      .withColumn( "absDevFromMeanX", abs($"x" - $"meanX") )
      .withColumn( "absDevFromMeanY", abs($"y" - $"meanY") )
      .withColumn( "absDevFromMeanZ", abs($"z" - $"meanZ") )
      .withColumn( "meanAbsDevFromMeanX", mean("absDevFromMeanX").over(wSpec1) )
      .withColumn( "meanAbsDevFromMeanY", mean("absDevFromMeanY").over(wSpec1) )
      .withColumn( "meanAbsDevFromMeanZ", mean("absDevFromMeanZ").over(wSpec1) )
//standard deviation  = √ variance = √ 1/n * ∑ (x - u)² with u = mean x
      .withColumn( "sqrDevFromMeanX", pow($"absDevFromMeanX",2.0) )
      .withColumn( "sqrDevFromMeanY", pow($"absDevFromMeanY",2.0) )
      .withColumn( "sqrDevFromMeanZ", pow($"absDevFromMeanZ",2.0) )
      .withColumn( "varianceX", mean("sqrDevFromMeanX").over(wSpec1) )
      .withColumn( "varianceY", mean("sqrDevFromMeanY").over(wSpec1) )
      .withColumn( "varianceZ", mean("sqrDevFromMeanZ").over(wSpec1) )
      .withColumn( "stddevX", pow($"varianceX",0.50) )
      .withColumn( "stddevY", pow($"varianceY",0.50) )
      .withColumn( "stddevZ", pow($"varianceZ",0.50) )
dataFeatDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [user_id: string, activity: string ... 27 more fields]
user_id activity timeStampAsLong x y z meanX meanY meanZ SqX SqY SqZ
user_003 Jumping 1.446047779653e12 0.422122 -0.114362 0.344284 -2.6922735454545452 -7.0398891818181815 -1.9375156363636363 0.178186982884 1.3078667044000002e-2 0.11853147265599999
user_003 Jumping 1.446047780884e12 -3.40991 -17.51178 -4.59904 -2.584279636363636 -9.589930636363636 -2.491419090909091 11.6274862081 306.6624387684001 21.151168921599997
user_003 Jumping 1.446047780948e12 -1.95374 -10.61413 -2.91294 -2.3961623636363636 -9.659604272727274 -2.721340727272727 3.8170999876000002 112.65975565689999 8.485219443599998
user_003 Jumping 1.446047781467e12 -5.97737 -18.16323 -5.59536 -2.981418818181818 -10.97991272727273 -2.8049481818181814 35.7289521169 329.90292403289993 31.308053529600002
user_003 Jumping 1.446047781596e12 -2.14534 -8.88971 -1.18853 -2.922197 -10.164735454545452 -2.7387581818181816 4.6024837156 79.02694388409998 1.4126035609000003
user_003 Jumping 1.446047781985e12 -2.91174 -18.35483 -4.714 -2.6469867272727274 -9.426197727272728 -2.8293346363636362 8.4782298276 336.8997843289 22.221796000000005
user_003 Jumping 1.446047782244e12 -1.45557 -7.85507 -1.22685 -1.814390272727273 -7.060789545454545 -2.1012500909090908 2.1186840249000003 61.70212470490001 1.5051609225
user_003 Jumping 1.446047783021e12 -1.76214 -12.22358 -5.67201 -2.2951368181818177 -8.046666363636364 -2.6028974545454546 3.1051373796000004 149.4159080164 32.171697440100004
user_003 Jumping 1.446047783474e12 -2.8351 -4.63616 -3.75599 -1.9258677272727274 -6.823900909090909 -2.5610926363636364 8.03779201 21.493979545600002 14.107460880100001
user_003 Jumping 1.446047783992e12 -1.11069 -2.2603 -2.56806 -2.2568150909090905 -5.95298490909091 -2.355556909090909 1.2336322760999998 5.1089560899999995 6.5949321636
user_003 Jumping 1.446047784252e12 -1.49389 -6.7821 -2.0699 -2.1836587272727273 -8.224333090909091 -2.9861 2.2317073320999996 45.996880409999996 4.28448601
user_003 Jumping 1.446047784575e12 -4.02303 -14.98264 -2.2615 -2.3125530909090912 -8.830490727272728 -2.8328186363636365 16.1847703809 224.4795013696 5.114382249999999
user_003 Jumping 1.446047784834e12 -2.4519 1.22685 -1.41845 -2.437966090909091 -8.32535918181818 -2.7561781818181816 6.011813610000001 1.5051609225 2.0120004025
user_003 Jumping 1.446047785029e12 -2.29862 -4.3296 -4.63736 -2.2672662727272725 -6.458115181818181 -2.658635181818182 5.2836539044 18.74543616 21.505107769600002
user_003 Jumping 1.446047785158e12 -4.3296 -19.38948 -5.17384 -2.127920545454545 -8.778236090909092 -3.0174524545454546 18.74543616 375.95193467039996 26.768620345600002
user_003 Jumping 1.446047786582e12 -1.60885 -8.92803 -1.15021 -1.72033 -7.0468553636363644 -2.543672454545455 2.5883983225 79.7097196809 1.3229830441
user_003 Jumping 1.446047787489e12 -1.26397 -9.34956 -3.06622 -2.2533315454545453 -9.036027545454546 -3.620126181818182 1.5976201609 87.41427219360001 9.4017050884
user_003 Jumping 1.446047788071e12 -0.382604 -7.1653 -1.83997 -2.674855818181818 -10.45388 -3.4598772727272733 0.146385820816 51.34152409 3.3854896009
user_003 Jumping 1.446047788719e12 -2.10702 -7.31858 -2.10822 -1.7900063636363635 -6.74029190909091 -2.6690856363636364 4.439533280399999 53.5616132164 4.444591568400001
user_003 Jumping 1.446047789107e12 -1.68549 -16.36218 -5.25048 -2.5738300000000005 -11.50246181818182 -3.9475918181818175 2.8408765400999996 267.7209343524 27.567540230399995
user_003 Jumping 1.44604779066e12 -2.60518 -15.05928 -6.01689 -2.5877650909090915 -8.827006454545455 -3.494715818181818 6.7869628323999995 226.78191411839998 36.2029652721
user_003 Jumping 1.44604779079e12 -3.25663 -5.97737 -3.0279 -2.1906269090909096 -7.339481909090909 -3.2508585454545456 10.6056389569 35.7289521169 9.16817841
user_003 Jumping 1.446047790984e12 -3.94639 -5.36425 -3.75599 -2.120953181818182 -7.109561 -3.2508581818181814 15.5739940321 28.7751780625 14.107460880100001
user_003 Jumping 1.446047791179e12 -2.52854 -15.36585 -6.66833 -3.0545750000000003 -11.485044545454546 -4.7697354545454544 6.3935145316 236.1093462225 44.4666249889
user_003 Jumping 1.446047791956e12 -1.22565 -8.16163 -2.56806 -1.9467694545454548 -7.25935781818182 -2.9965508181818183 1.5022179224999999 66.61220425690001 6.5949321636
user_003 Jumping 1.446047792928e12 -3.17999 -6.20729 -2.29982 -2.2846846363636364 -7.161816454545454 -2.9268770909090907 10.1123364001 38.530449144100004 5.2891720324
user_003 Jumping 1.446047793122e12 -3.29495 -3.90807 -3.94759 -2.758463545454546 -7.562438181818181 -3.372786181818181 10.856695502500001 15.2730111249 15.583466808099999
user_006 Walking 1.446046893823e12 -3.10335 -4.86608 -2.14654 -3.7452125 -7.615565 -1.72501375 9.6307812225 23.678734566400003 4.607633971599999
user_006 Walking 1.446046894342e12 -4.67448 -5.93905 -1.15021 -4.953174545454546 -7.329032727272727 -2.519289818181818 21.850763270399998 35.2723149025 1.3229830441
user_006 Walking 1.4460468946e12 -9.00468 -11.11229 -1.61005 -6.134137272727273 -8.196464545454544 -2.0873150000000003 81.0842619024 123.4829890441 2.5922610025

Truncated to 30 rows

Truncated to 12 cols

val splits = dataFeatDF.randomSplit(Array(0.7, 0.3))
val (trainingData, testData) = (splits(0), splits(1))
splits: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[org.apache.spark.sql.Row]] = Array([user_id: string, activity: string ... 27 more fields], [user_id: string, activity: string ... 27 more fields])
trainingData: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = [user_id: string, activity: string ... 27 more fields]
testData: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = [user_id: string, activity: string ... 27 more fields]




val transformers = Array(
              new StringIndexer().setInputCol("activity").setOutputCol("label"),
              new VectorAssembler()
                      .setInputCols(Array("meanX", "meanY", "meanZ", "stddevX", "stddevY","stddevZ"))

// Train a RandomForest model.
val rf = new RandomForestClassifier() 

val model = new Pipeline().setStages(transformers :+ rf).fit(trainingData)
import{StringIndexer, VectorAssembler}
transformers: Array[ with with{def copy(extra: with with{def copy(extra: with with}}] = Array(strIdx_865d012b7f68, vecAssembler_7ddfcff33c0c)
rf: = rfc_531a2c5f8138
model: = pipeline_286ffbefb82f
val accuracy: Double = 1.0 * model.transform(testData)
                                  .filter($"label"===$"prediction").count() / testData.count()
accuracy: Double = 0.9795042897998093

We get 98% correct predictions and here are the mis-predicted ones.

activity label prediction
Jumping 4.0 0.0
Walking 2.0 1.0
Walking 2.0 1.0
Walking 2.0 0.0
Walking 2.0 0.0
Walking 2.0 0.0
Walking 2.0 0.0
Jumping 4.0 0.0
Jumping 4.0 0.0
Jumping 4.0 0.0
Jumping 4.0 0.0
Jumping 4.0 0.0
Jumping 4.0 0.0
Jumping 4.0 0.0
Jumping 4.0 0.0
Jumping 4.0 0.0
Jumping 4.0 0.0
Jogging 0.0 4.0
Jumping 4.0 0.0
Jumping 4.0 0.0
Jogging 0.0 2.0
Jogging 0.0 4.0
Jogging 0.0 2.0
Jogging 0.0 4.0
Jogging 0.0 4.0
Jogging 0.0 4.0
Jogging 0.0 1.0
Jogging 0.0 1.0
Jumping 4.0 0.0
Walking 2.0 0.0

Truncated to 30 rows

Download and Load Data

The following anonymized dataset is used with kind permission of Amira Lakhal.

--2017-01-09 23:39:33--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 931349 (910K) [text/csv]
Saving to: ‘dataTraining.csv’

     0K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  5%  131K 7s
    50K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 10%  262K 5s
   100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 16%  263K 4s
   150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 21%  263K 3s
   200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 27% 57.5M 3s
   250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 32%  264K 2s
   300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 38% 65.2M 2s
   350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 43% 68.4M 1s
   400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 49%  264K 1s
   450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 54% 57.0M 1s
   500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 60% 54.2M 1s
   550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 65%  265K 1s
   600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 71% 55.4M 1s
   650K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 76% 67.7M 0s
   700K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 82% 49.9M 0s
   750K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 87%  636K 0s
   800K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 93%  455K 0s
   850K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 98% 67.5M 0s
   900K .........                                             100% 57.1M=1.7s

2017-01-09 23:39:35 (530 KB/s) - ‘dataTraining.csv’ saved [931349/931349]
pwd && ls
res13: Boolean = true
path name size
dbfs:/datasets/sds/ActivityRecognition/dataTraining.csv dataTraining.csv 931349.0